Johnny's glitchy aura: Offset from his character model

Anyone seen this before? I started noticing it on my 2.0 (now 2.01) playthrough although I can't promise it wasn't happening in earlier versions. I've not played in about a year before this playthrough so I might have forgotten.

Johnny's subtle blueish glitchy aura is not rendering neatly over his character model. It's the right shape but it's in the wrong place. In this video you can see it to the left and slightly above his position in my field of vision. As far as I can recall it's always in the wrong place whenever I see him in this v2.0x playthrough.

It's far from a showstopper, I've reported it to support but I wonder if I'm the only one. Apologies if I'm not the only one, you haven't noticed until now, but now I've pointed it out :LOL:
Got an email from CDPR support today about that bug, they are aware and are gathering data about it. Its caused by Ray Reconstrucion and only with Phantom Liberty installed.
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