Playing other games

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Guest 2091327

Played a couple of missions in Far Cry, and good gracious, that game is TOUGH! And I'm playing it on Easy..

It has a wonderful atmosphere and it's exciting to stealth around trying not to die, so I'll try to keep going and see if I get the hang of it. Quite the reality check though. Ran across a mutant in a research building, with full health and full armour, and it tore me a new arsehole in about 3 seconds.
Pangaea said:
Played a couple of missions in Far Cry, and good gracious, that game is TOUGH! And I'm playing it on Easy.. />

It has a wonderful atmosphere and it's exciting to stealth around trying not to die, so I'll try to keep going and see if I get the hang of it. Quite the reality check though. Ran across a mutant in a research building, with full health and full armour, and it tore me a new arsehole in about 3 seconds.

This will be your training for TW2 ;)

Guest 2091327

Volsung said:
This will be your training for TW2 ;)/>

Heh. If TW2 is half a difficult as this, it's going to a very rough ride.

It strikes me as a somewhat bad idea to have omniscient enemies. I've been one-shot sniped from God knows where several times now, with the bottom-left meter not reporting anything. In an attempt to activate quicksaves I enabled devmode, and then I saw there was a flyby thing there. So I tried that. I shit you not, but I was so high above the ground I couldn't even see it (with everything on Very High) and was moving around frantically. Suddenly the dreaded Game Over screen popped up. So some sniping tit has shot me in the face from the Moon while I was swirling around. How am I supposed to beat these guys when they can always one-shot kill me and I have no idea where they are? Gonna be mighty tough :( Guess I'm starting to remember why I never finished this all those years ago.
Pangaea said:
Heh. If TW2 is half a difficult as this, it's going to a very rough ride.

It strikes me as a somewhat bad idea to have omniscient enemies. I've been one-shot sniped from God knows where several times now, with the bottom-left meter not reporting anything. In an attempt to activate quicksaves I enabled devmode, and then I saw there was a flyby thing there. So I tried that. I shit you not, but I was so high above the ground I couldn't even see it (with everything on Very High) and was moving around frantically. Suddenly the dreaded Game Over screen popped up. So some sniping tit has shot me in the face from the Moon while I was swirling around. How am I supposed to beat these guys when they can always one-shot kill me and I have no idea where they are? Gonna be mighty tough :(/> Guess I'm starting to remember why I never finished this all those years ago. />

Yes, playing TW2 for the first time can be very difficult. Or it was back in May 2011 when I played version 1.0. Every subsequent playthrough kept getting easier, including Dark Mode, but I think they also lowered the difficulty with each update. Still, you will DIE. A lot. Especially in the prologue.

And I can't comment on Far Cry, I also normally stay away from shooters which are normally bland and boring. But, some modern shooters with content, are actually quite good. For example, Deus Ex Human Revolution is an interesting hybrid of Stealth, Action and *some* interactivity (dialogue options, side quests, character customization, all reminiscent of rudimentary role-playing). Also the Metro franchise is quite good, it's heavily story driven and the concept behind it is fascinating. If you will, you can also consider Fallout: new Vegas a hybrid of FPS and RPG that manages to actually be quite good at both! Sadly, I think for the time being all these games have some kind of DRM and you will want to stay away from them. But maybe in the future :p

Guest 2091327

I usually stay well away from FPS too. The last was probably CoD 3 or something like that (which gave me a headache), half a generation ago. Do recall playing Battlefield 1942 with some friends, although I sucked pretty hard at it. Some of the ones you mention are almost certainly Shteam exclusives too, which means I won't touch them with a 100-foot pole.

The one good experience I've had with a shooter is Mafia (think it would fall into that category anyway), but that was because it had a great story and excellent soundtracks. Well, suppose I may need to add BioShock 1 too, but again, this had a pretty decent story and a fantastic atmosphere.
After you mentioned Metro was on the Humble Bundle Volsung I eagerly waiting to pounce on it. My expierence with shooters is limited to 4-4 with chums/free muliplayer Quake-like games, though I have played Co-Op Gears of War which was incredibly fun (though I mostly chainsawed things), Dues-Ex:HR (though I only strangled people for the Pacifist Title :D), and Fallout 3 if that counts.

Now for a long very boring post on my thoughts towards Skyrim, and why Fallout 3 should have pinned it as a rough draft.

Recently I went back and played through Skyrim's main Quest, which was not terrible at all. I also played the Companios Guild quest-line which quite frankly sucked hairy Buffalo balls. I have both Oblivion and Skyrim bit I've never completed either one's main quest.

There were some really epic moments, particularity the end, however, the game fails to fully reach its potential on several occasions, thanks to vague motives given by 2D characters (most of which I wanted to disembowel--Delphine), and predicable plots. Its a shame the game had to be brought down by this when it was clear these weaknesses could have been avoided. Instead of sending my ass across the country for some mystery item, why not at least join me on the adventure and who know, maybe we can TALK along the way. There were several instances when the game feels it would benefit greatly from a cinematic. Man, you don;t miss them until they are gone.

My biggest disappointment is playing this game after Fallout 3, which had a tighter story, FAR better companions that were more than pack mules, WAY better characters, superior dialogue, and (though a game should not be judged by it alone) far better voice acting. My god did Skyrim some positively abominable voice acting. Imagine if after playing through the Witcher games Cyberpunk 2077 was a much weaker game. This is how I feel about Skyrim in Fallout's 3 wake. I imagine those who have read this far are resisting the urge to mention the same regarding Fallout 3 and Fallout 1&2, though Skyrim's in this case its under a single company.

And the Companions Guild? Absolutely terrible. TERRIBLE. This band of legendary Warriors is no more than a bunch of Skyrims poorest, most boring characters voiced by the worst voice actors that send you across the country chasing wildlife that found its way into someones home. Its Skyrim's Animal Control. So much potential here as there's fucking Dragons and Giants roaming the land and they send me to fight a fucking wolf that fund its way into some ladies house? I've seen your work with Fallout 3 Bethesda! You're better than this! Come on!

Luckily the main quest is so much better but I still can't shake the feeling that its still a bit weak when it certainly didn't have to be. What if Alduin, "The World Eater", was not meant to be killed? All things come to an end, Paarthurnax told me. What makes this world any different? But there are no dialgoue options to discuss it. Neither are there any options to discuss Paarthurnax, a dragon who the Blades fee needs to answer for his past crimes. Is it ever said what they were? Is Lawful or Unlawful ever discussed? Hell no.

And then there's the moment when the Dragonborn is asked to dictate what warring faction gets what in a truce. Gerneals are asking me for my blessing on what land they should exchange and then bitching to me if they don't like my answer--and still accepting it anyway. Honestly, the writing in this game puzzles me (don't even get me started on the Thieves Guild quest-line). The game feels short and spread too thin. The quests are spread out in such a way tho make me believe this was a method the artificially lengthen it. Its such a big step backwards from Fallout 3 its unbelievable. And why isn't anything ever done about the Thalmor? Why can't I, the Dragonborn, who the game saw fit to anoint me with great and mighty authority, unite either side/both by diplomacy or force to do something about them--or for them? Are you saving it for ES: VI? There better be another game Bethesda and you damn sure better bring your "A" game.

I decided to replay the game when I asked myself why I never completed an Elder Scrolls game. The game feeds me an unsatisfying amount of information with regards to my goal and expects me to do it because I am the Dragonborn. In Fallout 3, I was looking for my father, I had a clear purpose and though I did not know why we were out there in the first place, I was fed information and learned things along the way, met interesting and enjoyable characters, but more immortally, I really wanted to find out more.

A critical strike against Skyrim occurs at the beginning. The epic momentum gained at the games start, which is very good, is lost when I bring knew of a Dragon attack and am told by some asshole wizard to go look of some item that's supposed to help. What is it? Why am I going? There a fucking DRAGON coming this way and seeing as I ran here, I don't thing it will be long before it arrives seeing as it come FLY. But enough of my blabbing.

Overall, its solid game. Were I to give it a grade, I'd give a good old healthy "C". In the future, be it Fallout 4 or The Elder Scrolls VI, I really hope Bethesda drops its habit or severe limitations despite its open world and realize Open World does not equal hiking simulator.

One last note to wrap up a post that has become way too long. I think Oblivion and Skyrim every bit as much an RPG as Dark Souls.
That's one thing I'm afraid of for Fallout 4. I will always love 3 over NV, though I will cede companion quests to NV as awesome.

As for Elder Scroll games I tend to not only rate the whole game, but break it down and take factions into account.

For me personally:

College of Winterhold-shit
Main quest-meh
Dark Brotherhood-good(the final act really redeemed it for me, though I hated carrying it through :( )
Thieves guild-great(this comes from a comparison of Oblivion's which I thought was shit)

If you want to include story dlc:


Guest 2091327

Volsung said:
That's Metro for you :)/> Maybe some day it will be available outside of Steam.

I am quickly being reminded of why I don't like FPS games. Am crouching and crawling around trying to stealth as best as I can. Suddenly I'm sniped in the head from fuck knows where, without any reaction at all on the meter in the bottom left. Reload. Crawling on my belly and suddenly some guys come running over from at least a 100 meters away (at their checkpoint there). I guess they heard a straw of grass bend or something... Reload. Actually, reload further back this time. Walk out of a research facility, around the right corner while crouching. Oops, those guys in a car 100 meters away saw me. Oooh, there are a couple of mutants too. Not sure what happened to the mercs, but the mutants are jumping straight for me. I'm hiding behind walls and shooting at them. They jump freakishly far. I'm emptying a clip into their heads and bellies. No effect. One swipe. Dead.

F this. Exit.

I'm playing it on easy but it might just as well have been on Super-Hardcore Veterans will Weep and Kittens will DIE mode. One papercut to the 3-inch thick boots and you're dead.

Think the first 5 missions were fun, until Treehouse when we come across the mutants for the first time. At that point game balance goes right out the window.

I'll go back to Solitaire I guess. FPS just isn't for me :( At least it only cost $5.
My gripe with FPS's is mostly that they're all the same game: shoot everything that moves and avoid getting shot. And like in modern horror movies, the plot is as weak as possible and only an excuse to begin the carnage.

And this is the reason why I liked Metro so much. It's an awesome game that happens to be a shooter too. Also it's easy to sneak in underground subway tunnels, as opposed to a sunny tropical island :p

There are good shooters out there. Too bad they're all on Steam.

Did you get NWN2 by any chance? That's what I've been playing lately. Almost done with the OC and looking forward to MotB.
Pangaea said:

I am quickly being reminded of why I don't like FPS games. Am crouching and crawling around trying to stealth as best as I can. Suddenly I'm sniped in the head from fuck knows where, without any reaction at all on the meter in the bottom left. Reload. Crawling on my belly and suddenly some guys come running over from at least a 100 meters away (at their checkpoint there). I guess they heard a straw of grass bend or something... Reload. Actually, reload further back this time. Walk out of a research facility, around the right corner while crouching. Oops, those guys in a car 100 meters away saw me. Oooh, there are a couple of mutants too. Not sure what happened to the mercs, but the mutants are jumping straight for me. I'm hiding behind walls and shooting at them. They jump freakishly far. I'm emptying a clip into their heads and bellies. No effect. One swipe. Dead.

F this. Exit.

I'm playing it on easy but it might just as well have been on Super-Hardcore Veterans will Weep and Kittens will DIE mode. One papercut to the 3-inch thick boots and you're dead.

Think the first 5 missions were fun, until Treehouse when we come across the mutants for the first time. At that point game balance goes right out the window.

I'll go back to Solitaire I guess. FPS just isn't for me
At least it only cost $5.

Don't judge all FPS by that game. Also, I can tell you're experiencing the same unfamaliar territory I did when I first started playing games like BF3, FO3 and Hard Reset, which taught me that all FPS are not alike.

Guest 2091327

I know all FPS are not alike, and Far Cry is already different from most, as most are like Volsung describe, but this was mighty frustrating. The other day I spent at least an hour crawling on my belly around the back of some enemies (far away from them btw), yet out of the blue I'm suddenly sniped in the head. Must be nice to have heatseeking bullets I suppose...

There are good FPSs out there, but it's easy to paint the genre with a wide brush because most are corridor shooters with no story. Put a half-decent story there and remove the railed corridors, and it can become good. It's all about gameplay. (wink-wink)

Volsung, I have bought NWN2, but not played it yet. For me it takes a lot of time to get into an RPG, so I haven't started with NWN2 yet. Have also heard quite some bad stuff about it, that the story is crap and only Mask of the Betrayer and mods are good. Will give it a go, but probably not right now. If I go back to a proper RPG I'll prefer to finish the BG2 run first instead.

Had hoped to go much further with Far Cry though, and hopefully finish it. To do that it looks like I'll need God-mode, and that is just another word for Boredom-mode, as all excitement goes out the window when you can't die, and ditto with the feeling of accomplishment. Think this is the same mission that was the wall last time too actually, but it's been so long I can't tell for sure. If Easy mode had actually been easy, maybe planks like me would be able to finish the darn thing :(
Not all FPS are created equal. I could never get into third-person FPSs (I honestly tried Gears of War), but I like some first-person FPS. Far Cry 3 is great, both in gameplay and in a story they placed into Assassin's Creed universe. The entire story is wonderfully weird, superficially modern, but with all these visions, Rook islands like a huge gladiatorial arena where a winner is sacrificed to give birth to an ancient warrior god, a main antagonist Vaas is a Loki-like figure, who probably even cannot die (I am one of those who believes he was not killed), some Indiana Jones-like missions, and a great cast of characters. If you didn't play it, try it, guys. You may like it a lot.

Bioshock series is really good as well. At least developers started to put an effort into writing, not just some dumb running and shooting like before.

Serious Sam series, my long time favorite. Simple and dumb fun. No cover, all man.

I tried COD demos, and, well, I figured my leisure time would be better spent playing something else, even if it were just tetris.

Guest 2091327

Tetris is awesome. Still remember how giddy I was the first time I got those fiddlers and stuff playing on the Gameboy!
Pangaea said:
Am crouching and crawling around trying to stealth as best as I can. Suddenly I'm sniped in the head from fuck knows where, without any reaction at all on the meter in the bottom left. Reload. Crawling on my belly and suddenly some guys come running over from at least a 100 meters away (at their checkpoint there). I guess they heard a straw of grass bend or something... Reload. Actually, reload further back this time. Walk out of a research facility, around the right corner while crouching. Oops, those guys in a car 100 meters away saw me. Oooh, there are a couple of mutants too. Not sure what happened to the mercs, but the mutants are jumping straight for me. I'm hiding behind walls and shooting at them. They jump freakishly far. I'm emptying a clip into their heads and bellies. No effect. One swipe. Dead.

But that's funnest part :p/> What I like about FPS games is that you're never safe. If you don't think about the many things which can go wrong, you're gonna die. Sometimes you have to think of things which might even be impossible for the game you're playing, but it adds to the drama, lol.

I think FPS games catch players off guard because they think they can brute force their way through with tons and tons of power. But think about carrying out a mission realistically- you have one life and limited, precious ammo. You're not going to go guns blazing and shooting indiscriminately. There's a time for being a brute and time for being sneaky, and balancing those modes can be challenging depending on the difficulty of the game.

There are twitch shooters from which you shouldn't expect much in terms of tactics- basically, if something twitches, you shoot it :p/> These types are fun for a short bit of time, but the best of these kinds have puzzle aspects, which increases their playability.

All in all, the best FPS have nonlinear gameplay, and offer many options for objective completion, including a pacifist one. But more importantly, they also have lots of ways to keep you in danger.

I like most types of FPS, though corridor shooters can be seriously boring because of their monotony and "safe" atmosphere.

At the end of it, if an FPS makes you lose, then it's doing it right.
While we're on the topic of fps's. I finally cracked open my ultimate rapture Bioshock the other day and re-played the first because it would've felt weird to just on to the second(first time on two). Man oh man I forgot how I fell in love with this series in the first place. It was also amazing to hear the sounds they recycled and repurposed into Infinite(while it's still fresh on the mind as the original was not).

Started 2 last night, got to paupers drop. It seems they responded to the difficulty curve of BS1 pretty harsh as I got my ass handed to me on normal. So far it seems, okay, but its no original or Infinite. Do like the hacking system.

Fun fact: I absolutely suck at the new hacking and the only thing I have not yet failed are health stations, probably due to the game knowing my desperation. Literally tripped the alarm on a safe five fucking times in a row!
OK, I finished NWN2 OC. Finally!

The endgame was kind of fun, commanding an extended party with greycloaks, Ironfist dwarves, lizardmen and so on. A little hack and slashy though, especially with Qara spamming high level spells all over the place. I secretly enjoyed that by the way.

The ending fortress was OK but a little tedious, but the fight with the three shadow reavers was fun. A little more difficult than the rest of battles, which were all pretty straightforward.

Finally we reach the portal chamber with Black Garius, who went down way too easily. I think the sequence where he questions some of your party members was OK in principle but poorly executed, especially due to the bad writing. Overall only Bishop and Sand turned on me. Bishop didn't actually join Garius though, since he "respected me" enough not to attack me. But Sand did, and his contribution was absolutely meaningless. Everybody else stayed with me, and together like a loving family we killed Black Garius.

Then the King of Shadows came in, and his looks were at least more interesting than his stupid name. He looked like the corrupted shade he should be, and I like the concept of him being created for "good" but ironically committing "evil" acts to foolishly fulfill his purpose. And so we simply attacked him, destroyed the pillars and the portal and so on. I mean, did the devs expect us to have a hard time with him, with an oversized, overpowered party? And it's not like I "grinded" (which doesn't exist in these games without respawning creatures), but pretty much my entire party was in the 18-20 level range. Also, how come companions gain experience even when they aren't present, adventuring? It's like DA:O, where everyone levels up even if they stay at camp. Stupid.

Finally the ending sequence was OK, I didn't like the narrator but at least they gave some kind of closure to the King of Shadows campaign. The "he was never found again" and "that's a tale for another time" were also terrible wording choices. Who wrote this, MCA's teenage kid?

And so I started MotB right away, and WOW! I was blown away by the simplest things compared to the OC. They very writing and wording of the opening parts is SO MUCH BETTER! I also like the resting mechanic: no more spam sleeping :p

I made a new character for MotB. A yuan-ti Sorcerer, with bluff/lore/spellcraft skills and of course a plethora of spells. I thought I would import my Warlock/Rogue but I wanted to try something else. My newly made character started from level 1 and the game let me level him up to 16. Had I imported my OC character, would he start the expansion with his former level AND equipment? I will sure miss that Gith sword, my expensive armor, and that useful bag of holding. I checked out the option of importing a character but it didn't know one for my leveled up OC character, just his first level counterpart.

And that's that. OC was actually OK but MotB seems superior only after 5 minutes of playing it :p
Volsung said:
OK, I finished NWN2 OC. Finally!

The endgame was kind of fun, commanding an extended party with greycloaks, Ironfist dwarves, lizardmen and so on. A little hack and slashy though, especially with Qara spamming high level spells all over the place. I secretly enjoyed that by the way.

The ending fortress was OK but a little tedious, but the fight with the three shadow reavers was fun. A little more difficult than the rest of battles, which were all pretty straightforward.

Finally we reach the portal chamber with Black Garius, who went down way too easily. I think the sequence where he questions some of your party members was OK in principle but poorly executed, especially due to the bad writing. Overall only Bishop and Sand turned on me. Bishop didn't actually join Garius though, since he "respected me" enough not to attack me. But Sand did, and his contribution was absolutely meaningless. Everybody else stayed with me, and together like a loving family we killed Black Garius.

Then the King of Shadows came in, and his looks were at least more interesting than his stupid name. He looked like the corrupted shade he should be, and I like the concept of him being created for "good" but ironically committing "evil" acts to foolishly fulfill his purpose. And so we simply attacked him, destroyed the pillars and the portal and so on. I mean, did the devs expect us to have a hard time with him, with an oversized, overpowered party? And it's not like I "grinded" (which doesn't exist in these games without respawning creatures), but pretty much my entire party was in the 18-20 level range. Also, how come companions gain experience even when they aren't present, adventuring? It's like DA:O, where everyone levels up even if they stay at camp. Stupid.

Finally the ending sequence was OK, I didn't like the narrator but at least they gave some kind of closure to the King of Shadows campaign. The "he was never found again" and "that's a tale for another time" were also terrible wording choices. Who wrote this, MCA's teenage kid?

And so I started MotB right away, and WOW! I was blown away by the simplest things compared to the OC. They very writing and wording of the opening parts is SO MUCH BETTER! I also like the resting mechanic: no more spam sleeping :p/>/>

I made a new character for MotB. A yuan-ti Sorcerer, with bluff/lore/spellcraft skills and of course a plethora of spells. I thought I would import my Warlock/Rogue but I wanted to try something else. My newly made character started from level 1 and the game let me level him up to 16. Had I imported my OC character, would he start the expansion with his former level AND equipment? I will sure miss that Gith sword, my expensive armor, and that useful bag of holding. I checked out the option of importing a character but it didn't know one for my leveled up OC character, just his first level counterpart.

And that's that. OC was actually OK but MotB seems superior only after 5 minutes of playing it :p/>/>
Good. We wait comments. You know what, post them in the classic games thread as well, as Pangaea made with BG series. These comments with the first impresions are very interesting and MotB qualifies as a classic(or it will be)
SmilingJack said:
Good. We wait comments. You know what, post them in the classic games thread as well, as Pangaea made with BG series. These comments with the first impresions are very interesting and MotB qualifies as a classic(or it will be)

Yeah I think people are more likely to read this kind of posts there anyway.

Any tips on MotB will be appreciated.
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