Not sure there was a poll on the topic. Just discussions. So here it is. 2.0, Enhanced Edition, Game of the Year Edition, Director's Cut - whatever...
I think they should just keep expanding on the current story, add new endings, make it so choices matters in the game, add new missions that "fill" the gaps or what to say. Work on things that make Night city come to life, adjust the RPG elements and finetune them, make it possible to customize your cloth, cars etc. Add those 3d cutscenes from the original trailers so people can see their characters, it wouldn't hurt immersion one bit in my opinion. Basically just slowly keep improving the whole game overall towards the RPG they said it would be. This probably shouldn't be released as expansions or DLC, because it should be part of the game by default.
Once they have react a good and solid foundation with it then they should start releasing DLCs and expansions following and build on this foundation, because at that point they would know that people would like it and like more of it.
In my opinion, I think they would be better off making a statement, simply admitting that the game weren't released in a state as many people thought it would. And for that they are sorry, but will work hard to make sure that CP becomes the game that they original wanted it to be, by adding content over the next period of time etc.
They said it themselves that it was their highest priority to win back the confident of the players or something like that. So taking some extra steps to do this would help a lot. And I honestly think people would receive it pretty positively if they did it.
Nothing wrong in admitting that they went for one thing and that this apparently weren't what players wanted. Better to be honest and open about it with their community, because people wanted/want CP to be good. Despite it receiving a lot of critic now, it is not done to just have a go at it or them. And even with this rough start, they can make up for it and learn from it, it's not like they are the first company to release shady things, it's basically the norm in the AAA industry than to not do it.
So as it is now, since the game is released, it's all about how they choose to handle it, that will make the whole difference as I see it. And to me, the best strategy would be to be honest and open.