Final wishlist for the game in last updates

2.1 pretty much fixed all the bugs I was facing, but the game still needs some last finishing touches in my opinion. Namely

- New Game +
- NPCs riding bikes in traffic
- NPCs who actually react to you honking your horb, they don't do anything. Bizzare makes the world feel completely unreactive.
- The ability to turn on police sirens in cars. for some reason this completely disappeared after 2.0
-More consistent crowd density / traffic when driving fast.
Yeah, not being able to use police sirens is disappointing. It seems with this game, for every two bugs they squash, one more pops up. I guess that is why they are ditching Red Engine.

I doubt we are getting more new features now, at least from CDPR, I'm sure modders will provide.

There are still a few bug fixes to tend to, which I guess will be their focus now until support officially ends. Though for game changes, the economy could do with a tweak. It's pretty early in the game now when you have so much money you can stop caring about it. Crafting materials also making a return to the junk vendors & drug stores would be a welcome change.

As much as I'd like to see new game plus, I can't see it happening as staff are moving onto the new Witcher and new Cyberpunk. The CP2077 team are being wound up.
- New Game + - Won't happen, why is there a new thread every day for this when it's already clarified it won't happen.
- NPCs riding bikes in traffic - Yeah, this should be done, police and enemies drive bike, maybe NPCs can be too, maybe a mod incoming
- NPCs who actually react to you - Probably outside scope for engine.
-More consistent crowd density / traffic when driving fast. - Again, out of scope for current engine - if it was possible to do, it would've been done in 2.0
NPC's reacting to basic car horns is not outside the scope of the engine, police patrolling do it when you do, it's just widely inconsistent AI design. Same with the Bikes, not outside scope.

Also the NG+ thing, they did this exact same thing with the Witcher 3 when it came out years ago, denied it's not coming, only for it to eventually come later down the line.
My petty wishlist:

-New game loot box. Not NG+, but allows you to pick a few clothing items or weapons, maybe even a wardrobe preset into a stash that you can start a new game with.
-PL added more hairstyles and stuff that we just don't have access to for reasons. I still want need Rogue's 2077 do. Gimme!
-Actually while we're at it, just a bigger selection of player cosmetics: cyberware, hair, tattoos, piercings, etc.
Lack of new cosmetic cyberware in PL was very disappointing. Not even asking for full chrome limbs, just basic face stuff like Meredith Stout or Sandra Dorsett/other NPCs have.
-Let us use the Autofixer to choose an appearance variation for certain vehicles. These already exist in-game as drivable NPC rides, so for example, we can buy and keep a black Kusanagi CT-3X.
More than 3 weapons to equip on PC - I have keys 4-0 to select them.
Or at least a switchable weapon loadout,

Also I thought they promised a way to steal a random vehicle and make it yours? There are some sweet bikes in the game I'd like to own.
-More consistent crowd density / traffic when driving fast. - Again, out of scope for current engine - if it was possible to do, it would've been done in 2.0
Well there's a very popular mod that does just this and doesn't cause any serious problems to the game. I think it makes the traffic behind you freak out and crash into you occasionally, but I can't really tell whether that is because of the mod or the base game's still terrible AI. Having crowd density and traffic disappear is purely a performance decision.
1. Make it so that the game doesn't automatically default to your next mission being Nocturne Op55n1 after its been unlocked. It would be great that the game didn't try to forcefeed you the mission that ends the game. I feel it should be the last mission offered.

2. Give V some sort of flashlight or night vision. Too often the game is too dark to be enjoyable. A flashlight would maintain the atmosphere of dark conditions, while still allowing player to actually SEE. Its kinda absurd that despite having cybernetic eyes from the very beginning of the game, V cant see shit a lot of the time. Especially considering we live in Cyberpunk world.

3. Make it so that drinks bought from bartenders appear as items on the counter that you can immediately either use or pickup. At least this if a drinking animation is too much to ask. Its so sad that player can only fiddle with their inventory to get a generic +x bonus for y time instead of enjoying a drink at Night citys NUMEROUS drinking establishments. In a game that aims to be immersive I feel the state of bars is a capital offense. At least CDPR added drinking to the Black Sapphire mission in Dogtown, but I want it for ALL bars. Also thanks that V can drink whisky in their own homes, but... you know. There must be over a dozen bars player can enter in Night city..
Option to remove all dialogue about the Relic killing V, with a text message from Songbird that her tweaks managed to put the Relic progression into permanent stasis.

CDPR already passed on several chances to fix their idiotic storyline, so I'd be satisfied if someone would just make a mod that did this.
Give V some sort of flashlight or night vision. Too often the game is too dark to be enjoyable
I forgot about this, there is even a mission in Phantom Liberty where V has a flashlight. Chromed up to the eyeballs but still using a 20th century scuba torch. Infrared and low light cyberoptics have been a thing since the 2020 ttrpg.
2.1 pretty much fixed all the bugs I was facing, but the game still needs some last finishing touches in my opinion. Namely

- NPCs riding bikes in traffic

Good Point! Why is this not implemented. There are Enemys in the Carjacking Missions that Ride Bikes. If the can Fight You in Trafic it cant be that hard to make them drive within it. Or maybe not? Maybe the Drivemodel (wich is stil the worst ever, sorry CDPR) cant handle the Bikes on low speeds...
I stole a police car from the H10 garage yesterday, and the sirens turned on when I turned the lights on.
Am I crazy or is the siren different now?

I'm probably just crazy but I feel like it was a bit more aggressive before. Deeper tones.
Be able to pet Nibbles after your take them in.

I was just watching the Inside the Game video for Cyberpunk, and the "Nibbles" cat in it has a t-shirt so.... yeah, we need shirts for Nibbles.

When Meredith Stout texts you after the Maelstrom thing, there should be an option besides Flirt or Flirt Differently. Some thing that just closes the convo so the message doesn't sit there unanswered in the corner of my HUD for.... the. rest of. the. dang, game! (Seriously, this should be fairly easy, I'd think)
(But if we get Nibbles some shirts, I'll let that Meredith Stout message thing go.)
I'm still going to ask for dual-wielding, no matter how old this game gets.

I'd gladly take it as like a temporary, high-end, on-use ability if they can't find a way to implement a proper system.

Think of all the possibilities for weapons and cyberware combos, though.
3. Make it so that drinks bought from bartenders appear as items on the counter that you can immediately either use or pickup. At least this if a drinking animation is too much to ask. Its so sad that player can only fiddle with their inventory to get a generic +x bonus for y time instead of enjoying a drink at Night citys NUMEROUS drinking establishments. In a game that aims to be immersive I feel the state of bars is a capital offense. At least CDPR added drinking to the Black Sapphire mission in Dogtown, but I want it for ALL bars. Also thanks that V can drink whisky in their own homes, but... you know. There must be over a dozen bars player can enter in Night city..

As a new player this is something that has bothered me. They've spent so much time crafting a beautiful world, made a conscious decision to keep everyone in an immersive 1st person mode, but didn't provide many ways to interact with non-mission, "average person" aspects of Night City.

In addition to drinking at bars, you should also be able to sit down for a bowl of ramen and eat at one of the food stalls around town. I always loved the Yakuza series's restaurants and the ability to order a bunch of things off their menu. Even if it recycled the same animations, it added a bit to the feeling that it was a real city with real restaurants that weren't just cardboard storefronts. Buying a meal or drink and then "using" it in your inventory just feels weird and underwhelming and honestly something I would expect from an indie game, not a AAA title like CP77. Did no one on the Cyberpunk team not think, "This is not really an immersive experience"?

Related to both of those, I want to just be able to sit down at any chair I want throughout the city. Soak in the vibe. It seems like such a low-effort thing, and they already coded sitting for various missions, but they don't allow you to do it on your own. I don't get it.

I want to sit at the bar in Afterlife and drink my Jackie Welles and chill with Claire. Is that so much to ask...
As a new player this is something that has bothered me. They've spent so much time crafting a beautiful world, made a conscious decision to keep everyone in an immersive 1st person mode, but didn't provide many ways to interact with non-mission, "average person" aspects of Night City.
CDPR (always) made "story-driven" games. So obviously, Cyberpunk lack of everything which "sand-box" games could have, i.e be able to do "things" outside of stories/quests :)
CDPR (always) made "story-driven" games. So obviously, Cyberpunk lack of everything which "sand-box" games could have, i.e be able to do "things" outside of stories/quests :)

Story isn't just about plot though. A good story also defines how the character(s) relate to the place they are in. What a character does to "wind down" helps provide a fuller picture of the character, and for a game like CP77 helps to provide contrast to the action and break the tension of normal missions. You can see that CDPR understood that to some extent because they had moments during a few missions during NPC conversations where you could sit at a bar and drink, but they didn't give the player agency to do that outside of missions.

That maybe made sense for the Witcher games where you're playing a predefined character, but V is our own character, so there should be increased player agency to let us define what kind of character our V is and what they do during down time moments.
Just fix the broken stuff, please.

Obviously the broken gigs & broken icons are more immediate because of what they mean for gameplay, but I really want to see stuff that used to work before PL get taken care off.

Character clothes used to get wet from rain/water way back in... 1.06? 1.1?

NPC vehicles didn't have their lights on 24/7 before 1.5.

RT Hybrid is still plagued by several long running issue, most noted by users of this shader is the chrome skin effect that has progressively gotten worse and covers more of the map than when the problem started.

Path Tracing used to work and now it doesn't. Period. Now there is light leak all over the map, most refuse/debris no longer cast shadows, most hair no longer casts shadows(no, they did not fix this), more grass than ever doesn't cast shadows, in several parts of the map including V's apartment I can see bounce lighting and shadows disappear as if the object is being culled from the g buffer. - get it together.
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