Daily quests, unranked, forteitting and GG etiquette

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I am getting increasingly upset with players forfeiting games in UNRANKED (since the main use of unranked is finishing those pesky daily quests or reward tree challenges.. you know, stuff like play 20 artifacts or 60 units etc). Then you have people trying to bleed you in round 2... it's unranked people, take a chill pill! Or those just forfeiting in round 3 before you had a chance to play all your cards.

And [...]

For now the only way to respond is by not giving GGs, which I do in all those situations, but I wish there was a better way. When the popup message appears with OPPONENT HAS FORFEIT and your only button says ACCEPT, maybe there should be a second button DON'T ACCEPT or NOT COOL BRO, to let them know that they messed up. Or a button that lets you keep on playing all your cards even if the opponent left.
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These kinds of angry, hostile rants never go anywhere good, so I'll lock this up before it can prove me right. Well, it kind of already did actually.
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