How does Vaedamakar really work?

I try to build a fun deck around weather and traps, but how Vaedamakar (this strange weather mage, noone plays) really works is still not clear to me...

the card says it increases row effect durations by 1.
Bild 1.png

ok, so now how does this work:
first play some weather cards and then play him (so existing currently ongoing weather effects on board are prolonged) that means, it is a ONE time use
play him first and then some turns later row effect cards and all durations in the whole round will be prolonged? meaning: while he is on board, increase ALL row effects?

if it is first, it is hardly useable cause many row effects only have 2 duration, so before you spammed two rows with them and played the mage, it would be already over for the first row. and what happens if he gets locked? i mean the effect already took place then or not?
if it is the second: will it still work, if the guy is locked / removed from board? (i suppose not, but actually it should cause otherwise this card would be mega weak, since it costs 7 provisions.)
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(Darth) Vaedermakar only works on all currently active row effects. You can notice this because of the deploy-effect. If the "deploy" keyword wasn't present, it would be an ongoing effect, instead.
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