why is equipping this weapon blocked?

So I purchased (cost me a HELL of a lot of $$$ ) this M-10df Ledonary Lexington weapon from a dealer then tried to equip it but I got the "action is blocked" error message. BUT WHY THE FFFFNNN CRAP WHY?

I am level 50, cred 50 with MAX level 20 for reflexes and cool and high (over 18) level in the other attributes after over 150 hours grinding!

This is the first time I am angry with this game:

I know it's not much help, but when I got the "Action Blocked" message, it was always connected to a cutscene still being "active" or some other bug. Maybe quick travel once, save, reload and try to equip it again.
Mostly worked for me...


Forum veteran
Try to unequip the unique weapon "Skippy" first. I also noticed that I started to see a lot of these "action is blocked" messeges since I had come across Skippy in my playthrough. It's probably connected to it being a "quest item" with the exclamation mark in the top right corner and all, But again, try to unequip Skippy first, that should work just fine. And just in case you don't know how, the default button for it is "middle mouse button", just hover over Skippy and press it.
OK, first I want to thank all that posted here to try to help me. You all very fast post to my thread to help and I thank you all.

KeldornOfLatria's comment about traveling away from my present location was the answer! I traveled back to my apartment. Slept in my bed then I was able to equip the gun.

Wow this is the first time I am angry with the game. This is a stupid bug that would have driven me crazy if not for you all helping me thank you!
Wow this is the first time I am angry with the game. This is a stupid bug that would have driven me crazy if not for you all helping me thank you!
I encounter this sort of thing a lot more frequently than I should.

I don't get angry, but I do shake my head.

This game micromanages the player a lot more than I am used to. At least, used to noticing. I figure that they have to because their quest/story is intricate and easily broken if the player has too much free will. Sadly, with that great responsibility comes great bugs. :)

Wait until you find out that "Safe Area" is an area to protect the NPCs from you, not the other way around.
Wait until you find out that "Safe Area" is an area to protect the NPCs from you, not the other way around.

Oh I never thought it was to protect me, not when they force your gun to holster. It is better for game suspension of disbelief than unkillable NPC however, so I did not mind.

I bet the demons in the DOOM games are jealous though! :giggle:
Oh I never thought it was to protect me, not when they force your gun to holster. It is better for game suspension of disbelief than unkillable NPC however, so I did not mind.

I bet the demons in the DOOM games are jealous though! :giggle:
There was an Afterlife NPC that didn't like the cut of V's jib and started firing while V was chatting with Claire. Well, unable to shoot back, V had to hide in the back with Nix, who does not like V, until the house guard slowly killed the lady.
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