Mi only question is,are they listening to us?are they truly,truly taking our feadback?
I don't know if someone already suggested this but it should be possible to see what is the current level of the enemy we are fighting, like in the 2018 gameplay trailer.
It's really annoying that you can't even determinate if the enemies you are going to fight are stronger or weaker than you.
But the game never explained it, at least I don't remember it did.when fighting enemies there's a little square above their heads, has bullets for ranged combat, fist for melee, etc. the color of that icon tells you what you're up against. green for easy, yellow for moderate, red for hard, skull for nearly suicide.
But the game never explained it, at least I don't remember it did.
However, wouldn't it have been easier to show the level directly? As it is now it is quite difficult to notice the icons and colors while in combat, at least, i never did.
P.s. (The HUD in general is confusing most of the time)
It would be nice to add a feature to call Judy, River, Kerry or even Panam to ask for backup when in a gunfight.
Let’s say that you’re in a gunfight and you need help. You can call one of the four to ask for help and they will show up at the location.
Also, they can tag along with you in missions if needed.
To me, this would be a great feature to have in the game.