Observations about gwent

Observations about gwent

I have been playing the game from back in Witcher 3 when I would play the physical card game with my brother, so I want the best for Gwent. However, I have found that there are some issues I find weird.

Player Etiquette:
- In ranked games, it is not uncommon to have players who spam taunts, leave no GG, is this common?

Game Etiquette:
- A 60-second timer in ranked is unacceptable. Chess has a timer in competitive games for a reason. I could sit there with GwentDB open and scrutinize every card that is played for those 60 seconds to make sure I play every card perfectly, but I don't need to, but in ranked some people actually take up 40-50 seconds per round, whats worse is that if you play a non-standard card your opponent might stare at your card for 40-50 seconds. I thought this was ranked. I thought you needed to have a decent understanding of the game's cards, and mechanics to get you to level 10. A 30 second timer in ranked is more than enough. the game and card awareness of newer players can be addressed by fixing issues I highlight below.

Player Decks:
-Meta decks appearing about 90% of the time. I think is caused by websites like GwentDB allowing people to make their meta deck to climb ranks fast, this is not helped by the fact that it is incentivised to climb ranks fast to get any decent amount of kegs. My issue with this is a proliferation of meta decks which hurts every card game, but also that because it is incentivised for new players, in particular, it stifles game and card knowledge and creativity.

Keg RNG:
-In the closed beta, I had no issue with card drop rate, but because I played the beta I have been spoilt by that drop rate. In the open beta I feel like that dilution of the card pool with animated cards has only caused the keg RNG rates to worsen, Instead of having a large amount of high drop bronze cards and low drop silver and gold, you now have twice as many high drop bronze cards, which does not half your chances at getting silver or gold but more like quarters you chances due to probability.
-I know the animated cards were added for meteorite powder, but as one of the many players who doesn't care for animated cards, I feel like meteorite powder is worthless and not worth the trade off for diluted keg RNG.

-The guardian, Silver, Nilfgard. This card needs an adjustment, even though its play rate is rare it is still very bothersome. The card drops two 6 power tokens onto the top of the player's deck which ruins their strategy. The only way to counter this is to lock the card to negate the deathwish ability. The chances of someone having this card, the opponent predicting it enough to carry a lock card, and the penalty of a ruined strategy that is not made up for by two 6 power cards. What is worse is that if the player discards one of these cards at the start of the next round there is a chance to pick the discarded 6 power card as their draw in the third round, which has personally happened.
- I feel like if the ability was to spawn one 3 power token then it would be much better balanced.

-Treason, Gold, Nilfgard. This card used to bring a spy on the opponents side of the field to your side. An amazing strategy was to run Letho, Dimeritium, and treason in that order so as to massacre the opponents side, demote Letho, then bring him with his power boost to your side of the field. This was way too overpowered and was rightly fixed, but it was fixed in the wrong way. Treason was a great card, and a great idea, letting you drag a spy that the opponent may have boosted to your side of the field, just because Letho was abused does not warrant this card being ruined. Letho should have had a stipulation stating he could not be affected by treason. I know this is not what the developers want, as a single card exception is a no no and stifled game knowledge which is why the Witcher only boost bonus from swallow was removed. But maybe Letho could have been balanced to only consume one card on either side of him.

-Rot tosser, Bronze, Nilfgard. Needs to be dropped from 6 to 5 so that he can be targeted by Triss. The reason this is warranted is through the over proliferation of Rot tosser spammers.

-Reset. reset is an ability for a card to reset only the base power of a boosted or damaged card. I feel like this is underpowered, leading to the underuse of the cards that use the ability. It would be much more beneficial to reset the card to its original play state, or intended play state minus all effects, damage, boosts applied to it. So it should reset in particular armour.

-Some factions are more OP than others. This order specifically. Nilfgard > Monsters = Skellige > Northern realms > Scoiatael.
-This creates Meta decks which I have stated above do nothing positive for a game.
-But more specifically I think Nilfgard is the only OP faction. They have the most versatility in play style, some of the strongest cards, and this has lead to their over-representation in the player base.
-Northern realms and Scoiatael fall under what I think should be the baseline at Monster and Skellige level of power, and they need a buff. Scoiatael has some very strong strategies but they need a lot of non-standard cards to do this, leading new players to shy away from them and creating an underrepresentation. They are also very faction specific and get steamrolled due to lack of strategy diversity in most matches.

Just some observations about the game at present. I'm sure I left some stuff out that has slipped my mind. I would love to hear what you guys think about these points in particular without the comments devolving into card bashing or massive fix wish list.
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I agree with you in some points, not all. Specially the timer one where this should be general and have a shorter timer, I sometimes want to rip out my hair with opponents who take ages to play a damn card. Most important is the repetitive decks, etc, this is a serious problem and Im baffled as to why so many people think adding just 20 more cards to the game is going to make a change, it is not. The Devs should've released at least 50 new cards and 20 each month so we could have diversity, I'm at a point right now where I can only play 2-3 matches a day because it gets really boring. and yeah the keg rng is absurd Imo
About Etiquette.
The GG is an optional mechanic so i don't mind not receiving it (i auto GG every time, except the times when it's not present). Taunts are not a problem for me because i turn them off (HS habit where they were used extensively)

About timer.
Timer was extended because some people complained in CB that it was too short (some decks need some reading and memory, especially if you don't use trackers) . For me is ok as i'm used to them from Chess, Go.

About Meta decks and Netdecking.

This is a thing that's present in any CCG no matter the collection number. There are a lot of reasons for that and it will not change. People copy the most efficient thing every time. Even if you add like 200 cards every exp the meta will revolve around 3-4 most efficient builds. The ftp player wants a T1 deck as soon as possible because he has limited resources. The wallet player does not have time to experiment. Etc.

I for once like the 20-25 cards every 2 months instead of 3-4 exp/year with over 80 cards. You have plenty of time to gather the resources to get the useful cards (if not all of them ) in a reasonable time.

Diversity is not something that is present in Ranked (in any CCG) , not even casual because people want to make dailies fast and efficient. For that we need new game modes like Arena or something.

About faction

I don't agree about nilfgaard. It is nowhere near OP. He's not even T2 right now.

oxitran;n9306291 said:
What faction is then?

Monsters and Skellige, take your pick. Easiest to play too. NR is there next to them.

- You probably won't get a GG depending on what and where you play. Weather spam usually doesn't give you anything. Playing Tier 1 competitive decks in casual is another reason. Ranked? People just get pissed.

- Timer's fine. Some people drag plays out on purpose, though.

- Gwent has a very small card pool. Every single faction has 1 maybe 2 archetypes that work. Anything else is getting beaten. In ranked people play with what's best and that best is very limited now..

- With Monsters and Skellige running rampant, NG is the least of this game's issues.
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Vaishar;n9306321 said:
About Etiquette.

About Meta decks and Netdecking.

This is a thing that's present in any CCG no matter the collection number. There are a lot of reasons for that and it will not change. People copy the most efficient thing every time. Even if you add like 200 cards every exp the meta will revolve around 3-4 most efficient builds. The ftp player wants a T1 deck as soon as possible because he has limited resources. The wallet player does not have time to experiment. Etc.

I for once like the 20-25 cards every 2 months instead of 3-4 exp/year with over 80 cards. You have plenty of time to gather the resources to get the useful cards (if not all of them ) in a reasonable time.

Diversity is not something that is present in Ranked (in any CCG) , not even casual because people want to make dailies fast and efficient. For that we need new game modes like Arena or something.

About faction

I don't agree about nilfgaard. It is nowhere near OP. He's not even T2 right now.

I guess that was one of the great things about the physical game. the lack of cards and strategies meant that the game was all about the skill rather than the cards. I know some people may say that playing metas is also like this, but seeing the same decks over and over which are less about skill but rather about pure deck equivalences is so boring.

I would love to see a game mode where you are given dev made balanced mid power decks with a unique twist to the deck in a competitive arena setting. Because the way the game is now, its just a race to boredom to be honest.

Its like pokemon showdown going from OU or UU or any meta prevalent comp mode, then going to random. Random is infinitely more appealing.
oxitran;n9306291 said:
What faction is then?

As some people already told you, probably Monsters and Skellige are the worst offenders.

my bet would go to Monsters.

Right how, i wouldnt say NG is even a second tier faction, the reveal archetype is a bad joke, Emhyr is fun to play and all, but is far from competitive, and Calveit has seen better days. Í would go further and say NG is one of the 2 worst factions, since í consider ST dwarves and Eithne control to be quite xompetitive.

the only reason to say NG is overpowered is that you are playing discard Skellige, and the Vicovaro Medics are screwing you up over and over again.
Every now and then we get these feedback threads from players that have barely made any progress (in ranked) and then they write a whole thesis about usual issues and whatnot looking at it from a completely different (and usually wrong) perspective. Then every regular forum user goes into a fit and brings out a baseball bat to slap some sense into the OP. So, here we are again.

Faction OPness
Has been discussed by other players. Let's talk about something else.

Game Etiquette
You can disable emotes/taunts in the options menu. The whole GG discussion is still beating a dead horse. Please, bury it with some dignity.

Player Decks
Net-decking is something you see in every CCG. There is no real solution to this. The best you can hope for is an ever evolving meta where no deck remains no.1 for too long.

Open Beta has the same drop rate. I guess premium is rolled after rarity, which means premium doesn't affected the drop rate at all.
Wow, there is a few things I disagree with, that's for sure.

The guardian is just fine the way he is, you can mulligan the tokens and they're still 6 str units (it's not like you get nothing). It's not even the worst top deck on turn 3, in fact it's quiet descent. The Guardian isn't even a good card, just a spoiler.

The rot tosser....well it's funny because I was thinking the opposite, which is making it stronger because right now, this card is just bad. The cow was hard to deal with in closed beta because we didn't have access to half the control options we have now (no lock, no move...).
Now it's just too easy to deal with it.

Your feeling about the different faction is off, Monster is the best faction atm (Dagon being pretty much a guaranteed 14 str power swing with no set up) with Scoia'tael (Eithne is also OP, recycling a special card from your graveyard is just insane).

NG is quiet weak compared to the rest (in fact it's the weakest faction in the game atm). Calveit is fine but he lost a lot of power the day he stopped fetching Golds from your deck (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaning, I like this change but point is, he's not as powerful as he used to be). Vooris is the current best leader for this faction thx to Reveal that's doing okay in the meta and Emyr being probably the worst leader in the game (not because of his ability itself but because of the lack of good targets for it).
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I agree with you on the keg rng. I'm more lucky in HS than Gwent when it comes to gold drops. That kinda says it all lol. Plus out of all the kegs I have opened so far I keep getting Chort, reaver hunters and wild hunt riders all the time. Really don't like that. Out of the 60-70 kegs I've opened I got 8 chorts and just 1 cerulean harpy.
GenLiu;n9306681 said:
Wow, there is a few things I disagree with, that's for sure.

The guardian is just fine the way he is, you can mulligan the tokens and they're still 6 str units (it's not like you get nothing). It's not even the worst top deck on turn 3, in fact it's quiet descent. The Guardian isn't even a good card, just a spoiler.

The rot tosser....well it's funny because I was thinking the opposite, which is making it stronger because right now, this card is just bad. The cow was hard to deal with in closed beta because we didn't have access to half the control options we have now (no lock, no move...).
Now it's just too easy to deal with it.

Your feeling about the different faction is off, Monster is the best faction atm (Dagon being pretty much a guaranteed 14 str power swing with no set up) with Scoia'tael (Eithne is also OP, recycling a special card from your graveyard is just insane).

NG is quiet weak compared to the rest (in fact it's the weakest faction in the game atm). Calveit is fine but he lost a lot of power the day he stopped fetching Golds from your deck (don't get me wrong, I'm not complaning, I like this change but point is, he's not as powerful as he used to be). Vooris is the current best leader for this faction thx to Reveal that's doing okay in the meta and Emyr being probably the worst leader in the game (not because of his ability itself but because of the lack of good targets for it).

Guardian is a spoiler more than anything yes. But there are a lot of decks that rely on draw power, and this card spoils these so badly that I think it does need some tweaking. As for a 6 strength token last round, I dont see how that is a good draw. 6 strength is nice but compared to your own card draws its rancid. It is not a good card I agree.

I think Rot tossers issues stem from it being a unique gimmick card. It has no dedicated support or counters, which makes it again more of a spoiler, but with people running this so you see rot tosser used 4-5 times in a game is too much.

I have no issues beating dagon or scoiatael. I would say they are part of the meta, but the reason I think Nilfgaard is OP is because of their versatility and strength. Monsters and Scoiatael are too easy to shut down. But I guess that comes down to playstyle rather than deck vs deck since so many people seem to have issues with Monsters yet I find them easier than Nilfgaard.
oxitran;n9306761 said:
Guardian is a spoiler more than anything yes. But there are a lot of decks that rely on draw power, and this card spoils these so badly that I think it does need some tweaking. As for a 6 strength token last round, I dont see how that is a good draw. 6 strength is nice but compared to your own card draws its rancid. It is not a good card I agree.

I think Rot tossers issues stem from it being a unique gimmick card. It has no dedicated support or counters, which makes it again more of a spoiler, but with people running this so you see rot tosser used 4-5 times in a game is too much.

I have no issues beating dagon or scoiatael. I would say they are part of the meta, but the reason I think Nilfgaard is OP is because of their versatility and strength. Monsters and Scoiatael are too easy to shut down. But I guess that comes down to playstyle rather than deck vs deck since so many people seem to have issues with Monsters yet I find them easier than Nilfgaard.

About Monster, it's because you haven't fought a well done swarm deck...Believe me this deck is a headacke to beat unless you make a specific deck to kill it or tech a lot against it.

The rot tosser is too weak the way it is and this is why Emyr is so bad right now.
It's supposed to be the best card to bounce back in your hand in this faction, yet nobody fears it because it's just an annoyance rather than a game winning card.

I've never said that the token from the Guardian is a good draw, I said it's not a terrible one.
Their is a good bunch of cards that I don't want to draw when I'm on the top deck, potions, decoy, Rever scout, draig bon dhu.....
At least the token has a reasonable body...In fact it would be even worse if it was just one 3 str token now I think of it lol
GenLiu;n9307321 said:
The rot tosser is too weak the way it is and this is why Emyr is so bad right now. It's supposed to be the best card to bounce back in your hand in this faction, yet nobody fears it because it's just an annoyance rather than a game winning card.

I can say rot tosser is at least not weak against NR, it's forcing NR to run quite a few counter at very least. Usually players can defend rot tosser using reaver scout and hence stacking ranged row but that would expose NR to igni (thanks to the same power). To defend against igni on range row Operator became auto included and that's just pretty why NR reaver hunter is so popular.

Should NR player try to avoid row stacking rot tosser became really nasty very quickly, the fact that NR mechanic usually involves same row same power units. Rot tosser could be just easy 12+6 or 18 +6 swing. I really would like to see rot tosser have higher base power (talking like 8) and only target one unit on a row with shorter timer, then that would be like a consistent 11-14 swing with possibility to destroy high power single unit.

And I disagree Rot tosser should be best bounce back card, Sweer, Peter, Novice, Aukles or even Frigilla would be nice.
Rot Tosser is an excellent card. It has synergy with Impera Brigade for one. Also, people waste their locks and target cards on it allowing me to use Iris and other nasties afterwards. It also causes players to forfeit a round when they don't have a counter. But best of all, the card is awesome late game in the third round. By then players lack counters and I've won so many matches by eating up lone big cards at the end. In my opinion it is currently one of the best bronze cards in the game behind Celano Harpy, Reaver Hunters and Priestess of Freya
It's funny when a user says that something is OP, it's usually because he wants special benefits of his own build without taking any other deck builds into account.
oxitran;n9306021 said:
Player Etiquette: - In ranked games, it is not uncommon to have players who spam taunts, leave no GG, is this common?

Yea, it happens from time to time. I guess you could say it's not uncommon. Oh wait...
Hydrahead;n9306741 said:
I agree with you on the keg rng. I'm more lucky in HS than Gwent when it comes to gold drops. That kinda says it all lol. Plus out of all the kegs I have opened so far I keep getting Chort, reaver hunters and wild hunt riders all the time. Really don't like that. Out of the 60-70 kegs I've opened I got 8 chorts and just 1 cerulean harpy.
Yes, exactly, i even started to do screenshots of this nonsense)
ResoundingBuahaha;n9307661 said:
And I disagree Rot tosser should be best bounce back card, Sweer, Peter, Novice, Aukles or even Frigilla would be nice.
Ah sorry, I meant the best bronze card. Silver cards are obviously better target in general (even though I'm not convinced by Sweer....like not at all, the rest is pretty obvious, no question about this).
But the Rot tosser is supposed to be the best unit to bounce among bronze cards and it's not an amazing one imo.

Now of course, there is some match up where it's better than some others (like you said, this unit is pretty good against NR but I think it's just too easy to counter in general and it will rarely pay off on the long run).

I'm agree with your change, increasing its str and making it hitting one unit within one turn only would make it much better.
GenLiu;n9309191 said:
Ah sorry, I meant the best bronze card. Silver cards are obviously better target in general (even though I'm not convinced by Sweer....like not at all, the rest is pretty obvious, no question about this).
But the Rot tosser is supposed to be the best unit to bounce among bronze cards and it's not an amazing one imo.

Now of course, there is some match up where it's better than some others (like you said, this unit is pretty good against NR but I think it's just too easy to counter in general and it will rarely pay off on the long run).

I'm agree with your change, increasing its str and making it hitting one unit within one turn only would make it much better.

mnorojo said:
It also causes players to forfeit a round when they don't have a counter.
The problem being, it can also be used against you by your opponent.
The turn you play the rot tosser it's effectively a 5 str play which is not exciting.
Most of the time, if your opponent manages well he would be still ahead after you played it and if he didn't commit to the round he can just pass the turn and force you to go down on card advantage or give him the round.
It's particularly bad if you went first because, as everyone knows, this kind of situation forces you to go -2 which is very bad. I lost track of how many games I won on a rot tosser play just because I was expecting it and just kept my key cards in hand. Especially when my opponent invests quiet heavily for the round in the first place.
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