Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.


Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.

  • PvP (COD, Battlefield etc)

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • 4 player co-op which allows you to play with friends. (Borderlands)

    Votes: 65 39.9%
  • MMO like multiplayer with 32+ players in the world doing their own thing (GTA Online).

    Votes: 24 14.7%
  • I don't really care

    Votes: 15 9.2%
  • I don't want multiplayer in the game.

    Votes: 48 29.4%

  • Total voters
Too late, it's a done deal. Keep in mind this is CDPR and they are not known for half-assing things. Does it still make me a bit uneasy given the beleaguered history of tacked on MP modes? Yes. But I'm trying to keep an open mind, and let's be honest, co-op in Night City could be a blast.

I think it could be done well, as long as it does not pander to the CoD or MMO crowd.Diablo multiplayer was fun.

Other then that, some elements could work for introducing game mechanics. I heard that the stock market mechanic is working OK for GTA.
Oh, Animal. You're so cute. Read the FAQ sometime, see what else is in there maybe. MP is old news.

If every game with MP says CoD to you, you're a) really really young and b) have played much, much too much CoD.
Oh, Animal. You're so cute. Read the FAQ sometime, see what else is in there maybe. MP is old news.

If every game with MP says CoD to you, you're a) really really young and b) have played much, much too much CoD.

dude seriously, they are tacking on MP for bulletpoint checkoffs, nobody interested in this game wants MP its beyond ridiculous. Have an open mind as much as you want. Im totally turned off now.
I wanted a Cyberpunk RPG not a fucking COD!!!

dude seriously, they are tacking on MP for bulletpoint checkoffs, nobody interested in this game wants MP its beyond ridiculous. Have an open mind as much as you want. Im totally turned off now.

Imagine a game set in 2077, that has a CYBER- word in the title. One of it's central themes, apart from shooting people in the face with shotguns and augmenting your body, is netrunning. Imagine netrunning as a 2077 form of today's hacking.

Now, netrunning, as its name suggest, requires some sort of network, like...internet, but in 2077! Further on, there are MULTIPLE netrunners out there besides the PLAYER'S one. See what I did there? Maybe CP2077 multiplayer will try to create an interconnected world, where other people can hack into your game(if you wish to allow them to) or the other way, you can hack theirs. Or your friend, playing as netrunner, can help you out from his tablet while he's at school by logging into your game? Or you and your friends can create challenges for each other - who hacks who quicker etc etc...some games are already trying to create such experiences and CP2077, given that the earliest release date looks like 2015 has plenty of time to create an experience of its own.

So, in the end, maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe it's not gonna be another COD. Especially if it's in 3rd person. And especially if it has some innovative multi-player mechanics, that CDPR still has plenty of time to work on.
Silly Gregski.

It will be exactly like CoD. Right down to the dudebros, killstreaks and other shmadazzle.

CDPR ony put it in because they needed a bullet point. They are all about appeasing the bullet points.

I read a rumour that it's going to have a free to play model, too. With subs. And some skins you can download as DLC?
Aside from standard co-op, completing different tasks for a single mission could be cool. Let's say one section is better suited for a Solo, while a more frontal approach in a separate part can be tackled by a cop. Once you are both done, you're mission status is updated (uploaded from your co-op partner) as per what the other half completed. Or maybe you end up joining together at some point to conclude the mission.

No sure I'm a fan of tie-ins with tablets though, as the degree one can interact on a tablet in a complex game is limited.
Please do NOT ass any MP to this game. its a single player adventure RPG. This isnt COD. Thanks

Having a Co-op option could only increase the fun on the game, playing RPG alone it's good but playing it with friends is better.

Anyway you cant compare CoD to a Multiplayer RPG.... It's like saying dont give Super Mario a multiplayer or it will be minecraft ...
dude seriously, they are tacking on MP for bulletpoint checkoffs, nobody interested in this game wants MP its beyond ridiculous. Have an open mind as much as you want. Im totally turned off now.

Remember before when I said that people should actually read threads before commenting in them? The MAJORITY of the people on this forum are interested in some form of MP element in 2077. And yet only one person, (maybe two at a push,) asked for open PvP. No-one asked for a CoD clone.

Oh, an NO-ONE asked for the multiplayer elements to be mandatory. If you don't like them, don't use them.
I much like gregski's idea of hacking other players games and maybe stealing a limited amount of money or "knowledge" on enemies or quests. This is the same thing I thought of. Very simple and nothing like CoD. I would be VERY surprised if it ended up being a mode separate to the singleplayer like ME3 or uncharted, it will most likely be a simple and fluid integration that adds to the singleplayer world.
CDPR ony put it in because they needed a bullet point. They are all about appeasing the bullet points.

Ahh, you're right, silly me. Now I know the real meaning of the song from the trailer. There is no song named "bullet points" so they went with just "Bullets" instead!
Cyberpunk having MP has made me less excited for the just putting it out there. obviously the MP is tacked on because the game is coming out for consoles and it seems all consoles games must have MP tacked on for some bizzare reason....oh yea the players wont sell their games because they will play the MP just like they did for games such as Dead Space and The Darkness LOLOLOLOLOL.

Sellouts. Im out.


Forum veteran
If the multiplayer is bad, then it can probably just be ignored. If it can't and/or the rest of the game sucks, CDP(color of the week) has released enough good games for anti-multiplayer fanatics such as myself to point at 2077 as the strongest case against multiplayer to date and use it as ammo for our general internet bitterness. If, however, the multiplayer is good, then I'll get to stab many of you in the face.

The way I see it, that's a win/win/win no matter what.
I, for one, am looking forward to something like drop-in co-op, where the invited person can act as both friend and foe to the host.

Okay, sorry being a broken record about this, but did I mention I am looking forward to this? Would be cool, is all.
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