Consistency of expressions

I was browsing through my collection and noticed some cards have inconsistent formulations of rules.

Kaedweni Revenant
Current - Spawn a base copy of Kaedweni revenant and Summon it to this row.
Suggestion - Spawn and summon a base copy of Kaedweni revenant to this row.

C - On round start, if Phoenix is in your graveyard, Banish it, then Spawn Phoenix Hatchling and Summon it to a random allied row.
S - On round start, if Phoenix is in your graveyard, banish it, then spawn and summon Phoenix Hatchling to a random allied row.

Germain Piquant
C - Spawn 2 cows on both sides of this unit.
S - Spawn and summon 2 cows on both sides of this card.

Svalblod Totem
C - Spawn a Svalblod Fanatic on both sides of this card.
S - Spawn and summon a Svalblod fanatic on both sides of this card.

Stefan Skellen
C - If this unit is on the battlefield, Spawn and play a copy of a Tactic card you played during this turn.
S - Spawn and play a copy of a Tactic card, you played during this turn.

Water of Brokilon
C - Spawn and Summon a Dryad Fledgling to an allied row. If you control a Dryad, Spawn 2 Dryad Fledglings and summon them to an allied row instead.
S - Spawn and summon a Dryad Fledgling. If you control a Dryad, spawn and summon 2 Dryad Fledglings instead.

C - Spawn an Ekimmara and Summon it to this row.
S - Spawn and summon an Ekimmara to this row.

Harald Houndsnout
C - Spawn 3 of Harald's Pals and summon them to your other allied row.
S - Spawn and summon 3 Harald's Pals to other allied row.

Reference cards, which have (IMO) proper formulation, for a comparison:
Zoltan: Scoundrel, Shupe: Mage, Angouleme, Queen Adalia, Operator, Hen Gaidth Sword, Whispering Hillock, Scepter of Storms

There are more cards, which I would like to mention, but I do not have time right now to mention them all. I will maybe come back to complete it later.

In general, I see inconsistency between phrase "spawn and play X" versus "spawn X and summon it". In my opinion, there should be same syntax. Either changing to "spawn X and play it" or to "spawn and summon X". But my suggestions were not only about this, there are also some nuances related to "rows" (Water of Brokilon - it is unnecessary to specifically mention rows, if there is no limitation to rows in comparison to standard rules), extra "your" (Harald Houndsnout - allied rows are always "yours"), "card versus unit" (Germain Piquant vs Svalblod Totem), "2 cows vs 3 of Harald's Pals" (Germain Piquant vs Harald Houndsnout) or completely missing keword "summon" (Mentioning only keyword "spawn" feels like having uncertain destination, hand? battlefield? deck?).

I personally think, having uniform default syntax format is helping readability of cards.
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