GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

[...] Selection of counter decks are working.

When millions of people are playing, there are always some that think they notice a pattern, while it could just as well be a coincidence. Also, the shifting meta can give you the impression that someone is targeting your deck. Small example, Greedy Consume (Nekkers) died out as an archetype because players were starting to use Mandrake to counter Sabbath (among other things). Greedy Consume was just collateral damage, which might have given Greedy Consume players the wrong impression.

Anyhow, let's look at this from the opposite side. Why would CDPR create an algorithm that matches players against counter decks? There is no logical reason and nothing to be gained from it. Also, how would the decision be made who is going to be at the losing end? Why not go a step further and have his or her gold cards be at the bottom of the deck and throw down an occasional disconnect when they do manage to almost win. It just doesn't make any sense.
Hello, Pavel.
I wonder what will happen to cards which are not in the game anymore after HC release. Or there will be no cards that are removed and not replaced by others? (I don't mean bronze copies).
I wonder what will happen to cards which are not in the game anymore after HC release.

Are you talking about what will happen to your scraps for those cards? Because you will be fully refunded. If not, can you clarify what you are talking about? A lot of cards will have completely different abilities, which is kinda like removing the card for the game and reusing the name and artwork for something else.
Is Thronebreaker not belongs to Gwent anymore?

All your base are belong to us

Because you will be fully refunded. If not, can you clarify what you are talking about?
For example. We have a card - Dagon. After HC Dagon will be completely removed (just an example). Not like it was with Quen - it became Vivern Scale Shield. Simply gone. I get scraps (dust if premium) and that's all?

Moved your post to the discussion thread because the question has already been asked before.

The devs want to keep it a surprise, for now.

As for the spraying of cards, we already understood, but about the zeroing of frames, titles and avatars?

Now a new struggle of factions and we want to know whether they will be taken away from us. Many frames and titles are earned very hard work and a lot of time is spent on it. Will they be taken away?

With love. Hello from Ukraine!
Hello Burza!

I have a question regarding the milling of our collections after HC. If there will be less cards in the HC and I have now 700 let's say. Will i have enough scrap to craft everything since the total number of cards have been lowered?

(Moved questions to the discussion thread.)

Your rewards won't be taken away from you, but how they are displayed during the match will change.

The devs have mentioned reducing the max number of bronze from 3 to 2, meaning you also need less cards to complete your collection. Furthermore, they've said that the game has slightly less cards overall. Lastly, they've explained that you'll get full scraps for duplicate cards also. So, if you have saved some duplicate cards, it's as good as scraps. Even with also this info, without giving exact numbers, that question still cannot be answered properly. It's likely though that you can craft (close to) a full collection.
Do you plan to make it possible to synchronize accounts from different platforms? I mean that we will be to log in GOG account on PS4 or Xbox for example?
Thank you for your reply about Thronebreaker,but this really breaks my heart.:cry::cry::cry:
Maybe Gwent team don't know how players feel about this.It's just like ,Yennefer raised Ciri up,but Ciri call Triss 'Mother',it's bad,real bad.:cry::cry::cry:
We all know you have done great job,but also hurt Gwent funs so deep,we have waited TB for more than one year ,but now it's not a part of Gwent anymore?It's not a present for those who always support Gwent? Man who never play Gwent can play it,either,why this???:(:(:(
In China there also are many palyers keep playing Gwent including me ,many of us are soooooooooo disappointed .......
It’s not your fault Burza ,but I hope you let people who decided this know,it‘s a WRONG move,no good for Gwent .:confused::confused::confused:
Even make a little 'Gwent' on the title is better...........
If my words are too radical, I apologize to you.:(
Anyway I will buy TB ,keep supporting Gwent and you,you are the best manager.(y)
Have a nice day.
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