This game is probably the pinnacle of achievement in game design. It's such a shame management destroyed it.

I'd argue it's not since some pretty basic game design decisions range from baffling to downright awful.

Like calls interrupting conversations, key binding for crouch being also skip dialogue, double tap alt to holster weapon for some ungodly reason, and so on and so on. The devil is in the details and a lot of really small things add up to being infuriating over time.

Theres a ton of inconsistent bindings that just make little to no sense and F basically does everything. Anyone remember candles in witcher 3 and lighting them whenever you tried to do anything? Yeah. That's because they bind everything to a single key and give every single interaction equal importance. Ideally something fixed in game design.

Then theres the looter shooter elements and RPG elements of CP2077. Which are both lacking to the point of it feeling like someone who has no idea what those things are decided to make them based on the words in the genre titles alone. Loot is bad if this was a looter shooter, 98% of choices mean literally nothing so that's a pretty bad RPG. Perks and skills are watered down to be inconsequential or downright annoying.

Then again, maybe if the team had actually been given time they'd have fixed these issues. But it reminds me of that glassdoors review where a dev says how the management has no idea what makes a tabletop RPG and are just simplifying everything. The really obvious thing about CP2077 is that developers were insanely good at their job but didn't have the time to finish anything.

I almost feel exalted by the news that came out recently that it is, in fact, managements fault since I've been harping about this a while now. But I just feel disappointed. They say put the blame on the board of directors but senior management is the board of directors. Which makes it all the more hilarious, and sad, when you consider complaints of the management team during Witcher 3 seem to have been completely ignored and brushed aside. Had a disgusting response to the complaints there, had an equally if not more disgusting response now.
I agree, management did and is doing bad choices. They need to sit down with the fans. Read our constructive posts in the suggestion section. Over 600 posts on mega thread about the forced nudity censor. Need transparency on that issue.

Outside of the management, I praise the developers and designers and everyone else in CDPR. I simply love this game.
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