Collecting all the positive aspects of the game

+ Side quests/missions - The ones I did where rather enjoyable, seemed to have a mix of different tasks relating to them
+ Graphics - You can tell a lot of effort was put into the graphics side of things, everything looks amazing!
+ Night City - Despite there not being too much to do, the city still looks gorgeous. Especially at night with all the lighting.
+ Jackie Wells - I'm obsessed and not afraid to admit it :love:
+ The Soundtrack - The soundtrack is amazing. Words cannot describe how much I enjoy listening to it.
+ Voice Acting - I love the voice acting, especially female V and Jackie (Cherami Leigh and Jason Hightower) The bond between both Female V and Jackie was also great too, seemed to have a better impact on me than playing as male V perhaps this is why I ended up enjoying their voice acting the most and why I love Jackie so much too.
Well thank you... now what did you enjoy about the game? :)

You're welcome ;)

hummm what I liked:
- I enjoyed the story (although on board with the issues others already pointed out in other threads)
- The Sidequests were well done and wished there was more deep/meaningful things to be found
-> and tackling various very deep topics; there need to be a lot more!
- I love the world and the City itself, it is a base for a very awesome IP in the future
- I partially liked the immersion (as much as there is missing, it still felt good)
- The driving is okay, first game I love playing/riding motorbikes.
- Soundtrack is great
- Sounddesign all around is great
- Voice/Voiceacting is great (playing the german version)
- facial animations and behavior etc in story scenes are one of a kind
- overall aesthetics
- Atmosphere was/is great!
- the city builder in me loves this!
- love/hate relationship with the urgency of the story but also the urgency in some dialogues. I'm a libra and am terrible at making choices, but here it's really a gut shot. But also the strings are there being plugged to not answer or chose an option sometimes :)
- The character design is superb. You (can) love characters, you (can) hate and despise characters. For me it leads to great character-writing
- I love the characters!
During the time before release i was to Judy like "meh, dunno. We'll see". But I really liked her ingame and was the first to romance. Since I played fem/trans V Panam seemed out of the picture and I took my distance from going further with any of the options
- I like how I can hate characters so much so I fail missions on purpose (looking at you LizzyWizzy)
- The choices you have how to tackle missions/quests gameplaywise (stealth, melee/brawler, rambo, netrunner)
- I like the different faces of Night City (Night and Day), Gangs, etc but also the Fixers (Characters again)
- I don't mind the "Looter Shooter" aspect that much, even though I am on the heavy RPG favoring side of critics and still want the game to be in that (RPG) way more. For this I liked Borderlands 1, but the others were kind of... meh for me, Outer Worlds was kind of likeable again)
- future Possibilities and potential are just screaming from this game in this genre and world!
- probable modding possibilities
- The gunplay was good/okay
- All aspects of this game scream so much potantial. I hope it will be heard (even just a bit)

I didn't think I would like the hacking/netrunnign stealthy way of doing things so much. I have found myself looking for ways to infiltrate areas/buildings, look for cameras and try to find a way to best solve it as quiet as possible. Even though I'm not that good/exerienced at it, the First Person made it that much more interesting and engaging, at least for me.
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I loved this the most, it reminded me of some older RPGs. Hopefully it will come back into style to incorporate this is in future games.
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Is it really that easy? You have rewrite a whole chunk of the story, get the voice actors back in, maybe do more motion capturing?

You do not have to rewrite anything... the offer from Evelin is already in the game... all they have to do is to write a new story for those who take that offer and leave the old one as is... a "simple" big story DLC nothing more... the setting allows for an unlimited amount of those to be added! What if V had taken Evelins offer... now writers go go go!
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+ Side quests/missions - The ones I did where rather enjoyable, seemed to have a mix of different tasks relating to them
+ Graphics - You can tell a lot of effort was put into the graphics side of things, everything looks amazing!
+ Night City - Despite there not being too much to do, the city still looks gorgeous. Especially at night with all the lighting.
+ Jackie Wells - I'm obsessed and not afraid to admit it :love:
+ The Soundtrack - The soundtrack is amazing. Words cannot describe how much I enjoy listening to it.
+ Voice Acting - I love the voice acting, especially female V and Jackie (Cherami Leigh and Jason Hightower) The bond between both Female V and Jackie was also great too, seemed to have a better impact on me than playing as male V perhaps this is why I ended up enjoying their voice acting the most and why I love Jackie so much too.

Wishing for a Jackie DLC then? Could be a great thing!
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I think the best way would be for DLC content to just start the player at the "point of no return", then path the player into getting rid of Johnny once and for all.

It would resolve the base game exactly the same for everyone, regardless of what base game ending they selected, and allow for a lot more focus on the player's story going forward.

If V takes Evelins offer he never gets to meet Jonny... all is possible!
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You do not have to rewrite anything... the offer from Evelin is already in the game... all they have to do is to write a new story for those who take that offer and leave the old one as is... a "simple" big story DLC nothing more... the setting allows for an unlimited amount of those to be added! What if V had taken Evelins offer... now writers go go go!
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Wishing for a Jackie DLC then? Could be a great thing!
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If V takes Evelins offer he never gets to meet Jonny... all is possible!

I'd like an Eve alternative, where you go with being "loyal" to her ind fuck up dex or something the like. which ends up not getting Jacky being killed?

A Jacky DLC yeah, sure, why not! :)

(I still want more early game content for more immersion and character-caring)


Forum regular
I'd like an Eve alternative, where you go with being "loyal" to her ind fuck up dex or something the like. which ends up not getting Jacky being killed?

A Jacky DLC yeah, sure, why not! :)

(I still want more early game content for more immersion and character-caring)

Would take a Jackie story over the Johnny story, really wish they gave Jackie more time.
If you stick to the scripted events (Main Story, side quests) the game is enjoyable, but if you start to explore the open world trying to find hidden detailed content or mechanics, then it's a total let down. Having said that this is what i like:

- Story so far. (25% of main missions completed. I'm taking my time)
- Gunplay. I know there's a lot of people who dislike this specifically, but i don't see anything wrong with it.
- Double jump. Man, if it wasn't for this...
- Mantis Blades. Even though i would like if you could do some stealth kills with them, or climb on walls like in the trailers, i still love them.
- Graphics. They look absolutely stunning. Whoever says otherwise is just a plain hater.

And i think that would be it, sadly.
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Oh yeah the double-jump is really nice, even though my first playthrough (before I chromed my body so hard like a maelström) I was really going with few alterations (armor platings, good cyberdeck and a bit of neural stimulation xD)

I also really kind of like the small things which are somewhat "natural" or more invisible.
Like the quick "jump"/crossing over a low obstacle it feels really cool somehow :D
The spectacular loading ... or to be more accurate - the spectacular lack of it.

Being able to get into the game in 30 seconds, rip through one end of the city to the next, stopping along the way to take out a few maelstrom from two stories up and clear out a building is some seriously impressive shit.
You're welcome ;)

hummm what I liked:
- I enjoyed the story (although on board with the issues others already pointed out in other threads)
- The Sidequests were well done and wished there was more deep/meaningful things to be found
-> and tackling various very deep topics; there need to be a lot more!
- I love the world and the City itself, it is a base for a very awesome IP in the future
- I partially liked the immersion (as much as there is missing, it still felt good)
- The driving is okay, first game I love playing/riding motorbikes.
- Soundtrack is great
- Sounddesign all around is great
- Voice/Voiceacting is great (playing the german version)
- facial animations and behavior etc in story scenes are one of a kind
- overall aesthetics
- Atmosphere was/is great!
- the city builder in me loves this!
- love/hate relationship with the urgency of the story but also the urgency in some dialogues. I'm a libra and am terrible at making choices, but here it's really a gut shot. But also the strings are there being plugged to not answer or chose an option sometimes :)
- The character design is superb. You (can) love characters, you (can) hate and despise characters. For me it leads to great character-writing
- I love the characters!
During the time before release i was to Judy like "meh, dunno. We'll see". But I really liked her ingame and was the first to romance. Since I played fem/trans V Panam seemed out of the picture and I took my distance from going further with any of the options
- I like how I can hate characters so much so I fail missions on purpose (looking at you LizzyWizzy)
- The choices you have how to tackle missions/quests gameplaywise (stealth, melee/brawler, rambo, netrunner)
- I like the different faces of Night City (Night and Day), Gangs, etc but also the Fixers (Characters again)
- I don't mind the "Looter Shooter" aspect that much, even though I am on the heavy RPG favoring side of critics and still want the game to be in that (RPG) way more. For this I liked Borderlands 1, but the others were kind of... meh for me, Outer Worlds was kind of likeable again)
- future Possibilities and potential are just screaming from this game in this genre and world!
- probable modding possibilities
- The gunplay was good/okay
- All aspects of this game scream so much potantial. I hope it will be heard (even just a bit)

I didn't think I would like the hacking/netrunnign stealthy way of doing things so much. I have found myself looking for ways to infiltrate areas/buildings, look for cameras and try to find a way to best solve it as quiet as possible. Even though I'm not that good/exerienced at it, the First Person made it that much more interesting and engaging, at least for me.

Yes I agree, I too loved running around trying to find ways to hack cameras and such. Found it confusing at first but over time I ended up enjoying it. Was so much more fun than just randomly running into enemies guns blazing. I forgot to add this one to my list ha!
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Would take a Jackie story over the Johnny story, really wish they gave Jackie more time.

I agree, kind of wish they would do a separate game or something that is just V and Jackie. This is how I thought the game was going to be originally anyway. Was not a fan of Johnny, though having said that I have since got more respect for the character now that I know he is part of the Cyberpunk lore. Still there was too much of him and way too little of everyone else for my liking.


Forum regular
I agree, kind of wish they would do a separate game or something that is just V and Jackie. This is how I thought the game was going to be originally anyway. Was not a fan of Johnny, though having said that I have since got more respect for the character now that I know he is part of the Cyberpunk lore. Still there was too much of him and way too little of everyone else for my liking.

Name checks out. :)
The spectacular loading ... or to be more accurate - the spectacular lack of it.

Being able to get into the game in 30 seconds, rip through one end of the city to the next, stopping along the way to take out a few maelstrom from two stories up and clear out a building is some seriously impressive shit.

And even then you get more news and information about the progression of the game and world depending on the progress of the main sotry, which I also really like. So I ended up "watchign" the loading screen to see what is being brought up :D
If V takes Evelins offer he never gets to meet Jonny... all is possible!


Even if you took Dex completely out of the picture, you STILL end up with Johnny in your head by virtue of completing the prologue's mission: acquiring the chip. Johnny is STILL indelibly baked in, and the ONLY way to avoid that, is to completely rewrite ALL of the base game content to remove him from the game entirely, OR at the very least, lessen his influence and pervasiveness in the story going forward. Not to mention that if they were to remove the whole plugging in the chip bit, they would then have to write Jackie back into this new, alternative direction of the game.

And that would be a GARGANTUAN feat of development mastery.

In an entirely new game? Easily. But in a free DLC? Nope. Not a snowball's chance in hell.
Who ever build this city. It was not "build with rock n roll" but with talent and a vision. I love the city visually! The best thing about the whole game.

too bad that everytime I cross a bridge there's cars stuck on the bridge with no reason cause the AI is so bad. :D

Even if you took Dex completely out of the picture, you STILL end up with Johnny in your head by virtue of completing the prologue's mission: acquiring the chip. Johnny is STILL indelibly baked in, and the ONLY way to avoid that, is to completely rewrite ALL of the base game content to remove him from the game entirely, OR at the very least, lessen his influence and pervasiveness in the story going forward. Not to mention that if they were to remove the whole plugging in the chip bit, they would then have to write Jackie back into this new, alternative direction of the game.

And that would be a GARGANTUAN feat of development mastery.

In an entirely new game? Easily. But in a free DLC? Nope. Not a snowball's chance in hell.

Actually no... for the chip to activate V had to be shot in the head... so... yea it IS actually quite feasible and i was not talking about a free DLC i was talking about a good full price story DLC that would improve the game for those who dislike the story that is being told right now without alienating those who like the story as is! There IS a possibility!
I think the conversation scene system hasn't gotten enough credit. It's honestly a huge leap over other first person RPGs I've played and I expect to see more games going this route. Every conversation feels natural and engaging and you still have full control of the camera.
I think the conversation scene system hasn't gotten enough credit. It's honestly a huge leap over other first person RPGs I've played and I expect to see more games going this route. Every conversation feels natural and engaging and you still have full control of the camera.

Agreed! Not being stuck in a "conversation mode" during dialogue is quite the leap forward!
Who ever build this city. It was not "build with rock n roll" but with talent and a vision. I love the city visually! The best thing about the whole game.

too bad that everytime I cross a bridge there's cars stuck on the bridge with no reason cause the AI is so bad. :D

There's content on it, they engaged and took the city from the 2020 lore and everythign that happend or was happening and then got help from city planners to plan and envision how the city would grow/sprawl out during all the times "naturally".

I think the conversation scene system hasn't gotten enough credit. It's honestly a huge leap over other first person RPGs I've played and I expect to see more games going this route. Every conversation feels natural and engaging and you still have full control of the camera.

This. :)
Actually no... for the chip to activate V had to be shot in the head... so... yea it IS actually quite feasible and i was not talking about a free DLC i was talking about a good full price story DLC that would improve the game for those who dislike the story that is being told right now without alienating those who like the story as is! There IS a possibility!

I see.

That "could" work. And would be a boon to the many who dislike the current main story. Possible? Sure. But not very likely because of the sheer amount of content that would be required to make sense of it. Especially as a "DLC" to the existing game. So I won't hold my breath.
I see.

That "could" work. And would be a boon to the many who dislike the current main story. Possible? Sure. But not very likely because of the sheer amount of content that would be required to make sense of it. Especially as a "DLC" to the existing game. So I won't hold my breath.

I would pay to see it... so would others! Nothing more needs to be said!
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