Updated Roadmap

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Why do I get the feeling the devs want this game just to fade away, out of memory, out of mind. And out of time and existence.

Hopefully that's not what they're doing because even after the nightmare of a release and the near constant issues with bugs this game could still turn out to be one of the best of this generation.

If they'd just spend enough time on it and not give up.

I'm mainly talking about PC as well. If they can sort more of the bugs out and expansions add enough, then mods can add to that to make it truly great for years to come if the modding support is sorted out a bit (which I guess will be done seeing as they've now hired modders.)

To give up when they're so close to making something amazing would be one of the weirdest possible things to do. I don't think they're doing that anyway though.

Either way : Happy Halloween!
What bothers me the most, frankly, is not even the umpteenth postponement, the umpteenth broken promise or the disconcerting slowness in updating, correcting and improving a product that is now almost one year old (one year!): what bothers me the most is their (non) communication. Updating an old post... silently, kinda secretly. It is unprofessional and disrespectful. Again.
So much this, it feels so dirty reading the updated post, even after I had washed my hands, splashed some water in my face, something still seemed to stick. Not cool, CDPR.
I doubt anything major will come before expansions. Expansion DLC's is my last hope that we will get any big changes. And that does not include storyline and expanded map areas.
The problem with that scenario though is they would be putting (what should be free) fixes/updates to the game behind a pay wall if they're a part of an expansion.
At this point what kind of quality should we even be expecting from new actual content? The longer it drags out, the more the public loses interest and the more embarrassing it is for those still invested. At what point should we expect the "expansion" to be a quietly released soulless 2 hour desert quest?
With the popularity of the garbage Netflix show, pumping out a new Witcher game would logically be their top priority. I wouldn't be surprised they only had a skeleton crew left on CP2077 with eventually cancelling any expansions like Andromeda did after the abysmal reception.

This might not be what the devs want, or even the studio heads, but I would bet it's what the shareholders are pushing for.
I stand with many others on this.

The constant delay of new content/patches isn't my issue, that much was clear months ago, it's the subtle and almost deceitful edit of an old post that truly bothers me.

[...] This sneaky edit seems to be par for the course for them at this point. It's sad to see confirmation that CDPR is no different than most after a decade of cultivating this ''good guy'' reputation.
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They seem a little detached from reality.
With a community doing reverse engineering and data mining just to find a little vague detail regarding cp77s future it should be obvious the edited roadmap will be found in no time, and one can only assume bad intents when it comes to hiding bad news.

The best thing to do for them, after announcing the next Gen delay, would be to drop a few small DLCs, just to de-escalate the situation.

Personally I start to think somebody up there is trying to push the narrative of this game being irreparable, and that we should get ready to move on.
They seem a little detached from reality.
With a community doing reverse engineering and data mining just to find a little vague detail regarding cp77s future it should be obvious the edited roadmap will be found in no time, and one can only assume bad intents when it comes to hiding bad news.

The best thing to do for them, after announcing the next Gen delay, would be to drop a few small DLCs, just to de-escalate the situation.

Personally I start to think somebody up there is trying to push the narrative of this game being irreparable, and that we should get ready to move on.

I just don't understand why they would publicly announce the next gen delay, but not this one? It'll be interesting what they say at this Berenberg Video Gaming Conference thing. Maybe they have one more patch and that's why? Someone jumped the gun, so to speak?
Just hoping for a new game + before cdpr abandons this game
Well, if they do abandon the game, I'm sure a lot of people will be abandoning them in return. Contrary to what they seem to believe, people have good and long memories when someone puts one over on them.
The first playthrough was somewhat fun. But i havent touched it since i realized that all paths are the same exact game. IMO, the game is dead. How are they going to reignite interest? With patches? If would require a return to all those hyped promises. I dont see it happening. Shame. But id say maybe time to let go and move on....
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They seem a little detached from reality.
With a community doing reverse engineering and data mining just to find a little vague detail regarding cp77s future it should be obvious the edited roadmap will be found in no time, and one can only assume bad intents when it comes to hiding bad news.

The best thing to do for them, after announcing the next Gen delay, would be to drop a few small DLCs, just to de-escalate the situation.

Personally I start to think somebody up there is trying to push the narrative of this game being irreparable, and that we should get ready to move on.

"Personally I start to think somebody up there is trying to push the narrative of this game being irreparable, and that we should get ready to move on."

I think thats the case. So much was scripted. Even the car action sequences were.

I think the best thing for them to do is work on it, add more content, new features, remove bugs and release a CP 2077 2.0 version whenever its ready. Release it for free for all those who own the game and rebrand it for those who never played it. Add a lil cheeky humor about how they screwed up and people might reignite interest.
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Looks like the game will never be delivered in full. Shame, but CDPR word is no longer of any worth.
I suppose we will never get the braniching quest paths, life paths that actually matter, AI that works as they promised and all this stuff.

Looks like only thing that matters is pushing out the next-gen versions and making one last quick jump for cash before abandoning this half broken game.

So much potential wasted. This hurts deeply, as I speak not only about the game but also you guys, as a company.

I would like to be wrong, but I have no faith left that I am.

I am very scared for Witcher 4.

Also, there was something they said about trying to communicate better with their customers? Yeah...
Just hoping next patch will start to change some systems in the game...then again i dont know anymore...you dont say anithing about you whant to do to the game...why?it wouldnt hurt more than you are rigth now...
I am still positive about CP :ok:

I think that from a high-level perspective, all of the game's aspects (quests, music, atmosphere, characters,...) are exceptional.
The (only) things for the release to be a success were to polish bugs and performance, and reiterate over the unfinished stuff - maybe character creator, quest structure (meaningless choices with no consequences, bad pacing/writing of side quests,...), AI,...

As already posted many times, there are many visible hot-wired quest points, which were most probably meant to be finished (or scrapped).
I think that taking time to fix and polish everything is the best thing for them to do.

Hell, I think that if they do the expansions well; with some cool(=adequate) marketing and stuff, they may get GOTY or similar for them :)
The hunger for new content or interesting stories (and/or mechanics,...) seems to be quite huge.

I wonder...
I honestly think that they are now working as they should have all along, with no crunch and overhauling and finishing systems but the people responsible for the comunication need a backbone, to quote Jackie.
With 1.3 they say they will increase comunication on this format (the streaming with the devs) but some people raized criticisms on the chat so no more that or any type of comm.
If this same type of stream kept going on people would eventually understand the stand of CDPR on cp77' development going forward, their difficulties and why things take time,... without it needing to be new promisses. I liked that stream a lot.
And if people complain on ungrounded terms only further discussion of the subject will clear things out (or made clear for more people). Shutting down with a stance of "no matter what is said things will be twisted" will not clear things up or start building bridges.
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