DLC: What do you prefer? The poll. ! ENDING SPOILERS !


What kind of story do you hope to see in DLC?

  • Continuation of V's story. Hope he/she survives (finds a cure/way out of cyberspace)

  • Prequel to V's story. Events before meeting Johnny

  • Prequel to Johnny's story. Events before meeting V

  • Additional story within the main game, after meeting Johnny and before infiltrating Mikoshi

  • A story not related to V or Johnny. Quest about a new hero or some of V's friends

Results are only viewable after voting.
I don't see how you can read it another way. :shrug:

That hints about us killing ourselves, but it also leaves the possibility that in the last second Johny goes 'fuck I don't want to die' and move the gun

I think that pretty much sums it up. V threw away the pills. What's to say Johnny wasn't strong enough at that point to assume control?
I don't see how you can read it another way. :shrug:

I see Johny Silverhand as a wild card in that scenario....unless I am mistaken in believing the pills we throw away are the ones to suppress Johny.
Simply put: the decision is not only V's:)
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assume control?
Yes - damn Reaper:D
.....so that was their plan B - jump settings!
I see Johny Silverhand as a wild card in that scenario....unless I am mistaken in believing the pills we throw away are the ones to suppress Johny.
Simply put: the decision is not only V's:)
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Yes - damn Reaper:D
.....so that was their plan B - jump settings!

The way I see it, Johnny doesn't necessarily need to be the douche here.

He could simply be considering the 6 months Hellman predicted as worth using to at least TRY to find a way out of the current situation. V may have been ready to give up, but Johnny wasn't. You could reasonably assume his frame of mind in that moment either way.
...why not? It was a very vague ending (at least if I am thinking of the right one). In mine, V throws away the pills that will prevent Johny from taking control and after some more moments the camera moves away and we hear a gunshot. That hints about us killing ourselves, but it also leaves the possibility that in the last second Johny goes 'fuck I don't want to die' and move the gun:)
...ofcourse from other endings we (or at least I was left with the impression) that Johny kinda wants to die...but maybe they can disregard that if you are continuing from the 'suicide ending'...? I don't know
And some players already say "decisions are not important !"
Now if you had that :
You choose the suicide, and nope, you can't...!
The game decide you're not not allowed you to do that, sorry.
It seem pretty bad :D

Guest 4412420

Pretty sure that everyone's voicemails during the credits confirm that in the suicide ending V did indeed kill themselves. Misty and Vik of all people would have known that. Given the proximity of Vik's clinic and Misty's shop to that rooftop they probably were the ones who had to go back up there to check on V after they heard the gunshot.

Johnny respects V's decision even if he disagrees with it. For the game to just go "nope, they actually didn't" just seems odd. Not all endings can be accounted for and suicide ending is definitely one such ending.
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Also I imagine that V shoot right in the Biochip, for been sure he/she will not be "resurrected" (like with Dex, VDBs and probably the Rhyne's BD)
Even if somebody tried "to pull" an engram of V after that, it would be like Jackie's one (when you send him at Viktor's clinic), it's not Jackie, it's more memory's parts :)
Also I imagine that V shoot right in the Biochip, for been sure he/she will not be "resurrected" (like with Dex, VDBs and probably the Rhyne's BD)
Even if somebody tried "to pull" an engram of V after that, it would be like Jackie's one (when you send him at Viktor's clinic), it's not Jackie, it's more memory's parts :)

I suppose it could be
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Pretty sure that everyone's voicemails during the credits confirm that in the suicide ending V did indeed kill themselves. Misty and Vik of all people would have known that. Given the proximity of Vik's clinic and Misty's shop to that rooftop they probably were the ones who had to go back up there to check on V after they heard the gunshot.

Johnny respects V's decision even if he disagrees with it. For the game to just go "nope, they actually didn't" just seems odd. Not all endings can be accounted for and suicide ending is definitely one such ending.
Which is fine I would reckon.
The most important endings to be accounted for in one way or another are the endings that tie to a certain lifepath.
The most difficult one for me is what to do with Johnny?

I mean, for me it would be easy, he's dead after Mikoshi, V lives, but it only 3 of 7 endings that would then be accounted for and I imagine some people would actually like being Johnny in V's body.

I suppose it could be
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Which is fine I would reckon.
The most important endings to be accounted for in one way or another are the endings that tie to a certain lifepath.
The most difficult one for me is what to do with Johnny?

I mean, for me it would be easy, he's dead after Mikoshi, V lives, but it only 3 of 7 endings that would then be accounted for and I imagine some people would actually like being Johnny in V's body.
After finishing the game all endings, I cannot imagine a credible way to do a sequel/post-end DLC that preserves all the endings in all combinations. And not just for V/Johnny also for the state of the world of Devil vs Sun/Star/Temperance its completely different. Back in the day (old man talking here), you would get a canon ending for a sequel and there will be no drama at all... just looking at the thread about the endings, the romance messages/attitudes at each ending... I'm pretty sure you will get a 1000 pages long thread if you do this. Although, for me, is the most natural thing to do because each ending convey a meaning that is perfectly valid but all seem exclusive between them.
the state of the world of Devil vs Sun/Star/Temperance its completely different.

That is the hard part, isn't it? Otherwise thinking of continuation for the endings shouldn't be too hard for a good writer....
....the simplest way is if Yorinobu's plans fail and Arasaka is not internally destroyed by warring factions. Which it very well may. Isn't there still a daughter alive? Anyway, if that is the case you still have a multi-bilion corporation, so apart from having a giant building being built, not much change in NC. I imagine they will not have a lot of problems taking back the city.
....the simplest way is if Yorinobu's plans fail and Arasaka is not internally destroyed by warring factions. Which it very well may. Isn't there still a daughter alive? Anyway, if that is the case you still have a multi-bilion corporation, so apart from having a giant building being built, not much change in NC. I imagine they will not have a lot of problems taking back the city.
Or maybe a "secret" war with Militech, who was already planned by Arasaka but avoid by Militech (Arasaka who attack Arasaka with Valentinos/Militech outfits and munitions). With Arasaka way less powerful, maybe it could be the right time for Militech for a riposte :)
That is the hard part, isn't it? Otherwise thinking of continuation for the endings shouldn't be too hard for a good writer....
....the simplest way is if Yorinobu's plans fail and Arasaka is not internally destroyed by warring factions. Which it very well may. Isn't there still a daughter alive? Anyway, if that is the case you still have a multi-bilion corporation, so apart from having a giant building being built, not much change in NC. I imagine they will not have a lot of problems taking back the city.
Yes, thats what make me suspect of "canonizing" because they clearly sketched two "worlds" that cannot co-exist... i know people like to focus on V and so on, but for me the biggest arch of the story at the end is wheter you have immortal rich guys or not.
Or maybe a "secret" war with Militech, who was already planned by Arasaka but avoid by Militech (Arasaka who attack Arasaka with Valentinos/Militech outfits and munitions). With Arasaka way less powerful, maybe it could be the right time for Militech for a riposte
Imho, in any ending except suicide you avoid 5th Corpo War... in Sun/Star Arasaka retreats to Japan (which fits into Yorinobu plans actually), in Devil Arasaka is way to powerful and no rich guy wants to loose immortality by Relic.
Suicide actually is the "carbon neutral" ending, they can basically write any post-ending that they want... not a solution of course, for those who want continuation to V adventure.
Or maybe a "secret" war with Militech, who was already planned by Arasaka but avoid by Militech (Arasaka who attack Arasaka with Valentinos/Militech outfits and munitions). With Arasaka way less powerful, maybe it could be the right time for Militech for a riposte :)
...or maybe that. I forgot about this quest:) But I imagine that playing very well in why Arasaka (or maybe Militech?) would bring you back....?
After finishing the game all endings, I cannot imagine a credible way to do a sequel/post-end DLC that preserves all the endings in all combinations. And not just for V/Johnny also for the state of the world of Devil vs Sun/Star/Temperance its completely different. Back in the day (old man talking here), you would get a canon ending for a sequel and there will be no drama at all... just looking at the thread about the endings, the romance messages/attitudes at each ending... I'm pretty sure you will get a 1000 pages long thread if you do this. Although, for me, is the most natural thing to do because each ending convey a meaning that is perfectly valid but all seem exclusive between them.
Yeah. I know. Which is why I believe that if (and I do hope as much) it would be dne, it can't be done with just one DLC addon, or it would be essentially the size of another game. I made a post of it earlier somewhere. In it described I would do it with 4 installments.
Which probably rules out any such possibility, but hey ... my brain goes on rampage headcannon-story mode with this stuff ;)

In my view, after each lifepath ending you need some good time with what makes that ending so unique and spend some time with those choices. Only after that can you warp it back around where all dots intersect at the same point and one line can be walked. And in my example I perform no time skips whatsoever.

About the bold: Yeah! which is why I quit here before I go into "writing-10000-word-essay-post-in-frenzy-mode"
Also, I quit that topic long ago after I said and discussed pretty much everything I had to say 3 times already.
There's only so much repeating one can do ;)
Anyway, we aren't near to have a answer, because for that we will have to wait for a paid DLC.
So it's not for soon :)
Anyway, we aren't near to have a answer, because for that we will have to wait for a paid DLC.
So it's not for soon :)
True, and there's no telling what we will get.
I can only imagine it and make up some half-brained idea of what I would like. And so can anyone else.
I am btw not the type to go into deepdive mode and look at all the little clues and whatnots to figure out what is most likely, I just let my mind go rampant with whatever crazy ideas I come up with.

Wait and see is the name of game ;)

Guest 4412420

The most difficult one for me is what to do with Johnny?

I mean, for me it would be easy, he's dead after Mikoshi, V lives, but it only 3 of 7 endings that would then be accounted for and I imagine some people would actually like being Johnny in V's body.
Personally, I don't think that anything can be done with this ending either. Johnny leaves Night City in the Temperance ending, seemingly for good. He doesn't have to worry about the body dying, and it looks like he accepted that V's gone (the Columbarium).

Depending on who you play as to get to Mikoshi, both Johnny and V can ask what will happen to the other, and Alt always says that they'll become a part of her. This is just my opinion, but I think there's no one left to save in the Temperance ending.

The Devil is the one that sticks out the most, and for all we know CDPR might make it the canon ending, because it's pretty much a default ending that's available to all players anyway. I know some people want other megacorps to have their time in the limelight, but Arasaka's existence, especially in the way it thrives in the Devil ending prevents that.
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After finishing the game all endings, I cannot imagine a credible way to do a sequel/post-end DLC that preserves all the endings in all combinations. And not just for V/Johnny also for the state of the world of Devil vs Sun/Star/Temperance its completely different. Back in the day (old man talking here), you would get a canon ending for a sequel and there will be no drama at all... just looking at the thread about the endings, the romance messages/attitudes at each ending... I'm pretty sure you will get a 1000 pages long thread if you do this. Although, for me, is the most natural thing to do because each ending convey a meaning that is perfectly valid but all seem exclusive between them.
Good points from everyone in recent messages. Wonder though if there's going to be 1000 pages long thread regardless what they do :p

I did my first playthrough in December and the ending I went then was the Star, which is still my "canon" so to say. But I went later to try other endings available for my V, the Sun and the Devil. My second playthrough was Star again and for now I have just left it there, so I may not remember everything correctly. Anyway, I came to think of two ways CDPR to solve variables, but IIRC something in Devil ending blocked one of those options, and other one is something so strange that it isn't even in poll options / topic.

But we will see. Must say though, I played my first games back in the day on Commodore 64 and this is first time ever I can say I'm genuinely interested, invested, whatever the current speak is, about fate of video game character. Thought I have seen everything.
Personally, I don't think that anything can be done with this ending either. Johnny leaves Night City in the Temperance ending, seemingly for good. He doesn't have to worry about the body dying, and it looks like he accepted that V's gone (the Columbarium).

Depending on who you play as to get to Mikoshi, both Johnny and V can ask what will happen to the other, and Alt always says that they'll become a part of her. This is just my opinion, but I think there's no one left to save in the Temperance ending.

The Devil is the one that sticks out the most, and for all we know CDPR might make it the canon ending, because it's pretty much a default ending that's available to all players anyway. I know some people want other megacorps to have their time in the limelight, but Arasaka's existence, especially in the way it thrives in the Devil ending prevents that.
Yeah, which was my point in a way.
The devil is the odd man sticking out mostly because of Arasaka, which contrasts greatly with the Sun/Star endings.
And I've never chosen and ending where Johnny lives in the epilogue nor the secret one, but the main point there was that the Johnny/V contrast is also very large.
Accounting for all these will presumably not be possible without retconning something somewhere.

Which is why I said, if it were my way: then I knew how I were to continue it, and Johnny's not part of it.
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