How do you counter Letho Regis?

The only real counter-play is pushing round one, no matter how hard. And not blowing your own spy, never spy back or use spy in round 1 if you feel you might encounter L+R.

The thing is they almost always have the combo in the 2 round, don't fear to go down cards and bleed them in round 2. If you bleed them enough and still stay ahead in points, they will need to commit the L+R leaving them a) 2 cards down b) without a win condition.

Basic game plan is to win (or prolong as much as possible) the 1 round. Bleed them 2 round. And either go 2-3 cards left in hands round 3 placing all your units on different rows and commiting your own win con last (after letho which isn't that hard). Basically making the combo extremely small.

L+R is at huge disadvantage if the last round lasts only 2-3 turns (cards in each hand) and they have commited (basically no finisher and no good plays anymore) or haven't commited (no good targets to use it on) their combo. Made even worse if they have to go first in 3 round.

I myself find almost always losing the match with L+R deck if my I either lose round 1 (and also not draw the spy) and get bled in the round 2 (like really hard, till there are only 2-3 cards left in each hand).

Also, some control decks, like ST (eithne, broover) that have small units but lots of damage have much easier time; swarm decks (foltest, calveit soldiers, broover) have high chances to win since no big units - only millions of small ones.

Greatswords are a real pain if they push the 1 round to the end because they will generate enough points to overcome 1 round, and they also will make your opponent to commit L+R in the 2 round while having the finisher in form of freya + sword or restore + captain.

You can't really counter the combo in terms of cards and answers (maybe with slave driver, splitting the value or consuming with arachas queen but those can't be in every game/every deck). What you can is countering them in terms of strategy and game plan. Basically that - adapt your strategy.
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Blood-Curdling Roar is often a good shout for the end of a game against Nilf, I usually keep Gremist to play last or use restore on him as a last play.

Makes me think though that it would be ace to have a card that consumed a fat target and shared it's value between all of your cards in play.
Makes me think though that it would be ace to have a card that consumed a fat target and shared it's value between all of your cards in play.

Something like unseen elder or arachas queen can do exactly that.
Arachas Queen Is probably the best counter actually as she is Immune and can just consume Letho
I have countered Letho-Regis 3 or 4 times with Mandrake used on the Spying Letho. But It works only if you have enough points.

While I was playing Regis-Letho, I had several opponetns who lose by destroying Letho, while I didn't have Regis in my hand, that was very funny. Never play mandrake before the opponent didn't played Regis.

The best way to counter it is too don't put strong units on one row if you think that your opponent plays this combo. Another easy mean, is to win round 1, and force him to play his hand on round 2 (he usually keeps at least one of them).

Honestly it isn't a very good combo for 2 golds, even if doesn't have a counter (and usually 3 golds, because you'll need a royal decree or Skellen to be sure to pull both of them round 3). It's just very impressive when it works (usually against GS or Nekkers)

I had a NG reveal with Vorhis-Letho-Regis, and another reveal with Kalveit-Cahir-Vilgefortz, the second was working better the the first.
Restart your internet. Works every time. Might cost you the game, but it's satisfying as hell to watch that Letho just sitting there...waiting for his Regis. No, he's never coming.
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