Patch 2.13

"In this video, we test the new FSR 3 Frame Generation update for Cyberpunk 2077 by running the game at a locked 20 FPS. While not recommended for regular gameplay, this is an effective way to check if the Frame Generation algorithm is generating frames correctly. This test is for demonstration purposes only.

Yes, only a small egg-shaped area in the center is interpolated (shows a generated frame). This means there is no frame generation in ~80% of the screen. That causes the "warping" effect.

Update 2.13 for Cyberpunk 2077 is broken. I appreciate if you took inspiration from the FrameGen Ghosting 'Fix' mod, but you implemented it incorrectly.

CDPR, this FG implementation will go down in history as a meme"

No comments needed... :(
It literally just took modders a few hours to figure out CDPR made it so vignette is now considered a HUD element, thus getting excluded from the FG algo... How can you NOT properly code this and what use is QA testing ? ... Baffling, simply baffling
So we waited this long for a subpar official FSR3 experience? There are mods that decouple the FG aspect out of the upscaling one, allowing players to combine FSR3 FG with DLSS/XeSS and those have been out for like 9 months.... Was it really that hard to use the latest SDK, or was that Nvidia money too sweet?
What the actual F are you guys doing CDPR? Really, add FSR3 instead of FSR3.1? Force user to use the shitshow that FSR is? The NUKEM mod is out for MONTHS now and does allow us to use the infinite better DLSS with frame gen, and you guys, with a ton of developers could not implement FSR3.1 properly? ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME? Man, what a disappointment. I LOVE CP2077, but so many bugs that never got fixed, promised a proper FG for those who don't have 40 series Nvidia, and you deliver this mess. The FSR3 is unusable, it's by far the worst looking upscaler on the market, its truly a mess. Shame you guys did not try to make the game and fans, a proper service. You really lost my respect as a consumer a long time ago, at launch, but I had hopes after the Phantom Liberty... Worst update to date.
Mod authors are slowly updating their stuff, going to wait it out I guess.
It's just frustrating, because with an extensive amount of mods it
takes hours to re-install everything. A normal un-modded game
feels limited, and I don't like playing it as much.

I hear you. Hope you get everything up and running soon. Loved looking at your screenshots. :ok:
This new update.
Cyberpunk 2077 release date - 10 December 2020
AMD FSR 3.1 release date - March 2024
People complaining on the internet that a 4 year old game doesn't support newer, manufacturer specific, upscalng technologies - Timeless.
I am sooooo angry right now!

We wait since december last year for this to come and we get shit!

We got FSR 3.0 and not 3.1!
So it's still 2.1 FSR with frame generation.
The frame generation is not decoupled from FSR, so we can't use it with Xess....
And where is the full-screen mode gone?

This is unbelievable!
What's wrong in this company?

I will never buy a game from CDPR again,
that was the last nail in the coffin

We will never meet again!
Cyberpunk 2077 release date - 10 December 2020
AMD FSR 3.1 release date - March 2024
People complaining on the internet that a 4 year old game doesn't support newer, manufacturer specific, upscalng technologies - Timeless.
Cyberpunk was supposed to be one of the first games that showcases this tech, that's how it was announced.
People are just mad because of the lackluster work that's been done whilst ruining mod support.
Remember, updates are mostly mandatory.
True enough on the busting mod support, but CP2k77 could never and would never have shipped with AMD FSR support as V1 wasn't released until June 2021, ~6 months after the game, so it was always going to be a 'shoehorn' at best. 4 years later, after CPDR spent what 2 years fixing a broken game and making it what it should have been, expecting semi-bleeding edge code updates is pretty funny. There's not many things in life that have technological currency that long after release.

(And really, most of the hilarity is the 'I'll never buy a CPDR game again!' complaints, even though the users are invested enough to be posting on a forum for an 'old' game, built on an old engine, optimised for GPUs a generation - at least - out of date, and that they, the users, have obviously sunk considerable time into. They always crack me up.)
I was completely surprised and excited to see this patch this morning, but it was a real let down once I got inside. This is probably because I had just assumed we were getting 3.1.

What we actually got is significantly worse:
-- I don't know what "FSR 3.0" as an upscaler option actually is, since my understanding of FSR 3.0 is that it's just FSR 2.x with Frame Generation. The Cyperpunk implementation is noticeably worse than the FSR 2.1 option and probably why 2.1 wasn't removed. (It is also significantly worse than hacking in 3.1 with a mod workaround)
-- Since this is FSR 3.0 and not 3.1, you MUST use the FSR 3.0 scaler to use the FSR frame generation. You cannot use FSR Frame Generation with DLSS, XESS or FSR 2.1, or probably more imporantly, on it's own.
-- Probably most painful for me is that 3.1 moved to easy DLL upgrading. Basically, just like with DLSS and XESS, you can just download the latest version of FSR post 3.1 and paste it into the game data folder. Or even just copy paste it from another game that was updated to the latest version. Which means we would not have to wait for the game devs to update the upscaler anymore.
-- For reasons unfathomable, you need to restart when you enable or disable Frame Gen (this does not happen with any of the work around mods and I don't have an nvidia card).

So lets say you are solutions oriented, and maybe you didn't know anything about the things I complained about, but now you do and it's bumming you out. What are your options:

I have an Nvidia 40-series card and I just want to play games at the best they can look without having to spend a lot of time fiddling:
You're in luck because you don't really have to care about any of this. If you don't know much about eiher tech and have these cards, DLSS is the upscaler you should use (it's the best*) and you can already enable Frame Gen yourself. If you don't know why you would do either of these things, well just play around with them, it can't hurt anything.

I have an AMD Card and I only care about Frame Gen:
AMD is working on rolling out AMFM 2, and it's currently in beta testing. I've used it and liked it. You can donwload and install the driver for it here if you don't want to wait for it to go mainstream:

Personally I found AMFM 2 to work almost as well as native frame gen, so if you have an AMD card and you don't like the idea of doing any light modding, Then this is for you. if you are wondering what the draw back is, it's that the frame generation is done at a driver level. So theoretically it will be less efficient then a frame gen impletmented in game. This means more latency between when you see an image and is why AMD highly recommends you use their Hyper-X which has mitigations for that. Considering AMFM2 preview works on Cyperpunk 2077, I am wondering if this is why we got the silent launch of FSR 3.0 from CDPR. but that's just speculation.

I have any card, except an Nvidia 40-series, and want Frame Gen without being stuck with FSR 3.0 as an upscaler:
You're going to have to mod, but honestly this is really not that bad. **** I have not tried the mod on the new patch yet this might be broken now **** - DLSS3ENABLER is a very easy to install mod for Nvidia users. Basicaly just install it and the DLSS option in Graphics will not longer be locked to off. Note that what this mod is actually doing is enabling FSR 3.0 Frame Generation to be used with any of the built in upscalers.
For AMD and Intel cards you need to follow slightly different insturctions with a little reg entry to enable or disable the mod (just double click on it, youd on't actually need to open regedit or anything like that).

For context on why people are disappointed in this Cyperpunk patch. This is how the Frame Gen half of FSR 3.1 works now. Oh and for some reason the mod doesn't require a reboot, it just does it on the fly :D.

I have an AMD/Intel/ non-30/40 series card so I can't use DLSS. I don't care about Frame Gen, but I do want upscaling. However, the "FSR 3.0" scaler settings is noticeably bad to me, what should I pick?:
There are a few options here. One is to just skip upscaling all together. Just set it to off and move on with your life. Now if you know what upscaling is and you know that you want it. Personally I just use 2.1. It ain't great, but the 2.x they are using in 3.0 seems noticeably worse to me. Also just because you have an AMD card, doesn't mean you need to use FSR, the XESS upscaler from Intel honestly looks better to me in a lot of cases, although it has it's own quirks, as would any upscaler including DLSS. It all comes down to what you tolerate and what you prefer.

I have and AMD/Intel graphics card and want to use FSR 3.1 as an upscaler:
Again your are going to have to mod. **** I have not tried the mod on the new patch yet this might be broken now ****
There are several options out there and lots of different people trying to the community better options than what we got. Personally, what was easiest for me was to just use the same mod as above for Frame Gen
This is because there is almost no reason not to make frame gen avaiable too. Effectively this mod installs a sub mod called "Optiscalar" which I suppose you could install alone but I haven't tried or tested it. Once you follow the AMD/Instel install instructions, you will be able to select DLSS as your upscaler. Instead of crashing or ignoring your selection, the game will use Optiscaler. You can press Home (althought for me it was Insert (INS)) on your keyboard while in game and not in a menu. That should load optiscaler and let you select which scaler to use. By default it chooses XESS 1.3, but you can select FSR 3.1.

Some caveats to this method: The way it works is by using a middle man DLL file (all upscalers basically exist as this type of windows file) that pretends to be the DLSS DLL. It then translates the calls the game makes to the file into calls XESS 1.3 or FSR 3.1 can understand. While this is supremely cool and the modders who worked on this are wizards, it's also likely this is less good than if the upscalers were native to the game. Also, both XESS 1.3 and FSR 3.1 seem to have a lot of ghosting. I found it was worse on high contrast outlines, like figures highlighted in red from hacking, or scrolling text really fast on a dark backround, like the computers. I honestly think native 3.1 would have these same problems. Likely this is just from the ghosting that comes from the un-upscaled image being exacerbated by upscaling. I think only Nvidia has been able to largely remove ghosting from DLSS.*

*My card prior to my current AMD one was a GTX 1080, so i can't actually confirm this myself, but I have no reason to disbelieve the many many professional reviewers who say it's the best.

** Many apologies for any typos or nonsense sentences. I wrote this after being woken up at midnight to work an emergency page.
C'mon CDPR. Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game that deserves a better frame generation alternative for non 4000 series cards. Update the game to FSR 3.1. NVIDIA is not going to punish you; they're too busy making a killing with AI to really care.

Patch 2.13 for Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty is being rolled out! It includes support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 with Frame Generation. Please note that this update is PC-only!

Keep in mind that despite the version mismatch between PC and console, Cross Progression will still function properly.

For details, check out the list of changes below.
  • Added support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 with Frame Generation. More information can be found in this article on the Support website.
  • Added support for Intel Xe Super Sampling 1.3.
  • It will now be possible to enable both DLAA and DLSS Ray Reconstruction at the same time.
  • Added a new "Utilities" tab in Settings and moved HDD Mode, Hybrid CPU Utilization and AMD Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) options there.
  • Other stability and visual fixes.
Fucking finally, was about time we got FSR 3. Soooo happy, thank you CDPR!
I downloaded Afterburner and I lowered core clock setting and I can finally play Cyberpunk again!! Haven't had any crashes, so my problem was too powerful pc.


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