Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.


Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.

  • PvP (COD, Battlefield etc)

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • 4 player co-op which allows you to play with friends. (Borderlands)

    Votes: 65 39.9%
  • MMO like multiplayer with 32+ players in the world doing their own thing (GTA Online).

    Votes: 24 14.7%
  • I don't really care

    Votes: 15 9.2%
  • I don't want multiplayer in the game.

    Votes: 48 29.4%

  • Total voters
Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.

I am hoping for an open world/co-op experience i dont even care if its 2 player online co-op.
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I haven't played Cyberpunk 2020 (planning to soon) but i have played other pen and paper games like D&D and stuff, so sorry if i sound like a idiot below.

would be cool getting at least lan co-op so all your friends can be in one spot and (if there's a DM) one guy can control the NPCS and enviroment. Like a real pen and paper game.

i wouldn't mind it being just single player though. i love my good single player RPGs like deus ex.

i vote no if it's just deathmatch gameplay or something though. that is just tacked on stupid shit to good single player games imo.
OR, play COD AND 2077. Because that's fine.

Multiplayer would of course be cool, if there is time and resources for it. I think CDPR is pretty focussed on SP, though.
No. No co-op or multiplayer is required for this. I hope to god they never consider this in their development. It always retracts from the single player experience.

Go play something else. Not every game must have an online mode. This game is obviously not being made for your tastes, so seek to indulge yourself somewhere else. There's no shame in it.

No. No co-op or multiplayer is required for this. I hope to god they never consider this in their development. It always retracts from the single player experience.

Go play something else. Not every game must have an online mode. This game is obviously not being made for your tastes, so seek to indulge yourself somewhere else. There's no shame in it.

Pen and paper games are pretty much a requirement to play with friends.

if it's trying to be loyal to the Pen and paper game i don't really see the issue here.

as long as they take their time on the singleplayer part co-op could be cool. hell since it's CD Projekt they can focus on making the SP game first, then release co-op later as free dlc.
Multiplayer in RPG's are becoming the standard nowadays. If I want that experience, then I'll play games specializing in such, but for this game, no please.
Pen and paper games are pretty much a requirement to play with friends.

if it's trying to be loyal to the Pen and paper game i don't really see the issue here.

as long as they take their time on the singleplayer part co-op could be cool. hell since it's CD Projekt they can focus on making the SP game first, then release co-op later as free dlc.

Yes, but this is merely a video game adaptation of a PnP game, rather than the literal translation. I wouldn't have anything against it being released later on as free DLC for the people who want it, though I wouldn't bother with it. That wouldn't infringe on their original design if they planned it as a single player RPG.

But let's get the single player stuff first and the game itself released before planning too much and too far ahead.
Can anyone really be mad for someone asking for multiplayer? .

Short answer? Yes. While CDPR is a different company than most in the modern video games industry, why chance it with something as icky as multiplayer in an RPG? It might have worked out well for some older titles, like Neverwinter Nights, but that was custom modules. Hell, maybe that could happen with Cyberpunk 2077, we might get a modkit on release and people could release their custom adventures, and with some additional developer input from CDPR, you could have your online in such a manner.
I understand your fears, but multiplayer isn't inherently icky. BG2's multiplayer was built-in, not a custom module and worked well. Vampire: The Masquerade's online was a blast.

PnP is multiplayer as a requisite. If they could capture a little of that in the form of a 4 player co-op or so, that would be fantastic as far as I'm concerned.
I only care about the 'main game' essentially and CDP being true devs devoted for gamers and gaming will stick with that as the most (hopefully only) priority. Whule I don't mind a MP, I won't be touching it, I might if it is implemented well, but seeing people who are fans of RPGs that was the obvious response. Still no discrimination, you can account for taste so lets not start a fight here
As for the job ad: this post should be named Multiplayer/Online Programmer, I don’t want to comment on what this guy will create, it’s way too early.

They're just getting someone preemptively. Maybe for this game, maybe for another. Time will tell.
First post so - Hi!

While I kinda agree with you Lesinar I totally don't like the way you are talking to others but still - first minutes on new forum .... so nvm, maybe that is the "style" here, maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Adding a multiplayer in any game is more like making whole game from the start. I think this is kinda MUST DLC someday if they succeed with first release, but dividing their team now for single and multi, or adding quick (not polished) multi after finishing singleplayer isn't the best choice. But while they said we would be able to print our characters form the game on paper to play with our friends I would be surprised if they aren't planing multi in the future.
CDPR has never done multiplayer in a way that makes it reasonable to implement into an RPG, much less otherwise. I would first like to figure out what kind of RPG they're going to make this. Obviously it's open world, but is it going to be top-down, Third Person, First Person, etc.? What I most certainly do NOT want is another fable co-op that was horribly implemented for split screen and ends up with everyone mashing the corners of the screen and hardly being able to see yourself. With an open world RPG (unless it's rendered on external servers) You can't have two players in separate parts of the world, that's sacrificing a large amount of the computing power of the system. If there's very large cells, then it's probably going to end badly. If the cells are small, and mostly interior, then it would probably work as long as the players are confined to one cell.

ANYWAY, the list of exceptions and variables goes on. So first worry about how the game plays, then worry about multiplayer. Think about what's best for the gameplay of yourself, then figure out if it would work with multiple people.
It is ironic that an MP-only game, CP2020, is now the focus of a single-player effort. Arguably, however, multiplayer was the weak point of Pen and Paper. Tons of fun, absolutely, but also difficult to organize and run. Those of you who stopped playing PnP probably stopped because Real Life (TM) interfered to the point where it was no longer feasible.

In short, we play Single Player RPGs now because we cannot play PnP. And a good SP experience is a special thing, nearly equal to a good PnP campaign, I'd say. Maybe surpassing it at times.

So as much as I have no problem with MP in 2077, I can't see it being very much more than a side issue. And as much as I enjoyed Vampire Redemption MP, Bloodlines SP was superior.
So as much as I have no problem with MP in 2077, I can't see it being very much more than a side issue. And as much as I enjoyed Vampire Redemption MP, Bloodlines SP was superior.

Bloodlines' SP was indeed amazing. That is still one of my best RPG experiences.

I have yet to encounter a MP mode that enhances my gaming experience. They're cool little distractions at best. Co-op campaigns are cool, but I don't see a full fledged RPG working well with that. Besides, I want to immerse myself in the world fully; I don't want to be reminded of my RL connections.
I replay Bloodlines every year or so. I'd so enjoy the Combat Sense ability in CPunk to be like Celerity, with Resources like Dominate and Charismatic Leadership akin to Seduction. You know, different responses depending on SA.As well as responses based on skills like Persuasion/Fast Talk and Wardrobe/Style.

Multiplayer roleplaying is GREAT fun. One of the few times you can really immerse yourself wholly into your character. If you've never tried it, do so. A good game is open-ended like few you've ever seen.When you find yourself doing something - passionately committed to doing something - you'd never choose to do in real life, you'll know you're as immersed in your character as you can get.
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