Back After A Long Break

Well, I came back after a long time thanks to the "We're bringing old Journeys back!" announcement (I can plan to get them all this time round as they have given us dates, thankfully) and I have to say I find the game much improved.

Relicts? There's a deck for that now? Great stuff! NR Mages expanded? Brill! It looks like I might be able to make a halfway decent Handbuff and Spellatael deck now? Woot! Oneriomancy nerfed? Yissss!

Admittedly, I've not been back long and only played about 20 matches so I'm not sure how viable these new things are or what the meta is really like at the upper end of the ladder. But for now I find the variety is much better in the opponents I'm facing. And my old decks are still viable, even been tweaked a bit for the better (Vamps, Eithne Dryads, Frost Monsters).

Thanks for listening to the community. I'm not naive enough to think you can listen to (or that it's even worth listening to) every single persons opinions, but I appreciate the effort you guys make. Thank you. If you can get Ada back, and spruce up the old Cursed NR archetypes, that would be fun. Just saying :p
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