Eating and drinking throughout the city is already in development

Except those are essential mechanics of the game. You will encounter police whether you want to or not and you will have to drive.
Police isn't an essential mechanic though. I've encountered them once and, considering that they've aggroed while V wasn't doing anything illegal at all, it was most likely due to a bug. You can absolutely beat the game without ever fighting NCPD. Hell, it's clear to me that the game was designed with the idea that player WON'T be fighting police, considering that a third of side activities involve them giving you a quest.
Police isn't an essential mechanic though. I've encountered them once and, considering that they've aggroed while V wasn't doing anything illegal at all, it was most likely due to a bug. You can absolutely beat the game without ever fighting NCPD. Hell, it's clear to me that the game was designed with the idea that player WON'T be fighting police, considering that a third of side activities involve them giving you a quest.
True, the police are not an enemy in Night City but denying that NCPD needs a good review is closing your eyes when you're fighting tiger claws in the middle of the street, you hide behind the police car and the two cops stare to nothing while the bullets rain or even eat them without moving, without activating any response. Please, a little AI for NCPD is adding quality to our history in the city. Sometimes I have helped the police in a battle and the police themselves have become my enemy...the systems are undeveloped.

Likewise, if I commit a massacre in the neighborhood and the police come, it is enough to turn 3 corners in a car for him to become an exemplary citizen again, do you think that system is credible within a city and a game that has such quality in many moments?

I do not particularly ask for a police officer to be a protagonist, only to fulfill their function within the city and react intelligently when bullets rain down on the street and they are inactive on the corner....

If I screw up, let them chase me, if I get in a car to get away, let the police get in their car and go for me, shoot me and I have to fuck myself and escape the chase, even shooting from the car. That they identify me through a scan and that being registered prevents me from approaching them until I pay the fine at the police station or from the computer in my apartment.

It's like the debate about eating and drinking in the city, we don't want a Sim 4, but if we can go to the strip room, sit in a chair and watch the show while having a drink, at that moment Night City is whispering to me I've heard how beautiful it is between missions and that my companions in this adventure can share with me a moment of escape between missions. Some of us are that intense with the immersion in Night City... logically there are more things I would add but I don't want a discussion, all the chooms in this forum are in the same boat, Cyberpunk 2077 forever.
I think that in the end it simply comes down to different opinions of players who are enjoying Cyberpunk 2077. There are players who like combat more, others who enjoy discovering places more, others who just want to reach the end and move on to another game. .

For example, I agree with everything you say about more stories, more content, more places to discover. But I also agree to add improvements to the police, because it is a fundamental pillar within the city and its development has been very small. I do want to feel that in Night City there is a relentless, intelligent and memory police, because that gives me a greater sense of being in a real environment, in a real city where NCPD and MADTAX have me on record and will go for me as soon as I get up. a butchery. Right now the police don't have much difference with a traffic light in the city.

The same thing happens to me in the ripperdocs clinics, we must give more importance to the installation of cyberware, it is a fundamental part of Cyberpunk 2077 and we hardly feel its importance because the clinics are not developed.

The interaction mod already has 42,000 downloads and is one of the highlights of the month. I don't want a Sim, I hate those games, I don't have time to feed a character so that it doesn't die, but if those actions allow me to interact with a very well designed environment that until now is made of cardboard, there is no denying that adds quality to Night City. Finishing a raid mission and going to Afterlife for drinks with Panam makes me feel like I'm in a more alive city that allows V to relax and enjoy the environment outside of missions.

Imagine when doors open, buildings fill with content, little stories are added. We're just seeing the start of everything modders are going to do within Night City. CDPR sees modders as great allies and has already made the tools to modify Cyberpunk 2077 available to them.

I understand that each player has preferences when playing Cyberpunk 2077, but if everything adds up, why are we going to give this up? The more we support and advertise the work of modders and CDPR, the more interest and initiative we will see good news.

There is a small team at CDPR that continues to improve Cyberpunk 2077 and will continue for at least a few months after the release of the big Phantom Liberty expansion. We can be sure that there are still more improvements coming to the game, in addition to the police improvement or the combat from vehicles. At least 1 year left of development and improvements that CDPR will do on Cyberpunk 2077.
I'm not against making the police better, not at all... it just wouldn't be my personal top priority, and for MY taste, CDPR is wasting way too much time on a feature that only a subset of players who were expecting more of a shoot'em'up demanded, I seriously doubt a majority of players really wants long shootouts with the police and mostly trigger the NCPD by accident. And yes, that's basically a counter to all the "CDPR shouldn't waste time on RPG elements", otherwise I wouldn't complain.

Also, modders worked just the same on NCPD, AI and vehicle combat as they were on mods like this Eat/drink one, why should CDPR just redo one kind and not the other - or leave it all to modders? Btw, I'm not keen at all on eating and drinking, and if it became a requirement I'd drop the game, I absolutely hate survival modes... this mod is most interesting for the "meet your friends" part if you ask me.

The main problem with story mods and leaving that part to the modders is the limitations - I don't believe much in it yet, because Cyberpunk isn't an easy to mod game like Bethesda's - and story-mods are already rare in Bethesda titles. Another huge problem is of course console players - they're completely left out of all unofficial content, and on top of that many PC players shy away from mods as well, mostly because it's too complicated or they fear it could break their game (which it can when you're new to it) etc.

One of the biggest problems with story mods is of course voice acting - you just don't have access to the excisting NPC voice actors, unless you dig out their lines and cut something together, which is very very hard and time consuming. Unfortunately, CDPR has the same problem, and if they did it, they'd have to do it for all individual languages the game has been translated to. That's why I don't see any future for all the "plz gimme more stuff to do with my romance partner" requests other than basic ones what you find on the Nexus already.
But new stuff to explore, maybe - I'm looking at both CDPR and modders for that.
I'm not against making the police better, not at all... it just wouldn't be my personal top priority, and for MY taste, CDPR is wasting way too much time on a feature that only a subset of players who were expecting more of a shoot'em'up demanded, I seriously doubt a majority of players really wants long shootouts with the police and mostly trigger the NCPD by accident. And yes, that's basically a counter to all the "CDPR shouldn't waste time on RPG elements", otherwise I wouldn't complain.

Also, modders worked just the same on NCPD, AI and vehicle combat as they were on mods like this Eat/drink one, why should CDPR just redo one kind and not the other - or leave it all to modders? Btw, I'm not keen at all on eating and drinking, and if it became a requirement I'd drop the game, I absolutely hate survival modes... this mod is most interesting for the "meet your friends" part if you ask me.

The main problem with story mods and leaving that part to the modders is the limitations - I don't believe much in it yet, because Cyberpunk isn't an easy to mod game like Bethesda's - and story-mods are already rare in Bethesda titles. Another huge problem is of course console players - they're completely left out of all unofficial content, and on top of that many PC players shy away from mods as well, mostly because it's too complicated or they fear it could break their game (which it can when you're new to it) etc.

One of the biggest problems with story mods is of course voice acting - you just don't have access to the excisting NPC voice actors, unless you dig out their lines and cut something together, which is very very hard and time consuming. Unfortunately, CDPR has the same problem, and if they did it, they'd have to do it for all individual languages the game has been translated to. That's why I don't see any future for all the "plz gimme more stuff to do with my romance partner" requests other than basic ones what you find on the Nexus already.
But new stuff to explore, maybe - I'm looking at both CDPR and modders for that.
We have a huge city with practically all its doors closed. The modders have already shown some new mods that can be opened and filled with content, so it is within our reach to fill the city with new content. It is an unpaid job, so we must be patient and why not launch ourselves to try it if time and knowledge allow us.

CDPR will give us new content but it gives us the opportunity to do it too.

CDPR works on the police because the system doesn't exist, modders can tweak it later, but the system has to be created by CDPR, it's my opinion.

It would be nice to have more tutorials on how to use the modder tools.
True, the police are not an enemy in Night City but denying that NCPD needs a good review is closing your eyes when you're fighting tiger claws in the middle of the street, you hide behind the police car and the two cops stare to nothing while the bullets rain or even eat them without moving, without activating any response. Please, a little AI for NCPD is adding quality to our history in the city. Sometimes I have helped the police in a battle and the police themselves have become my enemy...the systems are undeveloped.
This is true, their AI is pretty bad and needs a rework.
About them forgetting about your existence after you move three blocks - it's also true, and I think a game would benefit a lot from a proper reputation system. Which is funny, because street-cred could've been just that - a reputation, that goes either upwards or downwards depending on your actions and choices
You know, like it is an RPG or something.
Right now it's really undercooked and feels very redundant.
I think that in the end it simply comes down to different opinions of players who are enjoying Cyberpunk 2077. There are players who like combat more, others who enjoy discovering places more, others who just want to reach the end and move on to another game. .

For example, I agree with everything you say about more stories, more content, more places to discover. But I also agree to add improvements to the police, because it is a fundamental pillar within the city and its development has been very small. I do want to feel that in Night City there is a relentless, intelligent and memory police, because that gives me a greater sense of being in a real environment, in a real city where NCPD and MADTAX have me on record and will go for me as soon as I get up. a butchery. Right now the police don't have much difference with a traffic light in the city.

The same thing happens to me in the ripperdocs clinics, we must give more importance to the installation of cyberware, it is a fundamental part of Cyberpunk 2077 and we hardly feel its importance because the clinics are not developed.

The interaction mod already has 42,000 downloads and is one of the highlights of the month. I don't want a Sim, I hate those games, I don't have time to feed a character so that it doesn't die, but if those actions allow me to interact with a very well designed environment that until now is made of cardboard, there is no denying that adds quality to Night City. Finishing a raid mission and going to Afterlife for drinks with Panam makes me feel like I'm in a more alive city that allows V to relax and enjoy the environment outside of missions.

Imagine when doors open, buildings fill with content, little stories are added. We're just seeing the start of everything modders are going to do within Night City. CDPR sees modders as great allies and has already made the tools to modify Cyberpunk 2077 available to them.
Not really, it's about what's practical and what's not. A lot of these requests are about making the game into something it's not and that's just unrealistic. This isn't a new developer, we've played the Witcher 3 and at no point was dating or eating at a bar added to the game.
We know the devs focus is on story but no matter what they say, some players believe what they want to. It's not going to be a priority for one simple reason. The devs focus should and always will be on mechanics that the "MAJORITY" of players will experience. Most gamers just aren't going to want to spend time doing any of that.

The same applies to your suggested interaction with ripper docs. The average player just wants to be in and out without being forced into an interaction.

In your view how many times will you have drinks with Panam before that gets boring or repetitive. They'd have to get the voice actress back in to add 100's more lines of dialogue for there to be any significance to that feature and at that point yes it would become a dating game. These things are just not at the core of the game. It's OK to want it to be and more power to the mods if they can make it happen.
Not really, it's about what's practical and what's not. A lot of these requests are about making the game into something it's not and that's just unrealistic. This isn't a new developer, we've played the Witcher 3 and at no point was dating or eating at a bar added to the game.
We know the devs focus is on story but no matter what they say, some players believe what they want to. It's not going to be a priority for one simple reason. The devs focus should and always will be on mechanics that the "MAJORITY" of players will experience. Most gamers just aren't going to want to spend time doing any of that.

The same applies to your suggested interaction with ripper docs. The average player just wants to be in and out without being forced into an interaction.

In your view how many times will you have drinks with Panam before that gets boring or repetitive. They'd have to get the voice actress back in to add 100's more lines of dialogue for there to be any significance to that feature and at that point yes it would become a dating game. These things are just not at the core of the game. It's OK to want it to be and more power to the mods if they can make it happen.

Yeah - I think a lot of people really, really want Cyberpunk 2077 and the franchise to be a 'life simulator'. It isn't - it is a story driven action RPG/adventure game that is open world.

It wouldn't shock me in the expansion if we get more romance content with new romance options and expanding on the existing ones - just like The Witcher 3 did. But I doubt they are going to do stuff like... you can take Panam and Judy out on three different dates! On one you go to the bar and get drunk, then have sex! The other one you go out for sushi, then have romantic talks! Then last one you go for a walk on the beach and cuddle afterward! Because that doesn't really drive the story forward or anything like that - it isn't really what CDPR is trying to accomplish.

I think it is the same thing with just sitting around eating and drinking. Or having super intense animations like RDR2 did when you are buying items, where you literally reach out and grab them to buy them and stuff.

I mean is that stuff cool? Would it be a nice to have thing? I mean - yeah, I guess. More content is always good.

But like you said - I think those people are expecting the game to be something it isn't. You gave the ideal example with The Witcher 3, especially as it relates to romances. Were there romantic moments that made you feel connected to Yen, Triss and the expansion romance options? Yes. Did they write out two hours of content just for a date where you go wander around in the woods or something with no real tie in to the main story? No - nor do I really think people should expect that.
Why are you assuming things nobody has mentioned? Neither does anyone here demand a life sim nor a dationg simulator - and let me turn that question around, how many thousand NCPD cops will you repeatedly kill until you get bored?
I haven't played the Witcher 3's expansion, nor do I want a dating Sim or required Eat/drink/whatever, just a few more options for immersion, because this game absolutely aims to be immersive and atmospheric - so maybe add a few things that just help against the immersion breakers (like your friends becoming furniture who remain in the same spot repeating the same 3 dialogue lines until the end of times) - that's not asking for a dating Sim. And there are multiple examples of games doing this without turning their whole game around - Fallout gives you the option to sit around at bars and eat, is that such a big deal and turning the game into a survival Sim? Nope, just an option you can enjoy or ignore, no big deal, but some players enjoy it and while I don't make much use of it, having the option alone helps massively with the feeling of being in a living, breathing world. We also don't need a dating Sim, but if Judy, Panam etc. would just simply move around a bit, go to different places, that'd already deal with the total immersion-breaking furniture problem. It's really not turning the gameplay upsite down and a too daunting task for a developer.

Guest 3847602

Or having super intense animations like RDR2 did when you are buying items, where you literally reach out and grab them to buy them and stuff.

I mean is that stuff cool? Would it be a nice to have thing? I mean - yeah, I guess. More content is always good.
I truly hope we never get this type of content in Cyberpunk. Or any other CDPR's game ever.
More content is anything but good if it results in slowing the game to a crawl by forcing me to waste time on mundane activities and chores.
I truly hope we never get this type of content in Cyberpunk. Or any other CDPR's game ever.
More content is anything but good if it results in slowing the game to a crawl by forcing me to waste time on mundane activities and chores.
Low chances. Like get a good story in Bethesda games, but who know... :)
On a side note, if I remember, RDR2 offered an alternative... Using a "book" to buy stuff to avoid any annoying animations and eat crackers during the whole game :D

Guest 3847602

Low chances. Like get a good story in Bethesda games, but who know... :)
On a side note, if I remember, RDR2 offered an alternative... Using a "book" to buy stuff to avoid any annoying animations and eat crackers during the whole game :D
Possible, but IIRC, there is no way of avoiding the long, agonizingly slow animations for countless other (equally) trivial things.
Why are you assuming things nobody has mentioned? Neither does anyone here demand a life sim nor a dationg simulator - and let me turn that question around, how many thousand NCPD cops will you repeatedly kill until you get bored?
I haven't played the Witcher 3's expansion, nor do I want a dating Sim or required Eat/drink/whatever, just a few more options for immersion, because this game absolutely aims to be immersive and atmospheric - so maybe add a few things that just help against the immersion breakers (like your friends becoming furniture who remain in the same spot repeating the same 3 dialogue lines until the end of times) - that's not asking for a dating Sim. And there are multiple examples of games doing this without turning their whole game around - Fallout gives you the option to sit around at bars and eat, is that such a big deal and turning the game into a survival Sim? Nope, just an option you can enjoy or ignore, no big deal, but some players enjoy it and while I don't make much use of it, having the option alone helps massively with the feeling of being in a living, breathing world. We also don't need a dating Sim, but if Judy, Panam etc. would just simply move around a bit, go to different places, that'd already deal with the total immersion-breaking furniture problem. It's really not turning the gameplay upsite down and a too daunting task for a developer.
Exactly, that is the question, you have said it perfectly. That is the approach and the reasons why we ask for those improvements. Cyberpunk 2077 was a major leap and a much more ambitious project in every way than The Witcher 3. What was done in that game does not serve as a justification for what we have in this .

I understand that there are players who are not interested in what we are talking about and take a reasonable idea to the extreme to make a fool of it. Nobody asks to eat Shushi with Judy or add lines of dialogue. What this mod does for me is already enough to give me the feeling that the city allows me to interact with it. The modder is going to develop these features much more and it will undoubtedly be an extra for those who want to enjoy them.

Stop repeating that we want a life simulator, NO, if it became that it would be a ridiculous game. You disagree with an opinion and exaggerate the arguments to ridicule that opinion.

I mention some things that "hurt some of us who love Cyberpunk 2077". I also want to emphasize that everything they are fixing and adding to the game is wonderful, please don't think I'm a non-conformist:

1. That getting chrome in Night City is one of the most important things in the entire story and that ripperdocs are the same as the Chinese woman who sells cables on the street.

2. That you are a player who enjoys seeing all the wonderful work done in the city of Night city and that outside of missions everything seems to you that it is not for you because you cannot interact with anything.

3. That you see the police on every corner but know that they are made of cardboard.

4. That trauma team is so important in the city but they are also made of cardboard.

5. That you stop the car on the road and no car coming from behind can solve the problem.

These 5 ideas refer to 5 important issues in the game, but have had little development. Or just the development necessary for you to live the story and nothing more.

If we think that everything that is not the story of the game is pure decoration, perfect, but in that case a beautiful city has been wasted to please only the story and I would like the city to surprise me by itself in some aspects.

If CDPR thinks of Night City as a set, then perfect, but I refuse to think that's the case.

And I'm not asking for a simulation of life in Night City, just more interactions, like the ones this mod provides us.
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Why are you assuming things nobody has mentioned? Neither does anyone here demand a life sim nor a dationg simulator - and let me turn that question around, how many thousand NCPD cops will you repeatedly kill until you get bored?
I haven't played the Witcher 3's expansion, nor do I want a dating Sim or required Eat/drink/whatever, just a few more options for immersion, because this game absolutely aims to be immersive and atmospheric - so maybe add a few things that just help against the immersion breakers (like your friends becoming furniture who remain in the same spot repeating the same 3 dialogue lines until the end of times) - that's not asking for a dating Sim. And there are multiple examples of games doing this without turning their whole game around - Fallout gives you the option to sit around at bars and eat, is that such a big deal and turning the game into a survival Sim? Nope, just an option you can enjoy or ignore, no big deal, but some players enjoy it and while I don't make much use of it, having the option alone helps massively with the feeling of being in a living, breathing world. We also don't need a dating Sim, but if Judy, Panam etc. would just simply move around a bit, go to different places, that'd already deal with the total immersion-breaking furniture problem. It's really not turning the gameplay upsite down and a too daunting task for a developer.
Fallout is the opposite of a "living breathing city". It's broken down structures all around which means very little work needs to go into populating a dense city. the npcs are practically walking zombies that just need to follow a simple path. So yes, the devs can focus on interactive distractions because that's the core of the game, you as a survivor. It's a mostly empty game, not much immersion there.

And I cannot stress this enough, Fallout 76 failed for the very reason that it tried to do too much and ended up failing at everything. That's not the direction we'd like Cyberpunk 2077 to go.

I can agree with Panam, Judy and other core NPC moving around, that's fine but that's not what the mod is or what OP suggested. Them moving around doesn't mean you must encounter them, night city is a big place. The best you can hope for is that they won't be at their apartment all the time. But if you expect to run into them at bars or clubs and have fun and unique dialogue each time then you might be disappointed, at least from the devs side. If modders want to spend the time crafting that scenario then that's great.
Fallout is the opposite of a "living breathing city". It's broken down structures all around which means very little work needs to go into populating a dense city. the npcs are practically walking zombies that just need to follow a simple path. So yes, the devs can focus on interactive distractions because that's the core of the game, you as a survivor. It's a mostly empty game, not much immersion there.

And I cannot stress this enough, Fallout 76 failed for the very reason that it tried to do too much and ended up failing at everything. That's not the direction we'd like Cyberpunk 2077 to go.

I can agree with Panam, Judy and other core NPC moving around, that's fine but that's not what the mod is or what OP suggested. Them moving around doesn't mean you must encounter them, night city is a big place. The best you can hope for is that they won't be at their apartment all the time. But if you expect to run into them at bars or clubs and have fun and unique dialogue each time then you might be disappointed, at least from the devs side. If modders want to spend the time crafting that scenario then that's great.
I'm very well aware that Fallout isn't a good living breathing world, mainly because Bethesda can't write a good story for their life, let alone NPCs - my point was just that having the option to sit/eat/drink in Fallout doesn't turn the game into a different genre, it's just flavor. And no, I don't talk about 76, never played that one, what it tried and failed with was first and foremost multiplayer, and unless you find ONLY some kickass RPers on a public server other players are usually the immersion killer #1.
As for the NPCs moving around, as much as I'd like to see them elsewhere, from my understanding the mod just lets them move around in their own place, so e.g. Judy doesn't stand at the Window 24/7 anymore but actually goes to sleep or into the kitchen too. As for them moving around in the world on their own, actually CDPR did that semselves in the beginning of the game, and yes, just to add flavor. You see both Panam and Judy hanging around at the Afterlife and Lizzy's on their own before you're able to interact with them, they don't have dialogue at that point either - it's just totally useless, needless fluff for you maybe, but if CDPR thought it was good in the early game, why shouldn't it be later? As much as I have known CDPR so far, they love detail, the first time I played Witcher 1 I was blown away how many cute little flavor ideas they added compared to all the other super-static RPG worlds at that time, it's one of the main reasons I fell in love with their games and an absolute strenght of theirs.

Might also add the detail that NPCs having daily routines was one of the big broken promises for the game - could at least do it for the main ones now.
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Might also add the detail that NPCs having daily routines was one of the big broken promises for the game
Not sure, but it was a wrong translation, not a "broken promise" ;)
Like badly translated interviews...


"While there are some areas in the Witcher 3 where villagers don’t have a daily routine, they are planning to improve this with giving more than a thousand NPCs a handmade routine."


Most people have Automated Routines from a pool which can divert into branching options. Its mostly randomized but remains believable.
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