How do skills and stats work in CP2077?
I.e. How does a gun skill affect shooting, how does hacking skill affect hacking, how do stats affect V and his/her mobility and activities, etc - are there RNG checks for anything (i.e. proper skilltests), or just hard thresholds (skill level 1 + task level 2 = can't pass)?
Philipp Weber: Actually we have that in a very, very broad sense in that we actually have many different versions of progression, we have classical attributes where you get experience and you can level up and then spend those points on attributes like strength and so on. These attributes can also change depending on what cyberware you use, but cyberware can also change other things, an example being the mantis blades with which you get an entirely new ability to use.
You also have street cred, you can get it from doing various things like side quests and so on, you will get it where it makes sense to get street cred. To use the demo as an example you have Dexter Deshawn, he is a fixer, if you start doing contracts for him you get street cred, people start learning your name, and this could unlock higher level fixers that give you more dangerous jobs that yield more rewards. It can also give you access to higher class vendors and so on.
Kyle Rowley: The general progression system is very much a work in progress. The way it works now is that V has attributes and skills, skills are things like long gun, short gun, hacking, engineering etc. Skills have levels that you gain by doing actions. So the more I use a long gun, the more I get good at long guns. They are gated by attributes, so a certain attribute level is needed to gain a certain skill. Skills affect handling of weapons, so the higher my skill in long gun the higher my handling is of rifles, for example. This is in addition to things like certain weapon modules and attachments that also affect handling and so on. We also do skill checks like hacking and engineering on interactions in the game. So using the demo as an example, you had the engineering skill check, so you'd actually need a certain level of engineering to override certain devices.
In the demo we also showed you using an NPC to access a network, it's called breaching a network. So when you plug into an NPC or what we call access points then you are able to interact with systems inside that network. So these will be gated by your hacking skill, if I'm a competent netrunner then I can plug in into specific NPCs around the game and access the networks they are associated with.