Alzur's Double-Cross needs slight improvement?

Alzur's Double-Cross needs slight improvement?

After having playing with this Silver card for quite some time, I noticed that it pulls your spy, however, I don't see any problems with it pulling your spy but in future could the Alzur's Double-cross boost the highest bronze or silver non-spying unit by 2 then play it instead of any unit that it pulls?

I think this would be a neat improvement to Alzur's Double-cross, as pulling a spy isn't really pleasant when you are giving more points to the opponent by an additional 2 points from a Special Silver card. Although, it is good as it finds your spy but at the expense of what cause, losing to an additional 2 points?

And in Gwent, points matters more than anything else on the board.

The most important use is in Henselt decks, when they want to give more points to the opponent, so that the opponent is closer to being more than 20 points ahead. And in return, that can summon the Dun Banner from their decks
The card is fine. It provides thinning and consistency, protects against Scorch. What more?
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