Why EVERYTHING ends up on shooting?

In terms of RPG, I'm very slow on grinding because I like to enjoy the game!
But more I play Cyberpkunk, more I'm getting pissed about something...why everything ends up on a shooting?

Let's suppose you want to start a game leveling up hacking because you simply love it (my case).
Then you invade a fabric with a bunch of bandits and since the first hacking, they notice you. If you don't have stealth abilities, they will find you pretty easy and you need to push the shooting right away.
If you don't have shooting perks to help you with the fight, you'll probably die depending on the enemy's level.

My point is when you choose to play in certain way because it fits your character, you are obligated to use others abilities to complement it. Why this? :ohstopit:

I can kill a bandit next to each other just by breaking his neck and his friend will not notice, but hacking alerts the entire building? Even if we are meters of distance or hidden?


It's like the game was not designed to gives us freedom in fighting.

When I use hacking, I need to upgrade at least one weapon three, because it will end up in shooting anyway and the ablity itself is too weak to provide us with some good fighting.

In other RPGs like Skyrim for example, that has almost 10 yeas of existence, we can play almost the entire game using Illusion. You can mess with people's mind and even have some perks that will help you hide from enemies, and you DON'T NEED to upgrade the Sneak tree. Ilusion itself is a build for sneak mages.
Is hacking not supposed to be like that?

I love shooting in the game but as an RPG, we need more!

We need to be able to fight enemies in a balanced way without dividing our points on abilities that we don't like or don't fit our gameplay style! :shrug:
It's a looter-SHOOTER. Stop calling this game RPG.
If you add talent tree into "Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege", or "Couter Strike", or "Crysis 3" - will it become an RPG?
NO. It will be a SHOOTER, with perks..
Oh wait.. Crysis 3 already have talent tree...
i never use guns cause stealth is op imo
with cool 7 you can crouch around an enemy and just break his neck, use hack distract or reboot optics if there someone could see you

im a bit sad cause i think some weapons are pretty cool but i didnt use any
i'm level 30 and i've killed maybe 40 enemies using weapons? hacks are ridiculously op. especially at the end when you can hack enemies through walls. been playing on very hard since the start. at first it was tough, i used whistle and distract enemies a lot. most my kills were stealth takedowns. once you're able to craft your own hacks and you get your first legendary cyberdeck (first item i spent money on in the game) you're basically unstoppable. to the dude who called this an fps, please don't label this as something it aint just cuz you lack the creativity to think outside the box
The talents are good. the rest isent. Think outside the box? that what u call using something thats ingame? Seriously? i did play as a hacker just fyi. the problem with this game is no other rpg elements then the talents. i have been comparing it to far cry mostly. This game isent even close to a rpg.
Yes hacking in early game, that is were I am at, draws the whole building down on you? The distraction isn't there?
Crafting is lame, because sometimes you can break things down and sometimes not. And sometimes when you do not want it. It looks like they did nothing on testing out how everything doesn't work together and not fluid and flowing easily. It is hacked-up arse backwards and I stop trying to craft because it is so convoluted and bottom bargain basement junk. This was suppose to be next gen? Maybe after you fix everything?
also, why there's only one animation while stealth? even if the opponent is lying down, it would go the same way
Ahem... I am half way through the main story and almost never had to shoot someone.

It is possible to go stealth. You can usually separate opponents standing next to each other. Sometimes you might have to look for another way. Once, for example, I had to enemies looking at each other through a window... and always seemed to stay in each other's view when I distracted them. But then I realized there was a missing skylight in the next room and I made my way to the roof and made it behind their lines.

Had several moments and opportunities like this.

I understand criticism of some of the RPG elements. But saying that you can only play this as a looter shooter is just not true and ignores many of the possibilities this game offers. Much more so than most other open world game quests do.
no you can play how ever you want. it generaly comes to bloodshed in one way or another tho. Stealth gameplay is very lackluster. no mods to se trough walls other then breach? dubbel tap any key by mistake and away goes your stealth. gunplay isent that hot either tbh, could be that i havent tryed out the smart guns and so on.. and the looter part is very true... holy shit almost feels like borderlands 4
It's a looter-SHOOTER. Stop calling this game RPG.
If you add talent tree into "Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege", or "Couter Strike", or "Crysis 3" - will it become an RPG?
NO. It will be a SHOOTER, with perks..
Oh wait.. Crysis 3 already have talent tree...

Don't understand this argument.
1. I wouldn't call it a talent system as there is more than one tree, there's one for each skill.
2. By the way skills, attributes, and street cred exist. These mechanics are too robust to write off as a talent tree.
3. The only thing it shares with looter shooters is the rarity system which by the way doesn't even mean anything when it comes to uniqueness of items. Also I'm not sure a single player game could ever be called a looter shooter.

I think people who are upset at the perks not being creative need to delve more into cybernetics. Cybernetics are essentially another perk system.
an in game explanation is that most of the time all those "bandits" are on the same network. Hence why breaching effects all of them. So of course if you hack one of them theyre all gonna notice the hack (or at least be alerted). Plus hacking is pretty op, much better than guns.
Perk system doesnt make a game RPG.
RPG - choices, affecting the world in some way. Building a character. Becoming a villian, or a good guy, etc.
Right now, Cyberpunk is a SHOOTER (and pretty average one), with a little bit or rpg elements here and there, like perk system.
Sad, that people already forgot what a real RPG looks like...
Fallout 2 - RPG.
Cyberpunk - :sad:
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