What faction challenge rewards did you like better past or present?

What faction challenge rewards did you like better past or present?

Hi hey, I was thinking back to the last faction challenge where the winning faction received a specific gold card, compared to this faction challenge where the winning faction will receive a new avatar border. Which reward do you like better? I feel like the rewards we receive fit the requirement that CDPR has outfitted for players which is minimal. I definitely feel like in the future it would not be hard for CDPR to make a two tiered rewards system based on how many matches & wins one had for that faction. The system could go something (I haven't thought this out in detail) like this...just for supporting one of the two factions and playing at least 10 matches with either faction you'd receive a custom avatar boarder (only one though, the faction you played the most games for and thus the boarder would show which faction you were most loyal to going forward). Then the rest of the rewards would be based on faction wins. If you won X amount of games for the winning faction you'd receive a random gold card for that faction then X amount of wins for the losing faction would receive a random silver card. Basically what I'm saying is that it would be cool to reward players for playing/winning more then one time with a particular faction. The way things are set up now on Monday I could go and get two wins with NG/Monsters, and the rest of the week go back to playing Dwarves... What are your thoughts?
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I already posted a similar suggestion on the official announcement thread. The simple fact is a gold is worth either 200 or 800 scrap (less if you already have it,) and a border is purely aesthetic. At least the 100 powder (losing reward) actually has a tangible gain. I think borders a good reward for adding around 10-15 wins for your faction.
Present is far better imo. I can craft the cards myself if I want to. There's not enough trinkets anyway right now.

But I'd still prefer it if all supporters got the border of their faction. I'm sure factions will rotate and the borders will still be available in the future again though. And then the faction that lost one time might win and you could get that border too etc.

Again, the new reward for the winner is better but the loser needs to get the border too and the winner should get some additional dust as the actual winner reward.
I also prefer the present ones, precisely because they cannot be crafted. Makes them more unique.

Do like the sound of a tiered system, though I personally don't really care either way. IMO the rewards are just a possible, definitely cool, bonus rather than an incentive. :)


I like both the cards and the borders. Mixing it up seems like a good idea. I'm just wondering what will happen to the Monsters border when they lose the challenge. Will it be available for later faction wars or will it just begone? I wish they rewarded us regardless of which faction wins. There is no point in this challenge really since it was lost from the start.
There is no point in this challenge really since it was lost from the start.

Hmm, who knows. No Nilfgaard leader has a win ratio matching that of the Arachas Queen. Granted, Nilfgaard is more popular, but monsters are more powerful. In the last challenge, NR was the outsider as well.

As to the topic, I also prefer the borders. It doesn't feel unfair at all to the winners or the losers, as it is a cosmetic change just like the MP. I quite like it :)

Good luck to all my fellow Monster players. If you are still thinking of joining the fight, we need you :p Now more than ever. Let's crush the corrupt imperialists! xD
I like the old one more because its not something that special, nothing that gives you a bad feeling if you lose.
I like the old one more because its not something that special, nothing that gives you a bad feeling if you lose.

See, by that rationale, you might feel bad every season because you didn't make it to the top 25 globally to earn that prestigious title and avatar/border. One escapes easily from that logic because there will be always rewards that one misses. Especially borders and avatars. I missed Eredin by a few MMR points for example but that's alright :)
ser2440;n10317792 said:
See, by that rationale, you might feel bad every season because you didn't make it to the top 25 globally to earn that prestigious title and avatar/border. One escapes easily from that logic because there will be always rewards that one misses. Especially borders and avatars. I missed Eredin by a few MMR points for example but that's alright :)

Not realy, see i could win all fights i have with my faction but in the end i would not get the boarder because i am on the loosing faction side ... on the ranks its other its in my hands and thats a real difference.
I don't think anyone will really use these borders. Maybe one week after just to show that they grabbed it, maybe in 15 years if the games still going just to show they have rare borders from forever ago, but overall they are pretty inferior to the season end and promotional event borders. That being said, I'll probably take the border because the meteorite powder is a pretty small amount. I would not be surprised if they changed the reward mid event, but I would not be disappointing if they didn't because I think the last event was free items for nothing and those who missed out were hugely disadvantaged (mostly new players) for no real reason other than for being on the wrong side.
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