File system error and how I solved it - retail version

File system error and how I solved it - retail version

Just bought the retail version from Walmart - 2 DVD's.

The installer would stop at the 2nd DVD saying file system error ...\cookedpc\pack0.dzip

I tried all the suggested fixes, and finally tried this -

I copied everything from Disc 1 into a folder I named Disc 1 on my desktop. Then I copied everything from Disc 2 into a folder called (and I think this was actually the key) Disc 2 also on my desktop.

I ran the setup.exe from the disc 1 folder as administrator (right click and run as administrator, not just logged in), did custom install and chose my directory. The key (I think) is that the installer didn't need to stop and ask me where disc 2 was, since it was in the same directory disc 1 was. The installer appeared to hang at the end where it would normally ask for the next disc, but after a good bit it asked for the activation code (which wasn't needed), clicked ok and off it went happily downloading the latest updates/patches whatever.

Hope this helps some people out as I was about at my wits end.

Edit to help people searching: Witcher 2 2.0 retail version file system error cookedpc pack0.dzip
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