Performance Issues / Poor Optimization

In my case, I played yesterday well with no problem and no FPS issue, but since the 1.04 update, I start with good FPS and it drops to 10 FPS sometimes for few minutes, so it's not enough stable to play for me right now. I hope 1.05 will fix it.

Goodluck Cyberteam.
Just to add my two cents hoping CDPR will notice:

Poor performance on my PC gaming rig. 30-60 fps with input lag. Don't matter if the settings are on 1080p low or on 4K ultra/psycho. Always about same fps. G-Sync doesn't seem to work properly. Had blazing performance on night of release. After some patches it became horrible.


Gigabyte nVidia RTX 3080
Gigabyte Aorus X570 Elite
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Viper DDR 3700 16GB
Corsair Force MP600 NVME M.2

Tried to play through the bad performance and bugs, but couldn't. As it stands now I sincerely regret buying this game and wish I could get a cashback. I fell for the hype. Again... The basis isn't bad, but most certainly is not the next-gen level we (I) got hyped for, apart from nice graphics. I will stop playing this mess and check back in a few months and hope things are better then.

Respect to CDPR programmers for crunching, though. It just isn't ready for a long time...
The patching process is seriously flawed. What is wrong with it when it takes 2 hours to apply the patch? My system is completely updated to play and I played about 8 hours with no real bugs aside from some optimization issues. When I tried patching the day after it was released the patching process corrupted my hard drive. That isn't cool. Not in the least.

I am using GOG Galaxy 2.0, if anyone could please suggest a different path that might speed the patching process up it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I was struggling to hit 40fps on 1440 with my 3600x/3080 combo. Getting a STRONG 90fps now with very high utilization on every core. I'm not sure what the repercussions are (if any) for modifying your .exe file, so use with caution. But if you're having low FPS on AMD this IS the fix.

For those, like me, who have their FPS locked at 30 fps, or 20 or whatever, THIS DOESNT WORK. I've tried it, and modfied the Exe.file, and it didnt change anything. Was still stucked at 30 fps no matter what resolution/settings I chose. I guess it's only helpful for those who had uncapped but low fps.

False hopes :(
Could someone clarify if this is the sort of performance I can expect for my specs?
I didn't test to set everything starting from the medium RT preset, but I think 55 fps with a 2080 at 1440p and high preset is realistic. I get similar results with an overclocked 2070s and 3700x@4.3ghz.
isn't it?
give us the complete configuration of your pc, graphic settings, resolution and refresh rate.
Although the minimum system requirements specify a processor 4 cores 4 threads, but this is in a place with a weak video card
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So I tested my rig

CPU: 3900x
GPU: RTX 3090
Storage: M.2 NVME 4th generation PCIe
CPU, VRM, GPU, RAM, Chipset on water, two 560 mm radiators, 21 fans
1000 PSU

On max setting at 4k resolution WITHOUT DLSS and RTX maxed out I get 24-26 FPS
With DLSS set to Quality I get 46 to 47 FPS at 4k everything maxed out

I think I'm going to play with DLSS set to AUTO and max out the frame rate at 60 FPS, at 4k everything maxed out

I change DLSS to max performance and uncapped FPS I get 88 FPS, at 4k everything maxed out

This is in the Corpo life path in the beginning building. I'll test later in different areas.

It looks pretty good to me. No issues.
..the game is broken, I have AMD5800 and 3090 GPU and only get 30fps. 4k or 1080p, 30fps.

I will play again when it is fixed, for now back to Division 2.
Post automatically merged:

  • CPU: I7 7700K
  • GPU: GTX 1080 8GB
  • RAM: 32 GB
  • MOBO: ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger
  • "Game" runs at 8fps 3 seconds after the begining of the intro video and never goes higher, nor in menus or ingame. Everything is updated, rebooted, game was reinstalled 2 times on 2 different SSD, all other recent games working fine.
What the hell is going on?
..the game is broken, I have AMD5800 and 3090 GPU and only get 30fps. 4k or 1080p, 30fps.

I will play again when it is fixed, for now back to Division 2.
I have 10 hours of playtime on steam, 8 of which I have an enjoyable experience even with my crappy and old system, having around 45-50fps on low setting 1080p.

Then the next day came and I got 10-15 fps even on 1024x768 resolution.


  • Cyberpunk 2077.png
    Cyberpunk 2077.png
    1.6 MB · Views: 89
And this is ultra setting having the same 10-15 fps. I would have refund it if I have this issue in the first 2 hours, but it was smooth sailing for 8 hours straight.


  • Ultra.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 55
This might help people with AMD CPU's
R5 3600+RTX 2060 Super
So patch 1.04 fixed my prologue crashes and I can run the game at ultra BUT
my game still crashes every 5-7 minutes if I have RTX ON. If I keep Raytracing off there is no problem in the game. Can anyone look into this issue?
This might help people with AMD CPU's
Thanks, I'll try after work
1.04 introduced an awful microstutter for me, small stutters where the audio crackles at the same time. Does not seem to be HW or driver related, since no changes was made on that part. Started immediately after updating to 1.04.
Windows sound settings are unchanged, default format

Specs: 3700x, 6800 XT, 16GB ram, m.2 SSD
GPU Driver: 20.12.1

I know this might not be what you want to hear--but I did Windows Reset (keeping my personal files) and the game now performs as expected. Around 35-40 consistent FPS on my system on High settings, which is to be expected given my low-to-medicore hardware. Perfectly playable.
Did it and now it's working fine.
Thanks dude!
Reset Windows for a game? Sorry, I bought this game and the developers are supposed to fix this issue.
Sure is not a big thing to re-install windows, the ppls who buy this game on release are beta tester vers. 2.

At me, the game runs ok (I7-9700k, 32gb ram, Asus Strix 2080 [non ti]). I play in 2k (with gsync), medium settings, less shadow, dlss quality.
Sometimes the fps goes under 60 (in depening regions).
So, after 48 Hours of tireless optimization Fuckery, I think I tamed this game atleast on my set up (on a CPU that's not even officially supported, no less). I've been running the game with a steady framerate averaging between 45-60 FPS depending on the area, but the majority of dips are eliminated, AND I alleviated (and perhaps eliminated) the memory leak issue for now on my system.


Update Your Windows to the Newest Version. This can make the difference between framerate dips into 10-15FPS or having a 30+ framerate.

For AMD Users: Use the HEX Edit that was posted here. While your mileage may vary, it eleminates further stuttering even on my FX. For those that missed the Post:

Make a backup of your Cyberpunk.exe located in your bin folder.
Download HXD Editor.
Open the Cyberpunk.exe, search for : 75 30 33 C9 B8 01 00 00 00 0F A2 8B C8 C1 F9 08
Replace with: EB 30 33 C9 B8 01 00 00 00 0F A2 8B C8 C1 F9 08(This one seemed to work better on my FX then the 74 one)

Now comes the Memory Leak Alleviating.(Note, Not a specialist, I've no Idea why and how this works, but I assume this way you can force the game to basically Clear up the Memory leak it's creating)

Increase your Pagefile.sys to x2 of your available RAM on your System SSD/HDD and the SSD/HDD that contains the Cyberpunk game.

To do this, simply right click the Windows Icon in Win10, Click on System, Scroll down to advanced system settings, click on the 'Advanced' Tab, 'Settings', then again on 'Advanced' tab, and press Change under the 'Virtual Memory' window. Custom size, fill in x2 of your Ram in both windows, do this for the drives described, press Set, press OK, and then restart Windows.

ProcessLasso Adjustments:

Download ProcessLasso. Make sure to enable Performance mode(ProBalance disabled for now), and most importantly, Enable Trim Saver.

Once Trim Saver is enabled, go to Options/Memory/Configure Smart Trim.


Enable Smart Trim: Checked
Check Every: 1 Mins

Trim Working Sets: Checked

Never Act unless Ram load is greater then: 90%
Only For Processes whos Working Set exceeds: Default

Purge Standby List and System File Cache: Checked
Only Purge While In Performance Mode: Checked
Only Purge When free RAM excluding Cache is less than: 800MB

That's it. At that point all that's left is going ingame and testing the Optimizations. Feel Free to Report Results
Built in performance metrics would be very useful. If we at least could get an in-game fps and frametime counter.

We should also be able to disable the autosaving since it causes a split second freeze. That's a disaster when driving. Until you fix the streaming system and low cpu/gpu usage at least.
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