Make and share your own GWENT cards!

Alright. This is what idea I got. Made it really fast. Don't know if it would be balanced, most important is the ability.

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I don't know why they are smaller and smaller this one is reduced to a size none readable idk why...


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Will post a few here eventually: gwent_custom_a57a60a6439e147511764196d24c8b01.png

Above image is from the Witcher 3.

and a slight modification from one I mentioned before ... gwent_custom_4c47599ba3520f6df9e60be00f4c3da7.png

The above image was found here - - Credit to appropriate place and all that).

And the last one for now ... gwent_custom_50e3b7ac144afcd8cc8a6656c01c92d7.png

This one is a little more complicated than the others. It's a mix of muster and the Virhead Officer's ability (but the +1 and -1 only apply to one random card rather than all cards at that numerical value). That makes this a 15 point play (9 for the cards + 6 for the ability). It's a play on the idea of the Rats stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. The image above is of Falka and Mistle (by "jooleya"). There would also be one of Giselher and Iskra as well as one of Asse, Kayleigh and Reef. I am imagining the seven of them at the celebration at Glyswen - where when one has all three different copies of the card it makes one cohesive image. All of them would be called "Rats" so the player could only have a total of three Rats cards.
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KasumiGoto;n7410300 said:
Isn't that like a worse Udalryk?

Yes. EDIT: I've always thought Scoia'tael needed some form of graveyard play. I thought about making it steal a random non-gold card from opponent's un-drawn deck rather than graveyard just to make it more different ... but ultimately yes it's the same idea.
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Guest 3926840

I made this one! :)

Usually the absorb are in the Monster Deck but since I made it thinking of a way to counter the ranked plague of Poor infantry/Mutagen/Foltest I thought she would be usefull in everyone decks, I don't think she OP since it a 4strenght cards that need to wait more than a turn before absorbing strength so she's pretty easy to counter!

For her use I think it's pretty simple to understand, for example:
Opponent play Poor Infantry
You play the Succubus
opponent put mutagen on poor infantry (3+4=7)
Destroy the buffed Poor Infantry with Alzur's Thunder (or what you have available)
Your turn end she absorb the buffed poor infantry you just destroyed !
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Idk why pictures don't come out that great on this forum. The ability reads:

Ambush: Reveal at the end of the round.
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