So, fish do p**s in the lakes!

The title is in reference with Mahakam Volunteer's answer for the question "Can Dwarfs fight?". In this season I wanted to try Mahakam Forge and wanted to see if I can reach pro with Dwarfs in this powercrept era, especially because dwarfs had been ignored for such a long time, but mainly because I somehow don't like Spell'etle but want to play ST mainly. The climb from Rank 3 to Rank 2 had been very hard, but somehow Rank 2 to Pro was a smooth ride with over 80% winrate.

This is the deck I climbed with:
Lets Get To Work!

This deck may look outdated and bad, but trust me, it is good enough to at least reach pro rank. I can't promise if you can go over 2450. Also it is a very fun deck to play. I had won many games due to surprise Igni. This may irritate or annoy some people as it can be considered as a clown move, but Dwarfs have absolutely no control and without some tall punish, it would be incredibly hard. I started with Pyrotechnicians and CallOfForest etc. but after a few iterations switched to Royal Decree which is just much better than CoF and swapped a 4P card for Chariot. Also Pyro->Skirmisher significantly helped as it can deny Whisperers.

Despite having a good success, I still want to suggest some buffs to Dwarfs, not because I am greedy, but Dwarfs need more support to be competitive.

Zoltan: Warrior should be 10P. Hear me out. He is currently 10 for 11P with a synergy that, you can play Zontan's Company (a 6 for 6) and then play Brouver to get powerful engine potential. This involves three cards and all are golds. I know he can help in +2 for Barclay and +2 for Guard. But that is all added synergy which doesn't justify a 11P gold to play for 10 points. If the combo is stopped or you didn't draw, he plays for horrible value.

Munro: Should be 10P. Or he should gain a charge on some conditions (like whenever you play Tempering or something). He can play for a max 16 for 12P in the best conditions and can as well play for mere 6 points. It is just a risky card without a secondary ability and 12P for that is already powercrept an year back.

Dennis should be 6P and his ability changed to: Melee: Boost adjacent units by 2. If they are dwarfs, also give 2 armor. Ranged: Boost all units on this row by 1. If the ally is a dwarf, also give 1 armor. Dwarfs want to play on Melee for Xavier and Gabor and Zoltan too. And Dennis plays for an 8 for 8 with no synergy with Dwarf's main thing (armor) is really bad. Unless he at least gest to 6P he wont see any play.

Zoltan's Company should be 5P
. A 6 for 6 which needs two legendary cards to be powerful/useful is really bad. Sadly people still use it because the only wincon for Dwarf is Brouver and this can help in that. It is so fragile and weak and needs to be buffed.

Dwarf Berserker should be 4 strength and 4 armor. This can help Munro too. A 7 for 5 in 4 turn was powercrept 1 year ago.

The rest of the dwarf package is really good. Dwarf have solid 4P bronzes. But lackluster Legendaries. Hope to see some love for the dwarfs.
I had won many games due to surprise Igni.
People don't play around Igni these days. I have a SY deck with Hvitr and Aelydia + the infamous Drill, that tries to align the opponent units. The opponent has time to react while I'm setting up the Igni, but it rarely happens. Igni = Opponent connection lost

Regarding the dwarfs I don' t have an opinion. It has been ages since I saw Brouver Hoog. :shrug:
I think I will netdeck this one, as I like decks with "Resilience".
Good luck for your Resilience! If you are going to try this deck I want to tell you a few more things I had in mind.

1) The main R1 strategy is to get the Defenders down and get them ticking. I have used Novigradian Justice in more than half the games to get either Miner or Defender (depends on what you have in your hand). We always think NJ means we need to use it for Volunteers and should be for R2/R3, but not necessarily in this deck. Use NJ as a tutor for Miner/Defender and use Volunteers for 2 armored dwarfs in R2/R3 to help Brouver.
2) If you are against ST-PS, hold on to Skirmishers, otherwise, always mulligan them.
3) If you have both Royal Decree and Oneiro, use RD for Zoltan and keep Oneiro. I have used Oneiro quickly in a few games and I missed to pull Zoltan's Company. If had used RD, I would have been in a better state.
4) Keep Pellar in hand for NG/ST/SY for locks/poison, otherwise, mulligan him.

Thank you for the suggestions!

I played 6 games and went from Rank 6 to Rank 5. I lost 1 game against Purple Igni, also know as Yrden. I could have lost a second game against a NG bomb deck (double Maddoc), but I won by 1 point. :facepalm:
Thank you for the suggestions!

I played 6 games and went from Rank 6 to Rank 5. I lost 1 game against Purple Igni, also know as Yrden. I could have lost a second game against a NG bomb deck (double Maddoc), but I won by 1 point. :facepalm:
Glad to hear that you are enjoying this deck and having success! Yes, this deck would auto-lose against Yrden. But decks not running Yrden, you can bait out the tall punish through Xavier or even MahakamDefender or Zoltan (Heatwave/YenInvo) in R1 so that Brouver is safe behind Figgis (in most cases Figgis dies taking Heatwave out of question) in R2. Pellar had won me games too, as lock would be the last defense by the opponent after taking care of Xavier, MahakamDefenders, Zoltan, Figgis, and Gabor.

Wish you luck to climb more with the dwarven muscle!
They say "Great minds think alike" and i'm pleased to say I had a similar dwarf deck going before I stopped playing Gwent and played another game. I also got a bit bored of the orb method of winning. I'm only ST players so...good to see Dwarfs getting some attantion again. Last time was the dwarf point slam which got nerfed due to all the NG players complaining. It was probably NG players if you ask me.

I doubt i'll play Gwent again for a while but just wanted to say GG to the OP.
Fighting me is like snogging at hedgehog's arse!


Today I got to Rank 3 with your deck. As you can see I pushed for a 2:0 in most cases. I suspect the opponents underestimate dwarves and react too slowly, keeping their best cards in hand... until it's too late. I've lost to Viy a couple of times and a game or two in which I've mulliganed too greedily.
Now I'll switch to a different deck and to a different faction. The deck is solid, but I like to play a bit of everything. :ok:
Fighting me is like snogging at hedgehog's arse!

Today I got to Rank 3 with your deck. As you can see I pushed for a 2:0 in most cases. I suspect the opponents underestimate dwarves and react too slowly, keeping their best cards in hand... until it's too late. I've lost to Viy a couple of times and a game or two in which I've mulliganed too greedily.
Now I'll switch to a different deck and to a different faction. The deck is solid, but I like to play a bit of everything. :ok:
Awesome @sfruzz!! Your guess is perfect. I also felt the same. People underestimate Dwarfs and take it for granted only to realize it is too late! Good luck and have fun for your games!
Zoltan: Warrior should be 10P. Hear me out. He is currently 10 for 11P with a synergy that, you can play Zontan's Company (a 6 for 6) and then play Brouver to get powerful engine potential. This involves three cards and all are golds. I know he can help in +2 for Barclay and +2 for Guard. But that is all added synergy which doesn't justify a 11P gold to play for 10 points. If the combo is stopped or you didn't draw, he plays for horrible value.

Munro: Should be 10P. Or he should gain a charge on some conditions (like whenever you play Tempering or something). He can play for a max 16 for 12P in the best conditions and can as well play for mere 6 points. It is just a risky card without a secondary ability and 12P for that is already powercrept an year back.

Dennis should be 6P and his ability changed to: Melee: Boost adjacent units by 2. If they are dwarfs, also give 2 armor. Ranged: Boost all units on this row by 1. If the ally is a dwarf, also give 1 armor. Dwarfs want to play on Melee for Xavier and Gabor and Zoltan too. And Dennis plays for an 8 for 8 with no synergy with Dwarf's main thing (armor) is really bad. Unless he at least gest to 6P he wont see any play.

Zoltan's Company should be 5P. A 6 for 6 which needs two legendary cards to be powerful/useful is really bad. Sadly people still use it because the only wincon for Dwarf is Brouver and this can help in that. It is so fragile and weak and needs to be buffed.

Dwarf Berserker should be 4 strength and 4 armor. This can help Munro too. A 7 for 5 in 4 turn was powercrept 1 year ago.

The rest of the dwarf package is really good. Dwarf have solid 4P bronzes. But lackluster Legendaries. Hope to see some love for the dwarfs.
Two down and three more to go! Hopefully we get the other 3 before these recommended buffs are already powercrept. This Berserker buff in 9.4 doesn't make him playable. It is just an indirect buff to Munro, but still not good enough for Munro to be played/playable.
Two down and three more to go! Hopefully we get the other 3 before these recommended buffs are already powercrept. This Berserker buff in 9.4 doesn't make him playable. It is just an indirect buff to Munro, but still not good enough for Munro to be played/playable.
It's not going to shatter the ole earth, but I like the fact that it removes the beserker from amnesty range AND buffs Munro. Munro now plays for slow, conditional 20 in a forge deck, which is at least respectable for a 12p card.
It's not going to shatter the ole earth, but I like the fact that it removes the beserker from amnesty range AND buffs Munro. Munro now plays for slow, conditional 20 in a forge deck, which is at least respectable for a 12p card.
How does Munro play for 20? He plays for 18 only right? The transformed Berserkers wont have 5 armor. They would still have only 4 right? So, 6+2+2+8 = 18 conditional points. Worst case: 6 Best case: 18. But with armors getting thrown away at bronzes, this may very well be around 13-14points for 12P card from 4 turns. Which is still crappy IMO.

But, if (this if will never become true), Berserker gets bonded saying: Bonded Ignore Armor, then Munro and even Berserkers will become good and playable. In the current state, Berserker and Munro are still pretty bad and wont be played/playable.
How does Munro play for 20? He plays for 18 only right? The transformed Berserkers wont have 5 armor. They would still have only 4 right? So, 6+2+2+8 = 18 conditional points. Worst case: 6 Best case: 18. But with armors getting thrown away at bronzes, this may very well be around 13-14points for 12P card from 4 turns. Which is still crappy IMO.

But, if (this if will never become true), Berserker gets bonded saying: Bonded Ignore Armor, then Munro and even Berserkers will become good and playable. In the current state, Berserker and Munro are still pretty bad and wont be played/playable.
He is talking with this buff in tô bersereker

So its 6+3+3+4+4

EDIT nvm.

I thought berserek went to 5 points, i dont know why.

Its 6+2+2+4+4 indeed
Yeah, true, I forgot the transformed Berserkers don't get the extra armor. My bad. Plays for 18 max.

Edit: also I agreed that the Berserker is still a bad card, because it's a bad version of the Drummond berserker, because it can be countered both, with armor and damage to his own armor.
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