Possibillity of other platforms.

Possibillity of other platforms.

Hi, i haven't been able to play witcher 3 yet (because mac) but the thing that has always interested me was playing Gwent, i'm a big fan of card games and i was wondering if the game is going to be on other platforms on release, like PS4, IOS, Android, Mac, Linux etc.

Thanks for reading!
The lead designer said in an interview that the job at the moment is the closed beta that is coming up in september, which means for now its only PC and Xbox, PS4 will come later this year or probably early 2017, because in the FAQ section they are saying that the game will be released for PS4, PC and Xbox. With that out of the way I dunno about mac or mobile possibilities, even though there is a possibility the certainty may come only from a developers mouth.
Would a game like this run on my IPad Pro? Will there be an iOS version released. I see the closed beta is only avalable for PC/Xbox .....why nothin for us ps4 peasants?
I hope eventually there will be an android version. I imagine just sitting next to someone waiting for the bus. "Round of Gwent?"
You both pull out your phones, do the IR thing or bluetooth or whatever to connect, and then you play a friendly round of Gwent to pass the time. Would be so cool.

It would be cool too if they could sell a little pin or something with the Gwent logo, or even ones with the faction logos, that you could put on your jacket or shirt so people could tell "That guy has a pin, so I know for sure he plays Gwent." Doesn't have to be anything big, just a small thing that lets everyone know that you're always up for a round or two of Gwent.
It would be cool too if they could sell a little pin or something with the Gwent logo, or even ones with the faction logos, that you could put on your jacket or shirt so people could tell "That guy has a pin, so I know for sure he plays Gwent."

That's an awful lot of effort! I just go up into shops now and say "Can't say I'm going to buy anything, but I wouldn't mind a few rounds of Gwent".

Me: :geraltaha: Them: :scaredpeasant:

I've been banned from a lot of shops :eek:uch:
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