About the endings [SPOILERS ALERT]


which one did you like the most

  • The Devil: V accepts the proposal of Arosaka and into micosi as construct

  • V accepts arosaka offer, but return to earth with 6 moths of live

  • V becomes a night city legend, and trying to save his live in some tipe of space station

  • V leaving his past and night city with aldecaldos and his love, to find smb who can help

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Guys, we can discuss which wontsovki are bad, etc
. We can ask them to redo something
We can ask you to save the main character's life in the dlc
Argue about what they meant
But I want to create this post for another, I want everyone to remember what ending he liked the most, which caused unforgettable emotions not only at 1 viewing, but also at repetitions, when you are always getting goosebumps
i want that here we would choose the most correct and canonical ending,
if CD PR RED notice us, they can take it into account, because if you look at the truth, the endings are all beautiful, but most people want to get the continuation of the life story V in the dlc or the next parts, you just have to decide how.

all thanks

About the vote
I didn't add the endings with joni and suicide because V dies in this case
More personal opinion
I believe that the most correct ending is considered to be with nomads, due to the fact that there V hopes only for himself and lets go of the past because of which he lost almost everything, as well as this is the only chance for a good ending with a love interest
I honestly thought all the endings sucked. I don't mean that in a creative sense, but they killed my desire to replay the game. How about at least one ending where V straight out lives? Jeez...not enough misery in the world that we need more in our video games? I loved the setting, loved the side missions, but they could have left out the whole main story and it would have been fine with me. Another example of a company trying to be too edgy.
I honestly thought all the endings sucked. I don't mean that in a creative sense, but they killed my desire to replay the game. How about at least one ending where V straight out lives? Jeez...not enough misery in the world that we need more in our video games? I loved the setting, loved the side missions, but they could have left out the whole main story and it would have been fine with me. Another example of a company trying to be too edgy.
Bro, we were told the whole game that the chip can not be removed without killing you, but in the end with Arosaka you calmly pull it out, and then they tell you about half a year, only a dumb AI and Dr from Arosaka, dumb sources of information XD
If V didn't have a chance, we wouldn't have been told about the Panam contacts and Misty wouldn't have said that everything was clear)
Think of an ending for yourself or wait for the dls if it's about this
There is no ending i like. Because in the end the entire story is pointless. The entire time the whole story is that the chip can not be removed without killing V, but in the end it kills V anyway.

If V never had a chance to survive what exactly was the entire point? Ah yes become a Legend of Night City? And what about those of us who play for a happy ending with Panam?
What about those who play for a happy ending with Judy? Can this poor women handle another dead person or will she jump off a roof after watching V die?
Or any other character you had a romance with.
And even aside from that. After all the things V did or tried to save himself/herself it feels depressing knowing that in the end it does not matter what you do. V dies. All you can decide in the endings is which poor souls you take with you to die. Or if you prefer you can go solo and lose no one aside from V and Johnny.

The point in the entire Story was to get help and try to save V's Life. In the end it turns out regardless what you do V is dead the moment the Chip entered V or to be more correct the moment soulkiller got activated.
Even in Mass Effect 3 (Which is in my top 3 of endings that fucked up an entire franchise) the death of the MC has a meaning as you at least safe an entire Universe with your sacrifice. Same in Dragon Age. But here it is just depressing.

But here it feels absolutely pointless. I wanted to make a second playthrough but now with the things i know the motivation for it is non existing.
Only ending I really felt completed the story was the nomad ending. Feel like it allows V to at least live his last few months happily.

Really hoping they do a dlc that continues on the Panam story arc because I feel there could be so much more there.
I honestly thought all the endings sucked. I don't mean that in a creative sense, but they killed my desire to replay the game. How about at least one ending where V straight out lives? Jeez...not enough misery in the world that we need more in our video games? I loved the setting, loved the side missions, but they could have left out the whole main story and it would have been fine with me. Another example of a company trying to be too edgy.

There is no ending i like. Because in the end the entire story is pointless. The entire time the whole story is that the chip can not be removed without killing V, but in the end it kills V anyway.

People keep saying V dies no matter what, but I really think they're ignoring some important parts of the Nomad ending.

Panam tells you that they'll go to all their Nomad contacts, saying their people have been pulled out of some really deep holes in the past.

Then, at the final line of the ending, Misty reads you a tarot, and says "V... You know what I drew? The Chariot, the Lovers, and the Sun! Looks like you've got a pretty good life ahead of you out there in the Badlands."

But, I guess people need these things spelled out for them.
Yea havent even finished the game myself but got serious bad vibes from the voodo boys quest chain and the promt to do sidequests or save here cuz you cant do sidequests untill you finnish the game.. Looked up the endings and just no.. I wont finnish this game untill there is atleast some input from the players in the story. I lost all will to play this game and havent touched it for a couple of days. I really dont know what they were thinking with these endings...
People keep saying V dies no matter what, but I really think they're ignoring some important parts of the Nomad ending.

Panam tells you that they'll go to all their Nomad contacts, saying their people have been pulled out of some really deep holes in the past.

Then, at the final line of the ending, Misty reads you a tarot, and says "V... You know what I drew? The Chariot, the Lovers, and the Sun! Looks like you've got a pretty good life ahead of you out there in the Badlands."

But, I guess people need these things spelled out for them.

100%, I feel like they gotta do something with this. Seems way more intricate and gives you heaps on foundation for a story that can be coming. Fingers crossed coz I think a lot of people wanna see more Panam lol
I dont really want to become a legend if Night City, or some else stupid child dream bs.
There's plenty of opportunities for those who want their V to die in glory.
But why there's literally ZERO options for players like me, who just want V to survive. (and live longer than 6 months)?
Stupid af
If V never had a chance to survive what exactly was the entire point? Ah yes become a Legend of Night City?
Quite a few people come back to the become a legend aspect. But as you play through with V, his outlook and perspective change. One of the later missions with Panam, think it's the end of Queen of the Highway, V is just "trying to live with it, survive actually". I think it could be extended to all scenarios in CP2077, but in this instance with Panam, it feels as if V has come to value just being alive over dying a legend, especially if its a life with Panam.

This makes the endings even more pointless. Not only offering decisions which make little difference to outcome, but also imparting meaningful change and development of a character which become utterly redundant in the end
People keep saying V dies no matter what, but I really think they're ignoring some important parts of the Nomad ending.

Panam tells you that they'll go to all their Nomad contacts, saying their people have been pulled out of some really deep holes in the past.

Then, at the final line of the ending, Misty reads you a tarot, and says "V... You know what I drew? The Chariot, the Lovers, and the Sun! Looks like you've got a pretty good life ahead of you out there in the Badlands."

But, I guess people need these things spelled out for them.

6 Months of a pretty good life you mean. What do you even mean by "But, I guess people need these things spelled out for them?"
V is dead regardless what the Ending tells you. If the Nomads could rewrite your DNA the same way the Biochip did and all of Arasaka could not undo do you honestly believe they would still be Nomads? Your post literally made 0 sense. V is dead and the 6 months of a happy life do not change anything about that fact.
Yeah, I found that weird and depressing too. I thought for sure there would be a way to upload V's engram and then load it back into a new body like a Ghost in the Shell type deal. Then when you restart you can go beyond the level cap in a new Super Cyber Body (5000).

Ending could have been. You'd be V + Johnny. Or just V. Or just Johnny. Or have one ending where they both die. Rare ending could be Alt comes back instead as a repentant gesture from Johnny, with V's approval of course.

I guess what would make the ending "happy" is for the player to decide. With one that is clearly an unhappy ending. No one thought of that? Really? With all the philosophy and spirituality in the game, I thought for sure this was about transcendence in some way or another. Oh well...
6 Months of a pretty good life you mean. What do you even mean by "But, I guess people need these things spelled out for them?"
V is dead regardless what the Ending tells you. If the Nomads could rewrite your DNA the same way the Biochip did and all of Arasaka could not undo do you honestly believe they would still be Nomads? Your post literally made 0 sense. V is dead and the 6 months of a happy life do not change anything about that fact.

Guess I'll spell it out for you.

Arasaka and Alt both have ulterior motives and very likely lie about V's condition being incurable. When you talk to Panam in the Nomad end, if you choose the right options, V will say "Vik's pills are helping". So, what do you think's more likely - That Vik, a junkie has-been back-alley ripperdoc is smarter than Arasaka's space-station doctors, or that Arasaka, a megacorporation with literally zero reason to continue helping you either lied or just doesn't give a shit?

This becomes even more obvious when you take the events in the Devil ending. When Hellman tells you that you can't be saved, if you tell him that you and Hanako had a deal, he replies "And both sides have fulfilled their respective ends. You, your case, your troubles, no longer interest Hanako."

About Panam, they mention that the people who can help are contacts, not necessarily Nomads, though it wouldn't matter either way. Nomads come from all walks of life, as is made pretty obvious in the game. Nomads love freedom, that's why they are Nomads. Not because they are idiot hicks.

Then, Misty's tarot about V having a pretty good life ahead.

There's more in the Legend ending, if you mention the reason Mr. Blue-Eyes hired you, he says "You know why I hired you? Because I know you'd do anything at all for even the faintest chance at survival." The obvious implication here is that V will get some chance at survival out of doing this big job, which means that a chance for survival exists outside of Arasaka, which means that it's entirely possible Panam's contacts could help.

A lot more is said in the subtext (that no one paid attention to) than the actual endings.

Do you really think they'd drop so many glaring hints for no reason?
Not one of them

V could have a 'Happy Ever After', but I guess that's not something that the 'suits' want
but without this where is the game going to sell DLC???
Do you really think they'd drop so many glaring hints for no reason?
No, too much suggests what is happening isn't real.

I have been going through the literature scattered throughout the world. V keeps being told to look beyond the corporeal. NC is all superficial with no soul. Or rather it denies the soul out of shame. Side quests and the main story seem to hint at this being only a singular event that has no end or even goal. Just struggle.

Why even play "the game"..?

"Whoa!" - Keanu Reeves
I did the Nomad ending, and during the credits i think its hinted, rather obviously too, that they managed to slow the process down, no? not just Misty and the Nomads, Vic literally said "Dont forget to get yourself checkup once in a while, any dust or dirt gets under that insulation and youre done." sounds to me like V is fine, at least temporarily. maybe its just a wishful thinking tho :p
V is fine. I was a Corpo, like that matters, and I chose to come back and be with Panam.


So the "expansion" is I come back and actually have a choice. This whole game is just a prologue to the actual game.

I hope so...

hold me...
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