Ves - An Eye for an Eye Quest. [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

Ves - An Eye for an Eye Quest. [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

I am on my 4th play through and I am trying to get the worst possible ending to all characters so I let ves die in the quest "An Eye for an Eye" which eventually make Roche decline my plea for help to defend Ciri.

Anyways, whats bugging me is that on the Quest "Reasons of State", Ves appears during the battle against Radovid's guards and during the cut scenes on the theater where you choose between Djikstra or Roche. It does not affect the story line but its kinda weird that she is there.

Anyone experienced this or was it fixed on some released patch?
Your possible spoiler is in the title and appears on the main page.
Sorry bout that. :(

That must be a bug, and I may be mistaken but I think Reason of State isn't available if Ves dies.
Well, you can still get the quest provided that you don't break Djikstra's leg when escorting Philippa. Difference is that instead of Roche saying Ves having the crossbow, he'll say "Somebody with a well oiled crossbow." when your having the meeting to kill Radovid.

I've not seen this one before. What patch are you playing? If you like, you can let Support know about this through their form. Thread moved to Tech Support.
I am still at 1.06, it does not really ruin the quest as all of Ves' dialogue has been muted/removed. But when OCD strikes, its kinda annoying. I'll try to update then if its still there then I will report it. Thanks.

Yup. Title also changed :)
Thanks :)
I'd always been a little unsure on what happened to the Radovid questline if Ves was killed - the game guide isn't that clear, and I hadn't tried it. So if nothing else, thanks for clarifying that it doesn't kill off the quests :)
Yeah, the only effect I've seen was that Roche will be angry at you for letting her die during the quest and he will decline to help defend Ciri as he feels different without Ves. You can still play gwent with him though.
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