Idea how to properly fix Restore-Dorregaray combo

Idea how to properly fix Restore-Dorregaray combo

Here is the idea: developers need to fix the Ekimmara! Make it able to consume ONLY bronze allies. This card (Ekimmara) should be: gain Resilience and Consume a !!!BRONZE!!! Ally. Here is what we will get:

1. Dorregaray combo with multiple Ekimmaras through Restore and Sigrdrifa if fixed because Ekimmara can't eat Dorregaray anymore.
2. Fake Ciri is also will be more playable than now because now it can be eaten by Ekimmara from deck or summoned by Dorregaray.
3. Also, it fixes somewhat strange lore situation when common creature can instakill epic and legendary friendly heroes. :)

So, we changed almost nothing, but we fixed overpowered combo and also made few other cards more playable than now (Fake Ciri for Example). Also, there is no more need to nerf Restore from 10 to less points and it is still useful but not overpowered anymore. In the end: we got more cards that will play and lost nothing!

What do you think?
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