Safe Havens to hide while Police Stars cooldown - a la Phone Exits from The Matrix

I was rewatching the original Matrix movie because its awesome and I thought, hey, why don't we share specific locations in the Cyberpunk 2077 map where you can go hide from the cops while you wait for their 5 star anger level to cooldown?

Think of it like Neo, Morpheus and gang to escape from Agents via phone booths in those Matrix movies.
You know, like, 'There's an exit at Welles and Lake. You can make it Trinity'...

I am somewhat new to the video game cb77. Maybe its super easy to escape from 5 stars Maxtac police, I don't know.
But for people who just feel like going on a tear and then easily hiding from the cops without needing a fast car, you can use one of these spots/locations to chill and wait out the police timer.

Ok I am going to try to share/submit a location with screenshots. You might need double jump for this to get onto the roof fast, or park your tall car next to it first before you get the cops' attention.

If I can't figure out how to share them in this original post I'll post them in other comments.
You should see screenshots of the map location. The specific hiding place is on the roof of this building where some hippies are chilling on the corner of the building.
But up 1 more level from the hippies is a smaller section of raised roof with some metal mechanical boxes. The hiding spot I recommend is behind those metal boxes.

Do you have any favorite spots where you hide from the police?

I know I found another great location but I can't find it now. It was along an overpass road, in an alley, on a huge pile of trash. The cops never go there.


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I find it so easy to disappear in any star level, when I have all stars I just speed up or enter buildings, or simply swap face if Phantom Liberty has been done and wait the cooldown.
My favored was on top of the giant rainbow tube). You literally could lay ontop of it sniping NPC all day and then just sit there a awhile as the stars faded. That was back some rev ago so I am not sure if the DEV patched that out yet. Funny I remember it as a city tube decoration not a bridge. This picture may not be the same I am thinking of. I was sure it was a tube I was inside of.

My favored was on top of the giant rainbow tube). You literally could lay ontop of it sniping NPC all day and then just sit there a awhile as the stars faded. That was back some rev ago so I am not sure if the DEV patched that out yet. Funny I remember it as a city tube decoration not a bridge. This picture may not be the same I am thinking of. I was sure it was a tube I was inside of.

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Interesting I'll keep an eye out for it. From what you wrote I take it this is not you or your actual photo. Looks like someone jumped their bike onto it lol
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