Latest Datafortress 2020 Update!

Latest Datafortress 2020 Update!

DATAFORTRESS 2020 has an absolutely massive update.

The Autumn Blade weapon catalog has been updated, not only with new guns and gear, but I have replaced the images of some of the old guns that just didn't look up to snuff. I have also reorganized them. For the guns this means they are organized not only by type, but by caliber, and alphabetically. With the gear, and exotic weapons, its broken down by type and alphabetized as well. I also did my best to correct some of the stats, especially prices, to make things more consistent. Now due to the weapon and gear catalog, a few other catalogs got updated as well... like the weapon, armor and gear sections of Nomad Market, and the clothing and armor from Cyber Fashion.

If Guns and gear isn't your thing... then I have also updated Miracle Mile, the civilian vehicle catalog... hundred of new rides are now available, plus like Autumn Blade, the whole thing has been re-organized. Vehicles are broken up into specific types, and then appear according to either Speed (for vehicles where thats what is important) or by Size (for the other vehicles), and of course you can still sort through them by manufacturer as well. And like Autumn Blade I went through and corrected a bunch of the stats and prices.

Special thanks to Seth Skorkowsky, who brings us Interlock Unlimited: Alchemy Unlimited. Seth is working on smoothing out the arcane rules and working on a fantasy bestiaries and fantasy sourcebooks for IU as well, but in the meantime he has given us magic potions and how to make them to tide us over.

While Miracle Mile is available as its own updated PDF, the Autumn Blade update is broken up into the "Ultimate" series of PDF files. (Ultimate Handguns, Ultimate Rifles, Ultimate Submachineguns, Ultimate Shotguns, Ultimate Heavy Weapons, Ultimate Exotic Weapons, Ultimate Equipment)

And speaking of PDF files... I have saved the best for last. Long time friend Andrew James (of Node 16 fame) has done us all the ultimate favor. He, being a long time UK fan of Cyberpunk 2020 happened to possess the single most sought after fanzine in CP 2020 circles. Something I myself have long been searching for... I have exhausted the web looking for some way to contact the mag's original publishers, but with no avail. Andrew scanned in the pages of this incredibly rare magazine, and sent them to me, where I cleaned them up and re-assembled them, so we could make it available to everyone. Have you guessed what I am talking about... PUNK 21' issue 1, the holy grail of Cyberpunk rarities! If you are in the UK, buy Mr. James a beer, I prefer Scotch.

Oh, and as an afterthought, while the Datafortress 2020 File Project is down, I went ahead and made a single downloadable bundle of all the Datafortress 2020 Pdf's and files, the Archive Files, and all the Interlock Unlimited files... the only files this bundle doesn't contain are the images from my gallery. It's a huge file (almost 800meg), but if you want it, it's in there, including all the newest files. These files as well as several of the most recent or popularly requested files have been put on DROP BOX for immediate download, the links are found below.

Get it all from Datafortress 2020
It looks great! Much better than before. Great work. (One thing though, did you have to use cyan coloring? it hurts my eyes) :p
I am assuming you mean the links for the PDF files.... use the links at the bottom of the page....
I was reading the nomads section and i'm simply amazed. "VAL REYNOLDS"? "Serenidad"? Is this really from CP2020? Whole story and character set of Firefly is there. (I'm guessing it isn't, since it's just a "sample nomad family", but i had to ask)
I was reading the nomads section and i'm simply amazed. "VAL REYNOLDS"? "Serenidad"? Is this really from CP2020? Whole story and character set of Firefly is there. (I'm guessing it isn't, since it's just a "sample nomad family", but i had to ask)

It's all stuff I wrote mate, what can I say, I love me some Firefly. And honestly, if you cut out the space travel, its about the most perfect representation of Nomad Life in Cyberpunk 2020 out there.

Hel, Val and Chloe get more backstory in the Conflcit II sourcebook I wrote. My fictional recounting of The Long Walk is told through Val's eyes.
It's all stuff I wrote mate, what can I say, I love me some Firefly. And honestly, if you cut out the space travel, its about the most perfect representation of Nomad Life in Cyberpunk 2020 out there.

Hel, Val and Chloe get more backstory in the Conflcit II sourcebook I wrote. My fictional recounting of The Long Walk is told through Val's eyes.

That's why i'm amazed, even though i knew it wasn't from CP2020, it was well written enough to make it seem plausible. I really miss Firefly.
Thanks man, I take that as a mighty fine compliment...

You are welcome, dude, you know i mean it. :)

By the way, it would be great if you could buy a truck and start your own nomad family.

Maybe you could buy an old, giant, highly modified fire truck and recruit people to use the truck to smuggle stuff from place to place.

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Hmm... I'm sure we could turn that water gun into something more useful and deadly.


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You are welcome, dude, you know i mean it.

By the way, it would be great if you could buy a truck and start your own nomad family.

Maybe you could buy an old, giant, highly modified fire truck and recruit people and use the truck to smuggle stuff from place to place.

View attachment 644

Hmm... I'm sure we could turn that water gun into something more useful and deadly.

Firetruck is a neat idea... though I am not sure how much you could actually haul with it, which is kind of a necessity for smugglers

As for buying your own truck, well that's what Wandering Joes is there for.
Firetruck is a neat idea... though I am not sure how much you could actually haul with it, which is kind of a necessity for smugglers

As for buying your own truck, well that's what Wandering Joes is there for.

That's what i'm talking about, you can always buy a truck from Wandering Joe and he will modify it as you see fit. (modification will cost exta :D ) As for space, this is from a modified truck that is actually smaller than that fire truck:

View attachment 845

And with money, you can even extend the truck or do the even crazier, add a second floor to your truck, plenty of space for a smuggler. Like a Double Decker bus:

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Add the double decker buses second floor to the fire truck without changing the location of water gun and there you have it, a truck that is a smugglers heaven. Plenty of space.


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re: water cannon

Load up the tank with DMSO, and spike it with whatever nastiness you'd like your targets to absorb through their skin. =D
^That, right there, is why my characters spent the euro on antiplague nanotech and toxin binders, among other things. Because evil fucks like you.
I made this as a proof of concept, it didn't turned out the way i wanted, but it's good enough:

View attachment 847

And somehow it looks shorter and smaller than it was, just imagine it has this interior:

View attachment 645

I call this Smugglers Heaven or Sard's nightmare :D Those "antiplague nanotech and toxin binders" will fail someday you know :D


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Pppfft! By then I'll be fully Uploaded and it'll be Eclipse Phase.

I, for one, welcome our new digital overlords!
Pppfft! By then I'll be fully Uploaded and it'll be Eclipse Phase.

I, for one, welcome our new digital overlords!

I always knew you had an evil plan.. I just didn't know this plan of yours included me not shooting you with a highly modified water cannon, which is enhanced with Dimethyl sulfoxide.. Smart plan... :D
"In the aftermath of the Fall, transhumanity lives on, divided into a patchwork of hypercorp combines, survivalist stations, transhuman faction species, and city-state habitats.

Under the oppressive police states of immortal inner-system oligarchies, advanced technologies remain highly restricted, and refugee infomorphs are held in virtual slavery or resleeved in robotic bodies and forced into indentured labor.

In the outer system, rebel transhuman scientists and techno-anarchists struggle to maintain a new society—from each according to their imagination and to each according to their need.

And on the fringes and in the niches lurk networked tribes of political extremists, religious fanatics, criminal entrepeneurs, and bizarre posthumans, among other, stranger, and more alien things ..."

TITANS plan for eberything. EBERY. THING.
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