Change Shieldwall to give Armor instead

the tilt is all over the place on the forums and it's not too hard to see why. shieldwall is OP in NR period.
I like that they tried to buff the shield archetype but it would need much more than that, let's be honest, and this leader basically fits with any NR deck that runs engines or duelists and is vastly more powerful in those than in an actual full shield deck.

I think another "status" that is kind of forgotten in NR but very very fitting imo is armor. why not make this leader: boost a unit by 2 and give it 2 armor. charge 3, or something similar? it's still good for protecting engines (+4 on removal) and also duelists and it also synergyses with some of the more forgotten and vulnerable units in NR like redanian archer, redanian elite, redanian knight and last but not least trololo.
or maybe even something more interesting like: boost a unit by 1 and give it 1 armor, charge: 4. every soldier and knight in your starting deck gains 1 armor.

NR having cards that give shield is fine and wasnt a problem before but shields on demand is way too OP imo. many decks dont have ping damage and are totally blocked by shields, making it impossible to remove frigates, anna and other very scary(and arguably cheap) engines. what do you think?

honestly I think this abiliy would still be kinda OP for NR but it would somewhat defuse the duel problem
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Updated the topic of the thread to better reflect its content and moved it to suggestions.

This thread should only be about this particular suggestion. For general discussions, please use the existing thread: Shieldwall Hotfix Waiting Room.
Idk, the passive armor thing is already part of the Forge. I think removing the boost from Shieldwall might make it a little less broken. Maybe adding a few shield counters to factions other than NG. Maybe making dueling ignore shields.

Maybe making units unable to inflict damage ON ENEMIES EITHER when shielded, so that way the ability is truly defensive and can only be used to protect non-damaging engines.
Idk, the passive armor thing is already part of the Forge. I think removing the boost from Shieldwall might make it a little less broken. Maybe adding a few shield counters to factions other than NG. Maybe making dueling ignore shields.

Maybe making units unable to inflict damage ON ENEMIES EITHER when shielded, so that way the ability is truly defensive and can only be used to protect non-damaging engines.
sure, forge already has armor but I think it fits NR pretty good as well and honestly the leaders with passive abilities appear to be the most interesting to me like the new natures gift or even good old arachas swarm.
your points are good but they only consider the anseis problem, I think a shield on demand leader in general is too strong for NR, it makes cards like anna strenger, frigates and even drummers near untouchable for a lot of decks, with armor you lose value but atleast you're not completely blocked from trying to remova an engine. the only reason this ability sucked with MO was that the only strong engines (with some small exceptions) were ones that have thrive or boost themselves like beast and giving a boost to those was always lost value. it would be just as busted in SY or even ST I think.
I was expecting Carapace to be changed to armor, though i understand why tall monsters may need Veil.
Anyway i think a small provision cut should be enough, or give it an extra provision and take a charge. Right now it seems NR is the most popular faction, along with NG but i didn't find it THAT strong.
NG is on the rise again because it's the natural counter faction to NR. I guess we'll see what the numbers say at some point :shrug:
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