Some Wild Hunt suggestions...again:D

Longships shouldn't damage units after they die honestly. There's that one elf you can Mulligan that boosts all elves on the board and it boosts them on deploy. Makes no sense to me.
I'm rank 15. I didn't say it's overpowered, just that considering all the Weather cards a Weather deck has - obviously - countering them is a Nightmare, unless you put a ton of Clear skies in your deck. What would make it overpowered, are the cards I talked about before.
Weather isn't nearly as powerful as it used to be due to the nerfs, with WH lacking any high tempo plays. While you may have trouble with them personally, most competitive players don't, and there's a reason the current meta is almost entirely SK and ST and none of the pros bring monsters to tourneys. Weather decks can't really compete with the huge quened/armored bodies the meta decks can throw out. Even NG is superior to WH control decks now with it's ridiculous spy synergy. Especially now that clear weather heals those effected by frost.

My point was only that WH needs to be brought up to the level of the rest of the decks, as they haven't been truly competitive for a while or received a bronze card since the longships. They lack the synergy that allows the other teams to steamroll us. To gain that they need more options, which I believe my suggested cards would give them. Weather should not be the only trick in the WH bag, so if anything I think it would allow for more viable deck variety.

I also didn't add a bronze resetting unit, just bronze locking units, which if anyone deserves it's WH. My reset unit was a silver, which considering ST has a silver card that locks AND resets a target, I thought was more than fair. There were also a lot more card suggestions than those 2, so I'm curious what issues you had with the rest of them since you disagreed with "all" of them.

I'm currently rank 19 if that makes a difference.
Perhaps you are right and it's just me. Since you asked me to express music opinion on all of them, I'll do it.

1) I'm Sorry, but there is no deck with bronze locking, and there is a reason, I think. Besides, together with navigators you would have a combo destroyer, if I remember there is already a locking Monster unit. Maybe it could be buffed with double locking
2) This one is ok
3) leave Hand damage and buff to Scoia'tael and Reveal. They can damage random cards on the board 4)Nope
5) Naglfar is ok but no armor
6) Either this one or Geralt (and no double effect, use decoy)
7) It Might be ok but It Might become the new Coral
8) I Need to think about It.

Just out of curiosity, which deck do you main?

And I fail to see the issue with a low strength locking bronze when NR has a low strength reset bronze that can summon copies of itself from the deck.
I used Reveal in the past, but now I'm learning spies

They can summon copies only if the resetted unit is a wizard, so they can work effectively only against some decks and in some situations, and besides I have rarely ever seen them in ranked. Moreover the are cards that need rebalancing in other decks, but that's not a reason for locking bronze cards, honestly. Lastly, while Weather isn't top tier, it's not bad either, while there are decks in a worse situation.
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