The Future of Gwent [More Versatility in Cards]

The Future of Gwent [More Versatility in Cards]

This is two fold:
1. Gwent has no neutral power. All neutral cards are mostly tech type cards. This creates problems as decks are soley reliant on their factions pool to draw from. Want to play NR? Well youre options are limited. Every arch type is predetermined. Play NG? Youre either playing, spies, reveal, or some control type deck. Granted, they did well and there are plenty of arch types (viable ones at higher play i cant say...).

2: but this can create problems. CDPR said they want to release 20 cards a month. I hope thats an average, because 20 cards an arch type does not make. These forced arch types could seriouslyhinder growth. Imagine, a discard arch type for monsters; either a whole month is just nee monster cards to support the nee deck, or they only give it to us 5 cards at a time... doesnt seem very efficient. Its for these reasons that i think we need more and better base cards. No i dont mean starter, i mean cards that are at least semi useful in a wide range of decks, be they faction specific or neutral.

What are your thoughts?
zambasshik;n8773790 said:
Every arch type is predetermined

I would agree with "More versatility in cards". At the same time it is a balance that some times fails to be achieved. For example agile weather now that we have play tested it is not good. They made more unit cards agile but at the same they also made weather agile, so there's a crossover, they practically undo the issue with weather. Not the issue that weather could make every card from x power to worthless, but the fact that weather can be in a deck almost for 80 to 90% of the deck.

We have to think what do we want from the game. Do we want predictability, to we want boring, do we want excitement? Is the purpose to have exiting games? The start of OBT was misleading because there was no meta formulated and i actually had the most exciting games. Then as the meta formulated i noticed many things being wrong. Weather agility, just no. Deployable Leaders add to predictability. Decks that include 3 units and everything else Special cards.

imo they should think removing deployable Leaders and Promote mechanic and agile Weather and if anyone has watched Scoia Special and Goldgaard and all Weather decks should want and hope for more exciting decks and meta, not this.
I hate it when CCG decks build themselves. A couple of auto include cards, choose an archetype, put all cards from that archetype in your deck, and now you're left with only about 5 deck slots with which you can experiment with.
For example, in Hearthstone, there is a "Jade Golem archetype" and there are maybe 4 cards you can choose in your deck, but the rest of the deck isn't malleable. That's not creativity, there's no freedom

When each gam becomes predictable as soon as you realize what archetype your opponent is playing, it becomes a bit boring. I liked early Hearthstone because card and deck synergy was for the players to discover, but later on with the expansions, Blizzard released cards that when built around, you're left with very little room for experimentation.

I don't want this to happen to Gwent. I really don't. Give us a bloated amount of options for each archetype to fit our preferences.
zambasshik;n8773790 said:
1. Gwent has no neutral power. All neutral cards are mostly tech type cards. This creates problems as decks are soley reliant on their factions pool to draw from. Want to play NR? Well youre options are limited. Every arch type is predetermined. Play NG? Youre either playing, spies, reveal, or some control type deck. Granted, they did well and there are plenty of arch types (viable ones at higher play i cant say...).

DannyGuy;n8774500 said:
I hate it when CCG decks build themselves. A couple of auto include cards, choose an archetype, put all cards from that archetype in your deck, and now you're left with only about 5 deck slots with which you can experiment with.
For example, in Hearthstone, there is a "Jade Golem archetype" and there are maybe 4 cards you can choose in your deck, but the rest of the deck isn't malleable. That's not creativity, there's no freedom

Agree with this completely. Currently game has this MMORPG kind of feel, where you grind dungeon for tokens so you could buy your epic helmet, torso, shoulders and pants set and start grinding endgame dungeon. The excitement opening a keg is lost, because it's basically scrap drop to unlock the cards you know you need to get competitive deck.
And i understand that a lot of golds and a few silvers in each deck are neutral, but i want a few more bronze units that are neutral and don't suck
DannyGuy;n8774500 said:
I don't want this to happen to Gwent. I really don't. Give us a bloated amount of options for each archetype to fit our preferences.

But they probably do. Theres already at least 3 archs for each faction right now. The thing is, the card pool is still tiny, so much of those archetypes lack of cards. One good example is ST mulligan. Once they start releasing more cards to those archetypes, they will go on the same path.

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