Schrodinger's Characters - We need to put a stop to these

Schrodinger's Characters - We need to put a stop to these

The following characters may or may not be alive thanks to your player character's actions:

* Thaler
* Adda
* Roche
* Ves (though her journal never says she died)
* Saskia
* Letho
* Dethmold
* Siegfried
* Dijkstra
* Ciri and Geralt
* Radovid

I think it's kind of ridiculous as we're getting rid of whole swathes of the canon for drama and I think it should fall to CD_Projekt Red to give a canonical answer to the characters as they can't really write around these choices.

It'd be nice if quite a few of these people were alive, IMHO.
You forgot Sheala. I have a butthurt every time I remember her from books and thinking about how hard RED's screwed her in the games.
Well that is only necessary if there is a TW4. Most of those you mention are decisions in TW3 so they are alive or dead based on TW3 choices. It won't matter unless there is a TW4.

Letho is addressed in TW4 so that one is already done.

As for Adda and Siegfried they MUST both be dead. Just like Henselt the only thing unknown is the how. But they are dead before TW3 starts. If you have a game where a character can be alive or dead in a previous game and you merge the stories you only have one option. Kill that character off before the start. Resurrection is not an option so if they can be dead they must be dead for continuity.

As for Saskia her status can be determined by how you answer the questions. What is unknown is if the devs want to write two options for her. So unless they want to do a Letho thing she must have died somehow.

Simply logic dictates that if you can have a dead character and a live one and then merge the stories the dead character must win out unless you do some type of resurrection magic.
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I would just like an answer from a dev on a thread post i dont even care if its in game anymore. I simply want an explination as to what happened to them especially adda and anais!
Well that is only necessary if there is a TW4. Most of those you mention are decisions in TW3 so they are alive or dead based on TW3 choices. It won't matter unless there is a TW4.

Letho is addressed in TW4 so that one is already done.

As for Adda and Siegfried they MUST both be dead. Just like Henselt the only thing unknown is the how. But they are dead before TW3 starts. If you have a game where a character can be alive or dead in a previous game and you merge the stories you only have one option. Kill that character off before the start. Resurrection is not an option so if they can be dead they must be dead for continuity.

As for Saskia her status can be determined by how you answer the questions. What is unknown is if the devs want to write two options for her. So unless they want to do a Letho thing she must have died somehow.

Simply logic dictates that if you can have a dead character and a live one and then merge the stories the dead character must win out unless you do some type of resurrection magic.

I hate to point this out because you are so passionate on the subject but the existence of Thaler invalidates your entire line of reasoning. Since Thaler can and is killed in the Witcher 1 yet makes an appearance regardless of choice in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" then your position that the default is necessarily canon and they must ALWAYS kill characters if they are not carried over is invalidated.

They can do whatever they want.
Well that is only necessary if there is a TW4.
I think CDPR considers the Geralt/Ciri story arc and all the characters that came with it, closed at this point.

They said they are retiring Geralt, which still baffles me. He is the face of the Witcher, and an icon of the lore. It would make no sense to have the player play as another character in the Witcher 4 except for Geralt, if CDPR was not trying to take the series as far away from the Witcher trilogy as possible. So I think they are trying to take the baggage compiled from the first three games off their back.

The way Ciri was handled also suggests that they are trying to start anew. Two of the endings for Ciri closes the door to a sequel involving her unless CDPR comes out and say "Well, forget about your ending, and we'll pick an ending for you", which I would strongly despise and call weak. Plus she is overpowered and controlling her is not at all like controlling a true Witcher. They would also have to make gameplay modifications, and cut out the alchemy and Witcher signs since she cannot drink Witcher potions and cannot cast Witcher signs.

It is unlikely that we'd get Lambert or Eskel as protagonists. It's not smart to ditch your popular and distinguished main character for two side characters that cannot live up to Geralt. Plus they'd still have baggage to carry with Lambert or Eskel.

I think the next game would either be with a new Witcher or a create your own Witcher, and we'd just hear some references to the trilogy and characters involved.
How about one upping Bioware and just make stories that can include these characters in meaningful significant roles if they're alive and if they're dead then they're simply not there.

Mass Effect 3 did this especially well with Wrex, Mordin, Tali, Legion and Garrus.

CDPR is REALLY lazy when it comes to this and they just don't give a damn.
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How about one upping Bioware and just make stories that can include these characters in meaningful significant roles if they're alive and if they're dead then they're simply not there.

Mass Effect 3 did this especially well with Wrex, Mordin, Tali, Legion and Garrus.

CDPR is REALLY lazy when it comes to this and they just don't give a damn.

Maybe they just don't see the point in spending their limited ressources in characters, which 50% of the players won't see?
The save import was neither a big feauture of the Witcher series nor was it advertised as such.
In this regard I completely agree with them.

Maybe they just don't see the point in spending their limited ressources in characters, which 50% of the players won't see?
The save import was neither a big feauture of the Witcher series nor was it advertised as such.
In this regard I completely agree with them.

Because apparently it's more important to CDPR to just shit on everything good in terms of story in their past games and all those difficult decisions we had to make and hey we gotta have goat fetch quests versus meaningful impact.

The ENTIRE purpose of TW2 and ALL THE MAJOR DECISIONS was to SET UP TW3.

I don't give a damn what they marketed and what they didn't. Bethesda gets away with all of this by setting all their games in very different locations with a huge time gap between them. CDPR set EVERY game in TW very close to one another and featuring many of the characters from the past.

Yet NOTHING we did matters? That's complete and utter rubbish. We never get confronted over our past choices, no one cares less about Geralt for some of the scummy things he can do, and no one respects him for aiding them in the past.

Imported decisions are a hell lot fucking more then shoving a character in an appearance. It's about the impact you had on the world. The relationship between Shepard and other characters was different depending on what he did in the past for instance.

The best characters the series has EVER HAD were completely and utterly discarded by this damned approach they took. They turned Letho in a one spouting badass from the single best character they've created. They tacked on Phillipa and Sile, two brilliant characters. They completely ignored Henselt, Saskia and Iorveth, such superb characters completely and utterly forgotten.

How the fuck can one justify removing or ruining the best characters in the company's history is beyond me.

You know what? I don't even care all that much if CDPR used these characters and made a path with them alive as cannon, because at least they'd still be used....instead such beautiful, complex, nuanced characters are thrown into the trash bin. FOR WHAT?!
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Maybe they just don't see the point in spending their limited ressources in characters, which 50% of the players won't see?
The save import was neither a big feauture of the Witcher series nor was it advertised as such.
In this regard I completely agree with them.

I also think that there's some great characters which are lost because of, well, contrived plotlines. Adda is a character from the VERY FIRST WITCHER story. She's an incredibly important part of the lore, even if she only appeared once. Likewise, Dijkstra is a character with a tremendous role in the world as well as an immensely fun presence. Then you have Roche, who is a character I don't WANT to be dead in order for Nilfgaard to lose, ditto Ves, and I think would be a terrible waste just because I want to see Emhyr dead (I'd be okay with Nilfgaard winning if this was an option but--eh, sacrifices).

So, I'm okay with a canonical ending which "cuts off the branches" so we have characters survive who might not have done so early.

You know what, this is all Dandelion telling the story anyway so who knows WHAT shit he's made up.
How about one upping Bioware and just make stories that can include these characters in meaningful significant roles if they're alive and if they're dead then they're simply not there.

Mass Effect 3 did this especially well with Wrex, Mordin, Tali, Legion and Garrus.

CDPR is REALLY lazy when it comes to this and they just don't give a damn.

Sorry but CDPR did better than Bioware IMO. What the point of bringing back old characters if you get The most pitiful ending of all the history of the video games?
Witcher 3 has flaws and lack of fan service from TW1 & 2 but at least you can get your happy ending with Triss/old friends, it's not like all your friends and lover dumped you like a big sh*t no matter what you do.
Sorry but CDPR did better than Bioware IMO. What the point of bringing back old characters if you get The most pitiful ending of all the history of the video games?

Somehow TW3 is better with the White Frost and the ending being determined by some arbitrary choices that you made with Ciri? Really?

The ending of ME3 being bad, and honestly I think people hate it FAR more for the fact none of our previous choices were reflect in it then in the actual crap writing there, does not invalidate Tuchanka and Rannoch being awesome.

it's not like all your friends and lover dumped you like a big sh*t no matter what you do.

You mean like Triss dumped Geralt for no reason between games? Or how everyone vanishes in every ending but the Empress one?
Somehow TW3 is better with the White Frost and the ending being determined by some arbitrary choices that you made with Ciri? Really?

The ending of ME3 being bad, and honestly I think people hate it FAR more for the fact none of our previous choices were reflect in it then in the actual crap writing there, does not invalidate Tuchanka and Rannoch being awesome.

You mean like Triss dumped Geralt for no reason between games? Or how everyone vanishes in every ending but the Empress one?

Don't get me wrong I'm very disapointed by a LOT of missing stuff or failure, TW3 could have been way better but at least it offer us some nice choices and a very few and limited BUT EXISTING happy ending where Mass Effect 3 feature o so coowl come back from old friends/romance but in the end they all flee with YOUR spaceship no matter how deep the bounds are between us breaking appart all the work done through ME1 to ME3.
Yes CDPR waste a lot, way too much, of the cool stuff they could have included but they managed to offer us a decent experience nevertheless.
I really wanted to see Kalkstein in the Witcher 3.
He is amongst my favorite Witcher characters.
But what we get in the Witcher 3 ? You just hear from Elihal that he got burnt on the stake !

This crazy alchemist, I missed a lot.
I really wanted to see Kalkstein in the Witcher 3.
He is amongst my favorite Witcher characters.
But what we get in the Witcher 3 ? You just hear from Elihal that he got burnt on the stake !

This crazy alchemist, I missed a lot.

Isn't he died glorious, w/ a fireworks display writing a message to King Radovid " Radovid Sucks Flaccid Cock".:cheers:
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