It is SOME solution. Not a perfect one. An easy one, though. Just raise the health on very hard. Around lvl 20 - raise it about threefold. Lvl 30-40 - raise it 5-10 times. Max level - raise it 10-20 times. And just like that with minimum effort you got a much better game. Also, include an option of enemy level scaling up. These two very simple things would certainly achieve something.
But this won't go far because the difficulty of the game is dumbed down by another bunch of factors:
- Archaic AI. Afaik they used FSM behavior model which is archaic for this kinda games. It just cannot handle complex tasks. Things like team work or strategy - forget about it. I also noticed that registering input is terribly slow. Many a time, I have already flanked an enemy with my melee build, was standing to their side or behind them, but they still opted to initiate the get-to-cover animation.
- Dumb stealth mechanics. It affects non-stealth playstyle, too. You can walk up to four guys in a hostile area from 10 meters away and take them out with a melee weapon one by one, and they don't have time to react becuse of the detection delay (but also the next point contributs to this). Easy solution, though, the detection mechanics should only kick in when you're sneaking, otherwise an instant detection.
- Terribly slow animations. Even without Sandevistan the enemies move terribly slow. It sometimes takes more than two seconds for enemy to finish the unholstering and aiming animation before they actually start to shoot. Taking cover or vault cover animations also look like in slow mo.
- Time dilation and quickhacking. Basically, it boils down to uninteractive and risk-free gameplay. This will always suck balance-wise. These two things are just bad ideas. Nothing you can do about it, really, they'd have to scrap it completely. Zero-cost 10+ second slowmo - where the player is not slowed except the guns - is always gonna be god mode in an open world games focused on short encounters. And quickhacks... just a terrible idea.
Yeah those are just to name a few of the problems in the current enemy ai. Anyways, until cd or mods "fix" the difficulty to something less arcade-like to make enemy groups attack you more cohesively together as a squad this gameplay is broken and boring to play.
Witcher 3/ 2 got carried by more developed stories at least and even in those games the enemy and particularly later dlc boss design was at least varied and interesting. I can't believe in 2077 with all the gadgets available to them enemies mostly just couch/duck and shoot at you (and do it pretty slowly as pointed out).