Card Reference

Thank you for continuing to update this listing, @Void_Singer . This is a tremendous effort and Gwent players everywhere should be indebted to you. Even if though one can do keyword searches, etc., within the game itself, players should look at this--especially those who know how to use Excel/Google Sheets. The ability to filter a column by faction/color, search by keyword, and so on make this incredibly useful for every Gwent player. Thanks again!
Card Reference

Gwent Card Reference Table+


feel free to copy distribute, w/e... it's obviously not original work. I'll try to update it when I have time

Thanks for the excellent table. Because today I decided to make a projection how many scraps I will get when getting the full mill value at Homecoming, and how many I would actually need for creating missing Golds, Silvers and Bronzes. Currently I would get about 16.000 scraps, but would need 19.000 for all the missing Silvers and about 6.000 for the missing Bronzes (based on a future maximum of 2 instances per card). Missing Golds would need 72.000 scraps, so that is beyond any reach. Nevertheless if I play every day for only 2 kegs until October 1st (just to have a target) and assume a minimum scrap value of 200 (4 commons and 1 rare per keg) that would still net me about 31.000 scraps (again at full mill value), so I should be in fairly good shape with my collection by then. Besides I will still pick up cards that I do not have yet, hopefully a few Golds and Silvers as well.

Obviously I would focus with the creation of new cards on Silvers and Golds as I would expect Bronzes to be still the majority of the cards in the kegs after Homecoming (duh). Besides even after Homecoming there will be cards less viable for play than others, I don't think it is possible to create such a large card pool where every single card will have equal play value.

So there, thanks again for the table which made all this thinking and considering possible.

P.S.: I did use a variable for the Max Bronzes, so if it stays at 3 after all, I only need to change one number. Naturally the total number of scraps would be much lower in that case. We'll see.
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