[Spoiler] Was Evelyn Parker supposed to have a bigger role?

Anyone else feels like Evelyn Parker's role was supposed to have a bigger impact on V's life than it actually turned out to be? Maybe the story and character arc was rewritten?

Some things that happen in the game makes me think her part in the story was rewritten and that she intially had a bigger impact in the story and mainly on V's life.

There's something off and not fitting with how little time she was in the story and talked to V and then V's reaction to her tragic end.

I feel like V's going after the scavs and Woodman was supposed to be more emotionally driven than just helping out Judy (who in that point in the story you had very little contact with too).

Some moments caught my attention:
After rescuing Evelyn, V spends who knows how much time staring at Evelyn's cigarette case, as if grieving. Another indicator that V and Evelyn's bond was supposed to be stronger. You keep her stuff in your inventory as well. Her handbag (if you collect that at Clouds) and I think you also keep her cigarette case. (just a side note, you also keep a bunch of key items that don't do anything, such as Saburo's dog tag. I also think that the devs were planning something with those things but in the final product they're just there in your inventory as important items that don't do anything and you can't do anything with it).

Also V going after Woodman and killing him. Another indicator that V had to be emotionally driven and that revenge had to be satisfying to the player, which means players needed to have a bond with the Evelyn character. Was V doing this only because of Judy?

There are too many emails in the game talking about Evelyn and her dealings with other characters. Something off considering how short her role in the story was. Even Jackie's role seem to be more brief. The game talks too much about a character that was taken out too quickly and you didn't even spend that much time with.

Your character has the chance to talk and ask about Evelyn too many times in the game. Again, some instances of that seem to indicate a bigger connection between V and Evelyn.

When V asks about Evelyn to Brigitte, she answers something that can piss off the player, even more so if Evelyn was more important to the player. She calls Evelyn a whore.

Anyways, replaying the game I'm starting to notice that maybe the story had a bigger role for Evelyn Parker, maybe she was supposed to be a bigger influence on V, become a best friend or LI, and that she wasn't supposed to be gone that soon. Her introduction also makes the players think that she was going to be a major character. There was just too much focus on details, expressions, mannerisms and even the VA was top notch. It stands out when compared to other characters intros.
I dont think so. But it is very well written and strong character with dramatic storyline and I guess that`s why it might have seem to feel like there was more about her. So I think round of applause for writers but I dont see what extra we might have get.
I think this is a sign of really well written and acted characters, whether they're minor side characters or not.

I just feel like we need more time spent with all of them.

Just wished there was a way to be one step ahead of the scavs by doing side content related to the underground BD's and maybe find a way to take down their entire operation ending up with Evelyn alive at Fingers in a less bad condition than being sold off by the Tyger Claws.

But it makes sense lore wise why that happens, she screwed up big time ending up in a catatonic state which ultimately leads to her being bargained off for scraps to the highest bidder, so even if we would have taken care of the scavs she would still end up god knows where.
From the first time she appears when you ask Mateo (The waiter) I said to myself "woah I want to romance this woman". The famous Judy pales in front of her.

I was convinced that a character with such narrative strength would be an important one in the plot (I even got the cigarette case and the bag you mentioned). Then she suddenly disappears from the history. A pity.

Other female characters lack her charisma (maybe Rogue...) But this a very personal and subjetive opinion.

Guest 4412420

There might have been an option to accept her offer and betray Dex at some point during the game's development, but I'm not sure if she was ever suppose to be a very important figure throughout the game.
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The convo about betraying dex to me suggest that she wasn't supposed to go from the game board that early originally.
I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was always to have her suffer for her supposed sins.
Well if they max out The Heist and you could choose with which one make a deal, Evelyn would be the one to whack you, then she gets whacked at the landfill and Dex runs away and you look for him instead for her. But its pure theory and it would work in a complex RPG, but based on how little real choices we have during whole game storywise, I don`t think they ever worked on that.
The convo about betraying dex to me suggest that she wasn't supposed to go from the game board that early originally.
I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was always to have her suffer for her supposed sins.

That reminds me how I was all "honor among thieves" PERISH the thought I cannot do that to Dex!
But then HE does it to me! DAM I wish I had taken Her offer...

But then I bet Dex would have shot me in the head while saying "SEWER RAT! You broke the code!"
In my play-through I was disappointed that V never got a chance to talk to Evelyn after rescuing her (while she was recuperating at Judy's apartment). If Evelyn was able to get up and go to the bathroom and kill herself, she was recovered enough to be conscious and mobile, so before she got to that point, V should have been able to talk to her.

Having a conversation with her while she was at Judy's would have reinforced V's connection to her and given her sudden suicide a lot more weight, in that "But I just talked to her, she seemed fine" way that suicides can shock people. Certainly Judy didn't see it coming.

Maybe there is a conversation like that, but I didn't get to see it because of my other decisions?

Guest 4412420

If Evelyn was able to get up and go to the bathroom and kill herself, she was recovered enough to be conscious and mobile, so before she got to that point, V should have been able to talk to her.
Evelyn was put through hell and we don't know the full extent of what was done to her. She was traumatized and left in a catatonic state. I think it's understandable why she didn't speak to anyone.
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In my play-through I was disappointed that V never got a chance to talk to Evelyn after rescuing her (while she was recuperating at Judy's apartment). If Evelyn was able to get up and go to the bathroom and kill herself, she was recovered enough to be conscious and mobile, so before she got to that point, V should have been able to talk to her.

Having a conversation with her while she was at Judy's would have reinforced V's connection to her and given her sudden suicide a lot more weight, in that "But I just talked to her, she seemed fine" way that suicides can shock people. Certainly Judy didn't see it coming.

Maybe there is a conversation like that, but I didn't get to see it because of my other decisions?
I though maybe she was murdered and it maybe looked like a suicide
Evelyn was put through hell and we don't know the full extent of what was done to her. She was traumatized. I think it's understandable why she didn't speak.

Oh yeah, it's totally justifiable, but from a storytelling standpoint I think it would have been more effective for the writer to lean the other direction and let her recover enough to be vocal. Just my opinion, obviously.
Evelyn was put through hell and we don't know the full extent of what was done to her. She was traumatized. I think it's understandable why she didn't speak.

auuuhhhggg, I shudder to imagine what night terror hell a techno witch doctor could fry her mind with!
I bet they would not have killed her either, just eventually dump her at a public clinic when her mind was too far gone as a warning to others.

Never get in the van...
I don't think so. Concept art for Evelyn:


In the concept she looks very much like a Mox and if I were to theorize, I would say that she was meant to be the reason Judy became a Mox too. Sort of like, you meet the coolest person you ever saw in your life so you live yours like theirs. You change your look and everything.

But with this concept its very hard to see how a Mox could have any association with Yorinobu Arasaka, so I suspect that is why in the final game they keep her outside the Mox. Changed her look. And it still sort of fits. Its just much less clear why Judy is enamoured by her, which is a different thing to empathizing with her plight. Empathy for the plight of sex workers seems to be the main reason Judy associates with the Mox in the final game.

In either scenario, I think Evelyn was meant to mean a lot to Judy but not to V. At least, not in that way.

Evelyn's character in the final game is also clearly based on Evelyn Mulray from the movie Chinatown but I only realised it after discovering this shard in Judy's apartment:

This is essentially the backstory to the movie. Evelyn Mulray is a tragic character who appears to fit the black widow archetype of film noir, but through the course of the movie we learn that she is a very vulnerable person. She tries to fight the corrupt institution that destroyed her life and is going to destroy the life of her daughter. When she can no longer fight it, she tries to flee only to be killed and the horrifying implication is that her daughter will meet a similar fate. There is no justice in the film and one of the moments I will never forget is the ending with the haunting sound of the car horn wailing endlessly in the night. You see this look of quiet, impotent fury on the face of Gittes (played by Jack Nicholson), as he is told to just let it go. But Gittes can't and the viewer can't either.

So I think thats what Evelyn Parker was meant to be for V in Cyberpunk's story. To V, she is a kind of ghost that you chase for information but never catch. The more information you find out about her, the more you realise who she purports to be is a lie. You learn that she is a very vulnerable person trying desperately to escape a corrupt institution of doll sex work, bled dry by gang racketeering and extortion. When the heist goes sideways, she goes back to the doll house and at first I wondered why and then it struck me. She doesn't know anywhere else. The only place she felt safe was the prison she was trying to escape, and that upset me a bit.

There is no justice in her death. She was a ghost in life and in death she becomes an erinyes. I only realized on my second playthrough how little you see of her in the course of the game. I think more screen time would detract from that mystery. What she ends up being is a long shadow that casts the underside of the city in darkness. She is a much bigger character than her screen time would imply, which I think is very fitting.
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This is a very good post!

One mention, both Ev and Judy used to work at Clouds, I firmly believe that that's where they connected, Judy editing Ev's virtus which would be how they became so close (through BD's one can experience another's emotions).

After that Judy followed Ev when she became a Mox is what I gathered.
The most unsatisfying thing about her to me, is why we should choose to betray Dex or not. That seem to be meaningful choice at the beginning, but after all it has only one outcome (both Dex and Evelyn die and that's all). Your loyalty or betrayal doesn't matter at all
Its still a meaningful choice but its not one that has material consequences in the game. It can profoundly change the way you think, or the way you imagine your character to act, however.

An example from another game would be the choices you make in SOMA. None of them materially affect the outcome or change the way the game plays. But that doesn't mean the choices don't have meaning. I agonized over the moments where a choice was given to me because of the ethical implications of what I was about to do. What kind of person I would be if I went through with this.

In the case of Dex, there are broadly two types of fixers in the Cyberpunk universe. There are the ones where rep is everything and they are reliable, known quantities in the game world and then there is other type. The ones who use anyone for wetwork and if shit goes bad, burn them and cast them off.

Dex falls squarely in the latter camp. His first instinct is to panic when the heist goes wrong and immediately starts burning bridges. Unfortunately for you, that means your execution at the hands of Dex, but you have the relic in your head so you survive. Unfortunately for Dex, that means his execution by Takamura and he ain't got a relic.

The choice Evelyn gives you foreshadows all of that. Its asking you what type of person you are in that moment? Does rep matter to you? And if it doesn't, why should it matter to anyone else?
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