More Contracts

There are a number of current contracts which relate to playing/winning a certain number of games while using ornaments (mainly via the various Journeys) - targets to get while using a particular Leader skin or attachments to the Leader skin, but I'd suggest that there's a space here to expand this beyond ornaments gained via Journeys. Contracts could be given out for playing certain card backs, coins and Leader skins, for instance.

Contracts for base Leader skins would be available for all, then further contracts for the differing incarnations of the skins that are available through the reward trees. Then there are the other skins that have been made available through the shop - Radovid Africa, Shupe, Gascon, Gaunter, etc; these could all have contracts and add a little something towards people perhaps deciding to purchase them.

Likewise, why not extend the number of contracts regarding using particular coins or card backs? These would include the base card backs, reward and seasonal tree card backs and purchasable card backs - and could include all the differing coins that have become available (i.e. Frozen Rarog, Saouvine, Samurai, the Masters' coins, etc). It would be nice to have a goal that incentivises players to use a variety of card backs and coins rather than just picking them on aesthetics or a whim.

The rewards don't have to be great, just a reward point here or there, but given this mechanic is already in the game, why not extend it properly?

Good/bad idea? Happy to hear other players' views.
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