Should V go to prison in CP77?

Most of your ideas sound great but the way I envision the prison system in Cyberpunk is something more along the lines of being more of a rehabilitational braindance type of system where they factor in the type of crime you committed and base a program on that which then manipulates your feelings molding those actions of said crime "category" into feelings of shame and repentance and ultimately leading the person to choose a different path that is rewarded with the feelings of joy and a sense of wellbeing and exhilaration from being a more productive and empathic person who will no longer do whatever it is that has been done. That or just put them on cryogenic freeze. But your your ideas would be more fun in a play through as long as it's not something done every time you commit a crime and are caught.
One open world game, where you did end up in the prison after being arrested, was American McGee's Scrapland, but even then the purpose of that section was to give you a chance to escape. Obviously in the world less wacky then Scrapland, I don't think something like that could happen, with you just running out of prison and enjoying your freedom without anyone bothering you. While the idea of a different kind of punishments depending on the crimes commited and the simulation of prison life sound appealing, it would require a huge amount of resources for a feature that majority players will try their damnest to avoid and of course you can't expect V to sit idle in prison for months or years, otherwise it would no longer be Cyberpunk 2077, but Cyberpunk 2078, Cyberpunk 2079, Cyberpunk 2080, Cyberpunk 2081, Cyberpunk 2082, Cyberpunk 2083 and so on in one game. So while I think it is a nice idea in theory, I don't think it would work in practice.

Though to be honest, I have no idea what kind of repercussions could potentially await us other then game over after being arrested. One way it could potentially work, would be similar system to the one we witnessed in original Mafia, where intensity of police actions changes depending on the crime commited. For a minor offences they make you pay a fee, for a somewhat bigger illegal activities (like trying to run away from paying the fee) they will make an arrest, but for a serious crimes, like killing some innocent bystanders, they're no longer trying to arrest, but put you down right away. Something like that can work in Cyberpunk 2077, with minor crimes getting penalized with a fee (or a bribe), somewhat bigger offenses like beating the crap out of someone with a short time arrest (or bigger bribe), but for a senseless murders the police is no longer thinking about handcuffing you for life, but instead about taking dangerous psycho like you down, thus penalizing you with death (or the BIGGEST... No, I don't think that would work anymore).
I always prefer decent continuation of game play over hard game over or black screens, eg going to prison with, depending on your background or connections, a chance to be busted out on the way and your record hacked or not (you remain wanted) or having to go through manual labor or brain dance in prison, with a potential "skip with punishment applied" like paying a lot or losing some skill progress.

That is just the most organic way, but requires resources so it's a question of time and resource restraints I guess. Even in MP games where you sometimes have player run prisons (Arma Life stuff etc) people were reluctant to really utilize it and sentences were really short. I think chores or being restricted should be part of the punishment, but oh well.

We likely won't see an advanced or any prison system for CP. Not really complaining here, even though I'd prefer to see this due to personal preference.
Hear me out. One of the biggest things i wanted from GTA games is going to prison and that prison being its own organic biome with rules and a community.
How cool would it be if V went to prison and had to endure the hardships there and also plan an escape from there. And maybe his companions outside helped in his escape. It would be a cool area to explore. a Maximum prison. And ofcourse because its the future prisons are co-ed that way we can have mV and fV in the same prison area. And the reason it would work well in a game is that be design the map size area is small and cramped with limited npcs and the prison can be underground as well separate from the open world.

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I mean the Bible of futuristic prison movies has to be Christopher Lamberts Fortress. Amazing movie. Its a bit on the higher end of sci-fi maybe we can tone it down a bit for CP77.

Very nice idea, i'm impressed about that !
With the prison being such a cool and imposing building in the landscape of Santo Domingo I always found it a shame that it's never utilized in game or in the story. Red Dead had a system like that whereby you got arrested and spent time in jail.
Whilst in keeping with the slow methodical nature of that game I found the process boring as it's extremely passive. Quests utilizing the prison space would be amazing in cyberpunk though.

I envisioned it whereby the tower itself houses traditional like cells for augmented/ gang affiliated inmates and the underground houses the extreme threats and cyberpsychos in cryogenic stasis. Similar to the movie Demolition Man.
It would be good as a stealth and hacking mission and that in the escape we change our identity in the system and that we place a double as in Face / Off to serve our sentence.
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