A (perfect?) solution to destroy netdecking and to achieve more deck-balance

  • The following suggestion is considered as an ADDITIONAL, NEW playmode.
    • I don't think it makes sense to replace the existing normal mode, cause the suggestion is more complicated for average players
    • I think it would makes sense to apply it as soon as you reached PRO rank and only for PRO players (climbing up to 1 doesn't need to be changed)
    • so targeted group of players would be pro players
  • i know, this is not going to happen since game reached the end of life circle and noone is developing it, even if people would consider it to be a good addition. i just add this as thoughts/ideas to discuss for the community

basically, all stays like it is, the only thing that changes is, BEFORE of start of round1 and the exchanging of the first 3 cards for round1 the players
  1. will see what faction and leader(skill) the opponent has
  2. now each player can exchange up to 3 cards of their default used deck (=the deck you selected for playing) against ANY valid card from the DECK BUILDER, so from ALL possible cards
    1. this means you can choose 3 different cards, valid up to the same total provision amount of the 3 cards you want to exchange
    2. you can not exchange by cards from other factions of course, so same mechanic as in deck builder
  3. after that round1 changes normally and you can exchange the first 3 cards from your new deck
  • by knowing the leaderskill you could react against the causes that make a deck toxic, e.g.
    • you see that your opponent uses locking => add some purify status cards
    • you see that your opponent uses mobilization => you could guess, he will use reavers => add some undestroyable unit
    • ...
the general idea is, that decks would no longer be binary but instead can be countered by their weaknesses if required. even if that would mean you need to alter your own "perfect" deck.

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Simples, i think its a bad idea.

First - why create a New Mode in a game wich the base players is lower and lower?


Second - this would never destroy nwtdeckers, do contrary it Will be only One or two decks playing.
Players Will get The Best deck, wich has lower counters and play it.
Lwts take The NG renfri meta. Wich cards could be soooo good that can destroy that deck? (maybe a row punishment, but even that was not garante).
So in that meta and in this Mode People would only play that deck. And in mirror matches wich Card you need to change? No One, so The Mode would be "dead" and The netdeckers would still be alive
I don’t know how much this will prevent net-decking, but I believe it would make play much less net-deck like. Good players will adapt decks to better compete with anticipated opponents; weaker players who do not understand matchups will not rise as easily. So at least, each matchup will mean a slightly different deck.

But the bigger advantage is that this would reduce the success (and hopefully the frequency) of highly binary decks that win simply because the matched opponent lacks the right counter.

What I see as the issue is the time required to make the card substitutions. At the pace I create decks, I would be rushed to do this in 10 minutes — but a 10 minute phase to each match is clearly not feasible. A reasonable one or two minute limit would virtually force players to preplan the substitution for every possible opposing leader — a task which is both tedious and daunting.

And then I can see mind games where players deliberately pick suboptimal leaders to entice a poor choice of substitutions from the opponent.

I definitely find the idea interesting, but I would need to actually see it in action to judge whether it really improves the game.
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