The Witcher Adventure Card Game soon available in Spanish and English!



Forum veteran
The Witcher Adventure Card Game soon available in Spanish and English!

We are very happy to inform you that “The Witcher” card game – already known to the Polish players – will soon be published in English and Spanish. The Spanish version will be available in August, and will be distributed by Gen X Games ( The card game in English will appear in autumn this year (during Spiel’09 in Essen, Germany). You will be able to buy it through the distribution network of Kuźnia Gier, which is the creator of the game. The list is available here and, as Kuźnia Gier promises, will soon be extended with new entries!
It’s worth mentioning that there are intensive talks being held about translating the game into another languages. More information soon.
Eriash said:
We are very happy to inform you that “The Witcher” card game – already known to the Polish players – will soon be published in English and Spanish.
Since it's not already known to non-Polish players, could you tell us something about it?Some new Witcher thing will soon exist -- yay! -- but what IS it?


Forum veteran
So CDPR is on Spiel'09 in Essen? Wow, I'll be there ;) you can keep one english version in reserve for me ;D
Epic wooties, oh Bringer of Good News :beer:
Eriash said:
The card game in English will appear in autumn this year (during Spiel’09 in Essen, Germany).
*stumped* Your autumn is my spring, yeah? *thinks* Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's right.*grumbles* No sleep make psycho... something something...Ok, Spiel 09 appears to be happening in October. That's my spring. I think I'm on the right page now :)heh, good news is good. This is freaking cool :)
What about the Rise Of The White Wolf??????????????????????????????????????What about the translation of the other booksss?????


Forum veteran
Point 1: 2: Afaik CDPR is not involved in translating the books. That is the work of the author's label ;)


Forum veteran
IfayranaElerionn said:
So CDPR is on Spiel'09 in Essen? Wow, I'll be there ;) you can keep one english version in reserve for me ;D
Unfortunately no, "Kuznia Gier" (The Game Armory) will be there to present the game. We will remain chained to the chairs here producing new games for you :)

Guest 2087432

Ooh goodie, does this mean you are working on The Witcher 2 :wave::
Moonbeam said:
Ooh goodie, does this mean you are working on The Witcher 2 :wave::
ooh, wait, wait, I think we can do this one (I like your nickname)...*channels Eriash*We are working on a number of projects at the moment and we are working hard to bring you all the best quality games. I can tell you one thing for sure: any and all will be awesome :beer:*collapses*How'd I do, did I cover everything? :D*collapses again*
lovelypsycho said:
*channels Eriash*We are working on a number of projects at the moment and we are working hard to bring you all the best quality games. I can tell you one thing for sure: any and all will be awesome :beer:*collapses*
*laugh* Fabulous! Excellent job of channeling Eriash.Hey, where have you been, lady? I've missed you.
Corylea said:
Corylea said:
We are very happy to inform you that “The Witcher” card game – already known to the Polish players – will soon be published in English and Spanish.
Since it's not already known to non-Polish players, could you tell us something about it?
The card game is for 2 persons. One side is the chaos who wants to doom the world. The other side (surely) wants to prevent it. It's Geralt's task. There are 11 locations (cards) you have to protect/control. You win when you conquere at least six locations.The chaos fights with monster(cards) from the game. Geralt fights with 3 special cards (potions, witcher-signs and combat skills) plus various witcher cards (blows and special abilities).The Witcher adventure card game has many cards but no sexcards :pIf you know German you can get more details here. It's just a description how to play it and what each card means, no walkthrough how to win.

Guest 2087432

*collapses*Thanks for the good news Lovely_Psycho, hope you have recovered. :wave:
does this mean when the english version comes out, i can challenge Corylea to a game of Strip witcher :Dnobody messes with the order elf lover
Petra Silie (thanks for pointing a mistake, Corylea), you have described The Witcher Promo Card Game - it is smaller and simplier than Adventure Card Game. Here are some photos (sorry for very bad quality, my camera makes blured images) of those:
On the left: Adventure Card GameOn the right: Promo Card GameI'll try to translate some basic information from the instruction of the Adventure Card Game.-----The game is intended for 2-4 players. Supposed time of the game is from 30 to 90 minutes. Elements of the game:
  • 106 cards divided by type:
    • Attacks (52)
    • Monsters (20)
    • Events (15)
    • Locations (10)
    • Characters (5)
    • Geralt's cards
  • 24 gold coins
  • Witcher marker
  • Pouch
  • Instruction
  • 4 cards with basic rules
Objective of the game:The task of the player is gaining gold (which can be used to rent Geralt - well, cards can be used too in the auction, but they have lower value) and the attack cards to defeat monsters. To carry out this task, you will use special skills of five heroes (Triss, Jaskier, Vesemir, Yarpen and Foltest - each one have a different skill)) and exceptional event cards (those can help you in the fight, support you with gold etc.) garnered during a game. The game ends at the end of round, in which one player beat his fourth monster. Then players are summing up their points of fame (after killing a monster, you gain those points - the more powerful monster, the more points you gain), the one with the highest number wins.Each round consists of six phases:
  • Choice of heroes
  • Specia skills and actions (here players are using special skills of their character and doing two actions (take a coin or an attack card - that's one action)
  • Bidding on the Geralt (Player must win the auction to fight with the help of Geralt with monsters. Players can bid with coins or cards)
  • Fighting with monsters (each monster can be defeated only by using certain cobination of attack cards, you must gather those cards before the fight)
  • Bidding on the Event card (it is an auction, like the earlier one. Player who wins gets Event card - those are sometimes extremely helpful)
  • End of turn (Process is repeated until some player kills his 4th monster
There are many other important rules, but I don't want to copy entire instruction :p. This game is pretty complicated, and it plays best with 3 or 4 players. It isn't very random, there is a need for some strategic thinking to win.-----I hope that I explained basics of the game to you. I'm sorry for rough translation, my english isn't very good.
Rondel said:
Corylea, you have described The Witcher Promo Card Game - it is smaller and simplier than Adventure Card Game.
Actually, that was Petra, who kindly explained what she knew about the game; I was the one who asked for the explanation.Thanks, Petra, and thanks, Rondel, for the information about the game. And thanks to both of you for the photographs, which make everything clearer.
I'm sorry for rough translation, my english isn't very good.
On the contrary, I thought your explanation was very clear. Thank you!
Rondel said:
does this mean when the english version comes out, i can challenge Corylea to a game of Strip witcher :D
You've got the words slightly out of order -- Corylea only strips for witchers! :D
@RondelI knew there were 2 different card games, the slimmed down version and the Polish version. All I knew about the Polish version: it was more extensive, it has 110 cards and it has coins ;DThanks for the info, I guess the remake is the Polish original version.
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