New patch (1.6), new thread for continuing the previous one because I'm sure, despite of CDPR efforts to fix as many bugs as possible, we'll manage to find bugs here and there

1.5 Ongoing Bugs List - [1.52]
New patch, new version, new thread for continuing the previous one. https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/1-3-ongoing-bugs-list.11092387/ It's not a thread for complaining, so stay constructive. If it's possible, take screenshots and explain where, when, why and how it happen. And...

It's not a thread for complaining, so please, stay constructive.
If it's possible, take screenshots/videos and explain where, when, why, how and on which platform it happen.
And if it's not already done, please to report it to the official support :
- If you use or used mods, be sure it also happen without (no need to add useless work to CDPR support) :
Perform a clean-install of the game and try on a save created after.
How do I perform a clean install of the game? — Cyberpunk 2077 | Technical Support — CD PROJEKT RED
Welcome to CD PROJEKT RED Technical Support! Here you will find help regarding our games and services, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

- If possible, provide a save to the support (especially with quests issue/bug).
Cyberpunk 2077 - PC | Technical Support — CD PROJEKT RED
Welcome to CD PROJEKT RED Technical Support! Here you will find help regarding our games and services, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Thanks in advance and don't forget the most important, have fun !
(A little in advance, but I'm the game is almost updated on my console^^)
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