Rebuilding Cyberpunk modlist

Not sure if this is old news, I looked but I didn't find anything. Great modlist by this chap here, based around the FGR (full gameplay rebalance) mod.

I myself independently settled on most of the meat and potatoes mods in his list, so I can vouch for it. If you want to get rid of the janky MMO-like itemization, if you want to make your build choices more meaningful and impactful, and if you want something that makes you put more thought into the combat, this is the selection for you.

It's not even that it makes the game harder necessarily (the main rebalance mod has several difficulty options), but it makes it feel meatier, more detailed and more immersive, in the sense that you have to actually think about what you're doing now and then.

There are also several other mods in the collection that add to roleplay and immersion.

(Later note: if anybody's thinking that looks a bit too fiddly in the rock/paper/scissors sense, the FGR in and of itself doesn't have that intricacy to quite the same degree, but even on its own it does a lot to improve the basic gameplay, and some immersion, quite a bit. However, I do think this collection as a whole brings to the fore what quite likely was CDPR's original intention at one point, since the possibility of modding it in at all is there.)
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