"even if as a shooter it only looks moderately exciting.—Samuel Roberts"

My opinion, while not very helpful, is that realistically: combat, especially real time, can only be felt accurately through playing it. What makes any game experience truly exciting or engaging isnt the looks, its the decision-making going on your head.
Watching the stuff all passively without having a conscious consideration of what current risks you are in and how much of the situation is your responsibility is a completely different thing than the real one.

I know that this applies to nearly every other game experience out there, but for combat in real time and specifically in first person where the camera is only supposed to show what the person playing has to see is a very exceptional case.

Honestly speaking, I've never watched any footage of first person combat that looks exciting or fun; its only when playing the games that the magic happens. I enjoyed Doom 2016 and got super bored watching Doom Eternal gameplay, its an entirely different activity.

Now that said, if CDPR want to make engaging combat, I like what I'm hearing so far about their focus on creative gadgets and guns, but not because of how "cool" they can be; rather, because they all sound like active abilities. The most important thing is to keep the player constantly thinking and acting rather than watching or going on auto pilot as you hold the "fire" button, something that's hard to convey to passive viewers. They seem to emphasize mobility, blocked targets, alternate routes and flanking, and gun-modes and skills to work around those obstacles at specific points during the encounters.

I'm not expecting amazing combat mainly cause of TW3, but I suspect heavily that CP2077 plays a lot better than it looks.
Am I delusional if I think I could play as stealth melee assassin without it being punitive/in favor of gun play.
Personally, I don't need CP to be overly exciting as a shooter. Not in a traditional, DOOM sort of way. Cause the way to make that kind of shooter exciting is generally to go over the top.

With Cyberpunk 2077 being based on a PnP RPG, I'd want something more tactical from the shooter elements. There's this really cool shooter franchise called SWAT (now a dead franchise, so maybe an indicator as to why it's not the direction CDPR is taking with CP...) that was very methodical and tactical, you operated a group of SWAT officers, giving them exact orders, choosing equipment, looking at floor plans and deciding on a plan before entering a mission. However, when the action did start, it was tense, deliberate, fast and over in seconds. That would be my ideal gameplay style for Cyberpunk as a shooter.
The thing to keep firmly in mind is the audience.
Shooter games thrive on fast paced reaction based combat, most RPGs stress tactical. So I can see why SWAT didn't resonate with the shooter crowd.
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