What to spend money on?

If you want to make a new deck in say a faction you haven't used but don't have enough card scraps to make a deck in it what do you spend your money on? The kegs for that faction or the kegs for a faction you already have most of the cards for so you can break the extras down for scraps?

PS: Really wish they would just let you buy scraps. >_>


Forum veteran
If you are a new player and dont really have many cards besides the starter set, and you really want to focus on a faction, then get faction kegs for that faction.

Or if you already have most of the cards from the base set, then maybe its better to get expansion kegs, the most recent expansions tend to have better cards *cof *cof powercreep *cof *cof

Just remember the odds of getting epics and legendaries are the same through all the kegs, its all about luck.
If you are going to spend real money, buy kegs for the faction you want. Scrapping other faction cards is a waste of money as you get so few scraps its a crazy idea. 5 guaranteed cards from 1 keg vs maybe 2 kegs worth of cards(10) being scrapped to make one low level card or upto 8 kegs (40 cards) to get one high level card.
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